Ch. 8: Yours, MT ♥︎

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Pov: Morgan Tibbles, July 6th, 1994, Beverley Hills CA
The doctors released me from the hospital this morning and my dad is frantic. With my injury, I can't do the LA shows which sucks because we had to refund every dime back. We lost $150,000 on ticket refunds alone. Not only can I not do the shows, I can't play. From what I've heard from Connie the team really needs me right now. Everyone is fighting and Coach Bombay, now known as Captain Blood, has been driving everyone mad.

Especially my dad. My father is a lot of things and angry isn't one of them. I've never seen my dad so mad before, especially at a client. Connie told me what he said which doesn't bother me too much. He's kinda right, as messed up as it is, everyone is expendable. There are hundreds of talented hockey players who would kill for a slot in the Junior Olympics.

My head has been kinda fuzzy with all the meds and migraines. Regardless, I get on a plane tomorrow back to Asheville which is nice. My parents have held off on trying to sell my childhood home so that's a plus. I miss my friends in Asheville, more than life itself, but I can't lie and say I won't miss the ducks. It's crazy how the day after I'm finally cool with everyone I have to leave. According to Connie they already replaced me with this street puck player named Russ Tyler.

Expendable indeed.

Not only has Coach replaced me, but my team has too. None of them have visited since the accident except for Connie, Julie, and Fulton. I would never admit this out loud but I'm a little sad that Portman hasn't visited again. If he did I'd ask him what our conversation was about that night. Sure I remember talking to him, but I don't remember what about.

With nothing to do but sit and wait to get on a plane, I decided to write Em

Dear Em,
         Hey I have news. I'm coming back home! I got into a little kerfuffle during a hockey game and I got a concussion. I'm ok but they won't let me do anything but rest so my parents are flying me back to Asheville.
         Update on the ducks by the way: Dean is kinda sweet. Still annoying but I think he's growing on me. There's this guy named Dwayne who's super sweet. You'd love him, and his cooking. My can he make a mean brisket. I had to quit the ducks and they added this new guy in my place. Apparently he's this LA guy who retaught them the "true meaning of hockey" what ever that means
        I didn't hear back from you from my last letter so I got worried but you're probably just busy. How are the girls? Last I heard you guys went to regionals which is awesome! It's probably more fun than some junior olympics crap. I miss you but we won't be apart for very long. Only a day till I'm back home.
       Maybe when I get there you can rally the girls and we can skate like we used to. God I miss that. Well, anyways I miss you Em and I love you!

- Slingshot ♥︎

I sealed and had Marcus go to drop it in the mailbox. With still, nothing to do, I decided to write letters for the team. Sure they replaced me but I still wanna say a proper goodbye.

Dear Connie and Julie,
       Before I left for NC I wanted to let you know how grateful that I met you both. That night at Connie's before we left for LA was definitely the most fun I've had in a while. You two have been my rock through this whole experience. You guys were some of the only people from the team who still visit me and I can't tell you how happy it made me to get a break from the miserable hospital once in a while. My only regret is not spending more time with you two.
     Julie, you were the first person I met on Team USA that gave me the hope that I could have fun here. And how right I was. You helped get me out of my comfort zone and somehow our "double date" got me to not totally hate Portman. That is truly a miracle and I can't thank you enough. Good luck with Fulton by the way *wink wink*
     Connie, you are by far the sweetest person I've ever met and words cannot describe how much I want to be just like you. You were the one showing me how to turn roller derby into hockey  without treating me like a loser. Without you, I would've had a lot worse damage from those Iceland guys. Can't thank you enough for that. And for giving me a great role model for true love. I can tell by the way you two stare at each other that you'll go the distance.
      I love you both so much and I hope we can hang out again someday. If you ever want to come to my shows just give me a call. I'll be listening to your game from NC. I'm rooting for you!

- MT ♥︎

Dean Portman,
       When I first met you, I thought you were gross and annoying. And you are. But you are also the strongest and most thoughtful guy I've ever met. I saw what you did for me after I got a concussion. No one has ever stuck up for me like that. I honestly didn't think you cared enough to risk your own health to avenge me. Thank you Popsicle.
       I know we had a really long talk the night of the accident but I'm going to be honest, I don't remember much of it. What I do remember is your handsome smile. It lit up the room and it's a shame you don't smile like that more often. That smile, you in general make me feel safe. Like I don't have to pretend around you. I don't know why but I get the sense that your "tough boy act" is just a rouse, much like Maple Hart.
      If I'm being truthful, I'm a little hurt that you didn't come to visit me after that first night. I kinda miss you. Plus I never got to hear one of your songs. Hopefully I get to hear them on the radio one day. I haven't heard you play but I can just tell you have big things ahead of you. I know it. You are the reason I've had the confidence to continue writing the song I want to preform. I think you'll like my new one. I won't spoil anything but watch out this winter on the radio. We'll always have that strawberry milkshake.
      If the tour continues, which it most likely will, I should be in Chicago for New Years. If you wanna hang out just let me know. I'll miss you Dean.

I can't tell you why. But a part of me wanted to sign off with I love you - MT ♥︎
But alas the great poet does not dare speak the words to utter the truth of her heart. So instead I signed off

- Yours, MT ♥︎

I liked the sound of that "Yours"
I like the thought of that "Yours"
I like the thought of him "Mine"

WC: 1247

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