Chapter 23

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It's been 7 days since the house fire and my parents were still in a coma.

I was trying to be as hopeful as possible but the more  the days went by the more I continue to lose my sanity. What if they never wake up?

I was grateful for the presence of My Aunty Kamila, it's been 6 days since her arrival and her being there has managed to calm down some parts of me, more of my parents relatives from Kaduna and Sokoto trooped in to offer their condolences, most of them left the day they came or the following day.

I was told my room in our house wasn't severely affected and only the walls were damaged but I didn't have it in me to go to that house to see for myself so Hameeda and Rumaisa retrieved some of my clothes and things for me from the house. Both I and Aunty Kamila had our things in Hameeda's old room at Aunty's house but just like me she spent every single night in the hospital.

I knew she wasn't going to leave even if I tried so I didn't bother, her and my mother were like 5&6, if you didn't know any better you would think they were twins, not because of their looks but also because of how similarly they act and how attached they are.

"Keh Rabi, chi abinchi, starving yourself isn't going to make them wake up." She said, shoving the plate of food at me, it was the one Hameeda has brought earlier.

(Eat food)

But I had no appetite, I was having so much anxiety because I was finally going to see them, the hospital was very strict with their rules so it had to take a lot of persuasion from literally everyone before the doctor agreed to let only me go see them through the glass window of the ICU, I couldn't go in, but at least I'll be able to see them.

I was scared.

"Hameeda ki yi mata magana." Aunty Kamila said.

(Speak to her)

"Dan Allah ki chi Rabi'ah, cmon, it's your favorite."

(Please eat Rabi'ah)

"Exactly! Haba dan Allah, har ta rameh Wallahi, ai in Maman ki ta tashi ta gan ki haka she will become unconscious again, zata che er ta ta dawo skeleton." She said.

(She has lost weight I swear, if your mother wakes up and she sees you like this)

Again just like my mother, her sister was known for cracking up jokes in tense situations to ease up the mood.

I couldn't help but chuckle, she might be right, before this Mama was already complaining I was losing weight, if she did see me now her dramatic self would definitely show up.

In my defense Aunty Kamila is overreacting, I did not lose that much weight, I mean how much could you possibly lose in a week? I did lose weight yes, but not as drastic as she made it seem.

I pick up the spoon filled with jollof rice and I shove it in my mouth. It was my favorite, and Hameeda made it just how i like it, I turned and I gave her a smile of appreciation.

She rolled her eyes at me, rocking a sleeping Aliya in her arms.

Hameeda has been with us everyday from morning till night to the point that every single staff in this hospital knew Aliya's name, but you couldn't blame them, little Aliya was way too adorable and she easily entered everyone's heart.

A Salam made me look up from my plate of food, it was Ya Abdul walking from the direction of the elevator, I smile.

"Wa alaikumsalam, Mallam Abdul, da ma yanzu
zan yi jaje in che you're 30 minutes late today." Aunty Kamila said with a smile.

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