Ch. 33: I Want You Playing on that Ice

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Pov: Dean Portman, September 3rd, 1995, Chicago, Illinois

Sam has started leaving home for days, almost weeks, at a time. Mom is working herself to death as usual and Dad is the same old drunk. I'm supporting 2 young kids all on my own. Fortunately, Jacklin is old enough to walk to the bus stop on her own so her and Casey I don't have to worry about transportation much, but I make their lunches and make sure they have everything they need for school. When they get home, I'm the one either making them something or taking them to work with me.

When they come to work with me, one of the MacAddams' watch them, give them food, and sometimes toys or crap to entertain them. I feel like a single mom. And for the first time in a month I actually saw my mom at home. She was sitting on the couch with her hands in her face, crying. I put my arm around her and she cried harder into my chest. I rubbed her back and unconsciously started humming the song she used to sing to me. She looked up at me, remembering the times she was in my position and I was in hers. How much time has slipped by since then.

"I'm sorry honey"
"Don't be. I love you mom"

She cried in my arms all night until she eventually fell asleep. I slowly lifted myself up and lay her down comfortably on the couch with a small blanket from my room.

When Sam or Dad are around the house is thrown into chaos because they take stuff and don't tell anyone, they are mean or violent, and Sam one time tried to bring some of his guys inside so I had to lie and say Jacklin had the stomach flu to get them to leave. We got into a fight that night that ended in Sam leaving. I slept peacefully knowing he was out of the house.

I was at work today and I had the girls with me when I briefly saw this suited gentleman waiting just inside the door.
"Can I help you Sir?"
"Since when did you ever call me sir Portman" It was Coach. I gave him a quick hug before going back to what I was doing.
"Sorry I'm a mess. Jackie, Casey, this is my old hockey coach, Coach Bombay" They said hi and went back to their homework
"You're a father?"
"A brother but practically yea"
"How's the job going?"
"Great. Doug and Darla are super sweet and now I got dental, health, and retirement so I'm pretty golden"
"You sound like an adult"
"Hard to be a kid with kids Bombay"
"I do it"
"Somehow... So what's up"
"I came to ask why you're not at Eden Hall"
"Prep school isn't my thing. You know that"
"I do. But what about your friends"
"What about them"
"Dean. The Ducks need you. You're the strength of the team. You're a Bash Brother"
"Was. I don't do hockey anymore"
"I can't"
"Dean. Listen, I know what it's like"
"You do?"
"Sure. I got my knee busted in the minors. I thought I'd never be in the hockey world ever again. But look at me now, my knee is ok, I can still play better than most at my age, and I work for the biggest Junior hockey division in the world. Injury is scary but it's not permanent"
"Coach... it's not about my injury"
"Then what is it"

Just then, the answer came up to me wanting a snack. I didn't hesitate to get up and make my sisters something to eat. I got them each a sandwich from our panini press and a lemonade.

"I can't leave them Coach. Even if this were in Chicago I couldn't play. When I'm not at school, I'm here or at work and both cases they're with me. If I'm not here then they're alone or god forbid if they're not. I need to protect and provide for them and I can't do that from 3 states away"
"What about your brother"
"Gang member"
"You're kidding"
"Wish I was Coach"

"Hi Sir is there anything I can help you with?" Doug came out from his office
"No sorry I was just talking to Dean. I'm his hockey coach"
"You must be the famous Coach Bombay I've heard about" They shook hands "I couldn't help but overhear though, Dean, me and Darla are more than happy to take Casey and Jacklin"
"No that won't be necessary. I'm not leaving" I dropped a towel on the counter and proceeded to clean it
"I'm serious. We love these girls and we got a bunch of free time. Plus if what I heard is true, about this Eden Hall, you should go. Get out of this town and make something of yourself"

I was about to argue but both of them looked at me. They were both mentors to me and if I said no, I'd be letting both of them down
"Dean. Whatever it is, I'll make it work. I want you playing on that ice by tomorrow. Everyone does" Bombay put a hand on my shoulder.

"Alright then. I guess I'm going to Minnesota" I give in and they both look so happy.
"Perfect and anything you need we can ship over by morning" Bombay adds. I give him a proper hug this time
"Thanks Coach"
"Of course kid"
Pov: Morgan Tibbles, September 3rd, 1995, Asheville, North Carolina

"Who's there?" I got up from my reading position on the couch
"It's Coach Bombay" I go to the door confused as to why he's here
"Hey Bombay"
"Hey kid, long time no see"
"Yeah, last time I saw you I'd gotten knocked out by Iceland. Over a year ago"
"Right. Sorry about the lack of communication. It's been hectic"
"I bet" Yeah right. You work for a seasonal hockey team how "hectic" can it be? "So why are you here?"
"May I come in?"
"Uh sure. My dad isn't home though"
"Not here for him. I'm here for you"
"I'm not playing hockey again"
"Why not Morgan"
"Because I almost died last time. Plus it's not like you needed me. You replaced me in less than 3 days with some rando off the streets of LA"
"We had to. If we didn't fill that spot we'd forfeit the tournament"
"Gotcha. Glad we cleared that up- are we done here?" I don't give a crap. He could've at least pretended I was a useful team member
"Morgan. You may not have been the most skilled player but you brought joy to the team. I never saw someone make so many people smile as you did. They need that positivity. The Ducks need you"
"I don't go to Eden Hall. Unlike the rest of the Ducks, I didn't get a scholarship"
"Unfortunately because you weren't on the final roster, they didn't get you one. But I can if you want me-"
"I'm good. Thanks though"
"Look I appreciate this and tell them I'm rooting for them but I don't play hockey. I didn't before and I don't now"
"Fine. Don't play. But at least be there for the team. You owe them that"
"I don't owe them jack. Barely any of them came to visit me"
"That wasn't by choice... When I was still Captain Blood, I stopped them from visiting you so they could focus. Half of them begged me to go see you. By the time I had mellowed back out again, you'd already gone back to North Carolina"

That makes me feel a lot better about that team. I'm glad they care. Maybe I should go

"What will sitting in the audience do for them?"
"I thought you could surprise them in the locker room"
I thought about it, then thought about him
"I'm good"
"Sing at halftime?"
"Perfect. We fly out in an hour so we better get moving"

Back to Minnesota I go. Praying I won't have to see him.

WC: 1354

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