Ch. 4: And Then There Was Dean

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Pov: Morgan July 1, 1994, San Diego
"What's going on San Diegooooo?!" I yell to the crowd of my almost sold out show. I kinda missed this but then again I don't love having to deal with my head pounding hours after the show. I have 14 songs on my set list, 12 if you don't count the encore. I came on stage singing "Beating Hart" so now it's time to sing almost the entirety of my newest album "One Four the Fans" (I released it on my 14th birthday... get it... one [1] four [4]... I thought it was clever at the time). As I'm preforming my more bubblegum pop song "Summer's A Waiting", I look off to the side of the venue and see familiar faces.

You've got to be kidding me

Fulton Reed, Julie Gaffney, Gordon Bombay, and Dean Portman

Why? Like of every single person in the world it had to be Dean. Why was he here? Why were any of them here for that matter? They were supposed to be asleep. It's late. Why? Why? Why?

I get caught so off guard I actually miss my entrance for the chorus. Fortunately I laugh it off and look at Coach really confused. He's just standing there vibing to my music. Julie is singing along, Fulton is goo goo eying Julie. And then there was Dean. He's just kinda... staring. Like he seems so focused but so uninterested at the same time I can't describe it other than odd.

I ignore them and get through the rest of my set pretty smoothly. I will admit every time I hit an impressive note or something I looked over to see if he was impressed. He was not. Or at least didn't look it.

That really got to me so at the end of the encore I did something random and hit the splits. It's fine I've been able to do my left split since I was 6 but what I didn't account for was my dress sliding up a bit. I'm not giving you all the details but let's just say I'm really glad I decided against the hot pink underwear with the puppies on it I've had since I was 10. No, but the entire floor of the venue saw me and my burgundy panties which was... interesting. I'm sure I'll get a smack on the head for that later but fortunately it wasn't too obvious because it matched my dress enough where anyone in the stands couldn't tell the difference. I got up and again laughed it off and said goodbye to San Diego.

I was right. My mother stormed into my green room and smacked me upside the head and scolded that she "didn't appreciate my little stunt. What was the lord to think of my exposure?" I think he has bigger fish to fry with you know... world hunger and all.

But like all Christian mothers, she quickly became the sweet church lady when coach, my dad, and my teammates who showed up walked in to congratulate me. The interaction went about as good as expected. Fulton didn't say much except for a "nice show", Julie was fan girling and asked for a picture, Coach asked me how I could be such a good artist and athlete which was obviously just to kiss ass to my dad who was paying for all his things. And then there was Dean.

He just kinda nodded and said "I stand by my word. Average"
"Oh I'm sorry can you do the splits after singing for 2 hours? Or better yet can you do the splits at all?"
"No but can you reach the top shelf? Exactly"
"Why'd you come anyways because you clearly thought this was a waste of time?"
"Fulton dragged me because Julie dragged him. Believe me this is not how I'd spend my Saturday night"
"Well I'm sorry watching a sold out concert from one of the top artists in the world is such a bore to you-"
"Alright you two get a room" Fulton yells. Me and Dean look at each other and make the same face you'd make when you're forced to drink hotdog water seasoned with dead skin and rat poison.
"Gross man she's far too ugly for me"

Ugly? I'm ugly??? "Please! I'm way out of your league and even if I am ugly-"
"Which you are" I hate Dean I swear to God
"Even if I am, I made more money from this show than you'll probably make in a lifetime!"
"Alright that's enough!" My dad swoops in the save the day "Thank you guys for stopping by, Gordon may I talk to you outside? Kids? Why don't we leave Maple alone she's had a long day and needs to rest up for the Iceland game" Righttt hockey.

Love in the Shadows ~ Dean Portman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now