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With Orm as king, many things would have been different, and many things might never have happened. He was a king. For better or for worse. He had dedicated his life to Atlantis, as his father had done before him.

Every living being has flaws, and Orm was no exception. His ambition and will to find a solution for his people led him down a path that was, in some ways, unacceptable.

For war was never the solution to problems. And it never would be. And it never can be. What does it look like? Both parties, both sides, see themselves as being in the right, while blaming the other side for everything that was and is wrong.

That includes murder. Can one murder be more serious than another? No, but many will see it differently because Orm had stabbed King Ricou, the ruler of the fishermen, with his trident.

"To rule, to be a ruler, has its duties. None of us are in a position to say what it means to be a king and what it really entails," Norvina said, looking at the committee she was addressing, "except those who are, and yet every king, every queen, and every kingdom faces different tasks. We cannot generalize, and we certainly cannot forget what the last few decades have been like. Until then, Orm...."

That was as far as Norvina got. And she knew why. The matter had been settled long ago. The trial was only there because there had to be an official hearing. Without a trial, there would be no official sentence.

It wasn't about Orm escaping his punishment. There are reasons for everything we do in life, and they had to be taken into account. The same goes for the past, which influences future decisions.

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