Chapter 19

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"What are you doing?" Adnan asked as he stopped at the traffic light.

My head has been stuck on my phone for the past 6 minutes.

"Trying to figure out how on earth bowling works so I don't go embarrass myself."

He let out a laugh.

"Trust me, none of us know how to do that...well except Kubra, iyayin yarinyan nan yayi yawa" he said shaking his head.

I let out a laugh "she's your sister?"

He nodded "yes, she's very annoying"

" how old is she?" I asked

He blinked trying to remember and I chuckled.

"17? Oho" he said as he shrugged.

"Should I expect a lot of siblings?" I asked.

He nodded before I even finished the sentence "yes, 9 of them, all younger than me."

I gasped "you have 9 siblings?"

He nodded and he started the car "yup!"

"You're so lucky, i have none" I said with a pout.

He looked back to me "I can give you half of them"

I laughed.

"I'm so serious, sadaqatul jariya, duniya da lahira, na baki."

My laugh got louder.

"I could give you all if it was up to me, but I don't think mama will agree for all her kids to leave, but I can guarantee you she'll accept you taking half, sun bi sun ishe kowa" he said hissing as he looked back at the street.

"Lallai kun gaji, but they can't be that bad" I said.

He turned to gape at me "daddin abun zaki gani da kanki, Allah ya kaimu wajen Lafiya"

I chuckled as I told him to take the right turn to my house. 

He took the turn and there was the house at the right.

Mallam Yakubu, the gateman was outside so he opened the gate and we entered into the house.

Immediately Adnan parked the car I opened the door of the car and I rushed into the house.

I fast-walked to my room wondering what on earth I'm going to wear.

I opened my closet and the baby pink floral wrap dress I wanted to wear last night for dinner with my parents was laying there so I picked it up.

We cancelled the outing because mama wasn't feeling good, it was to celebrate baba's birthday.

I closed the doors of the closet and I quickly stripped out of my work clothes before slipping on the dress and hastily tying the strings into a messy bow.

I picked up a random white veil and I placed  it on my head before quickly spraying perfume on the clothes before rushing out of the room.

I went rushing back into the room when I realized I didn't have a handbag.

I picked it up and I picked the things I needed from my office tote bag before hastily pushing them into the handbag.

I rushed out of the room cursing myself when I looked at the time on my phone and I realized I took 8 minutes.

I walked out of the house and the car was where I left it.

I sat down softly panting as I closed the door.

He chuckled "you didn't have to rush"

"I didn't want to keep you waiting" I said opening the mirror above me and trying to fix my smudged kwalli

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