Ch. 25: What'd She Say?!

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Pov: Dean Portman, January 18th, 1995, Chicago Illinois

We finally got the power working again after a couple of days in the storm but the phone lines were down for weeks. The McAdams' were kind enough to take the girls in until we got power back. I tried calling everyday to see if the phone lines were up. Today I tried and the phone didn't give that disconnected sound so I dialed Morgan as fast as I could. It rang and rang I thought she was never gonna pick up
"Hello?" She's ok!!! Thank god
"Hey sorry it's been dark here so I wasn't able to call"
"God you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear your voice"
"I know. I'm sorry I shouldn't have let you stay. You didn't need to see all that and now you-"
"It's ok you didn't know"
"See but that's the thing. I did know. He always does this when we have people over but it's never been this bad before"
"...Speaking of that, does you dad hit you... often?" I can't tell her that
"I didn't call you to talk about my dad"

It was silent for a bit before I found another topic to talk about

"I uh heard your new song is gonna come out soon"
"Yea I'm really excited about it. I think you'll love it"
"Well I like all of your music so probably"
"Ok well this one is about you so I think you definitely love it"
"Really? When did you write a song about me?"
"After my concussion went away. I missed you and the team so much so I just wrote music. That's when I wrote 'Goodbye Goodwill'"
"Oh I like that one. It has me in it"
"So does this one idiot"We laugh and life is good again (famous last words)
"Well what's it about? My beautifully muscular arms" I flex to myself and Sam give me the weirdest look.
It's quiet on the other end until she says "Alright I gotta go. I love you, bye"
"Bye" And she hangs up.




"I love you, bye"
"I love you"



I immediately call Fulton because she told me she loved me and
"I said bye!!"
"Huh? Dude what are you talking about?"
I sigh knowing that if he could, Fulton would punch me through the phone for this "Morgan and I were just on the phone and she said 'I love you, bye' and I said 'bye'"
Fulton is actually speechless and I would be too if some idiot said bye in response to I love you except I wasn't speechless and I'm the idiot

"You said-"
"Bye? Yea I did and I wanna kill myself"
"Well do you?"
"Do I what?"
"Have any cheese dip- LOVE HER YOU DIPSHIT?!"
"Oh you really sound like it too"
"Yes YES ok yea I love her dude"
"You're fucked. Rest in peace. You had a good run"
"Fulton I'm serious"
"And I'm serious. That's a felony to girls. She's probably calling Julie or Connie right now"
"You're damn right, shit. Call her back and tell her you love her"
"Ok I will"
"Actually don't"
"Why?! You just to-"
"Yea but then it'll seem like you're only saying it because she did"
"But I'm not"
"Yea but that's what it'll look like and that's like murder to chicks"
"So what do I do??"

"Hello? Fulton???" What the fuck?! He just hung up with me. Piece of shit
Pov: Fulton Reed, January 18th, 1995, Minneapolis, Minnesota

I book it to Connie's because she probably knows all of the situation already or at least will know what to do. I bang on her door in the freezing cold
"Dean and Morgan?" She says as she opens the door
"Yup" I walk in, still panting from the run over here
"Can you believe it"
"No. Why'd she say that?!"
"It slipped out"
"No. Feet slip out of blankets, things slip out of hands, but 'I love you' doesn't just 'slip out'!!"
"Well it did and Dean said-"
"Bye. I know. I just talked to him"
"He wanted to"
"So why didn't he?!"
"Because he's stupid and got nervous"
"This is not the time to be nervous Fulton!" Connie yells, frustrated
"Hey don't yell at me I didn't say it!"
"Well she did and he didn't so what are we gonna do?!"
"Nothing. They'll figure it out and it'll be back to normal in no time"
"Maybe. But what if it isn't?"
"It will. They're practically drawn to each other. There's no way they don't talk this out in like a week"
"A week?!"
"Well he can't call her now!"
"True but still a week is a long time to be panicking about it"
"She'll live"
"I hope so. She was pretty distraught over the phone"
"She says it's way too soon"
"Because it is"
"But they've known each other for months"
"So? She hated him for half of it"
"Not really. She was crushing on him after the double date"
"It wasn't a double date"
"Oh really? But you and Julie were googlie eyed and so were they apparently"
"We were not googlie eyed"
"That's not what Julie told me"
"What'd she tell you? Has she called?"
"You're such a hypocrite"
"Thanks. I should probably head back. It's getting worse out there"
"Just stay in the guest room tonight. I can't let you go out there in the snow" (alexa play Baby It's Cold Outside)
"You're sure you don't mind?"
"Not at all. My mom loves you"
"Well thanks Connie"
"Anytime" I go to head to the guest room when Connie's phone starts buzzing.
"It's Julie. You wanna talk to her?"
"I don't know-"
"Hey Julie!... Yup I heard. I'm here with Fulton right now who has Dean's side to it all" She puts Julie on speaker
"Oh hey Fulton"

We talk for hours. Then Connie falls asleep and me and Julie talk till dawn.

"Hey Fulton?" Julie asks me, half asleep
"I miss you"
"I miss you too"
"I wanna be with you"
"Me too. But you love so far-"
"No, I wanna be with you"
"I wanna be with you Julie"
"Goodnight Fult"
"Goodnight Jules"

W/C: 1080

Love in the Shadows ~ Dean Portman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now