Ch. 17: I Just Got a Call From the Hospital

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Pov: Morgan Tibbles, November 24th, 1994, Austin, Texas
"Are we good? Can I leave?" It's Thanksgiving and I'm doing sound check for my final show in Texas. If it were up to me we would've ended in Dallas because technically we're heading backwards but- actually if it were up to me I wouldn't be doing sound check in another state instead of being home for Thanksgiving.
"Yea Maple you're good to go" Holden, my sound engineer, finally lets me leave.
"Awesome thanks Holden. Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving kid"

I head out the door with my mom and security to drive back to the hotel. We're driving through backwater Austin to avoid cameras and fans and what not when I see a familiar face outside. "No way"
I stick my head out the now open window and yell "Cowboy? Is that you?"
"Huh? Morgan! Well I'll be- how've you been?" It was none other than Dwayne Robertson himself.
"Stop the car, we're friends" I tell my driver. I get out of the car and we exchange pleasantries and such.
"So what are you doing in Texas? If I'da known you were coming I would've had mama make more stuffing"
"I'm doing two shows downtown"
"So you're the concert all the girls have been chirping about?"
"I guess so. Gosh it's been forever"
"It really has. Would yall like to come in for dinner? We usually eat a bit later cause Pa has to get off work and rest for a bit but I'm sure you'll enjoy the snacks in the meantime"
"I'd love to! Let me ask my mom real quick"

I go back up to the car where my mother looks annoyed per usual. "Uh my friend from Team USA is inviting us to dinner. Can we stay?"
"Honey, your father is waiting for us at the hotel"
"Well he can meet us here. Their food is probably better than the takeout we were gonna order anyways"
"I don't wanna impose on their Thanksgiving-"
Dwayne then shouts from his front lawn "Oh you won't be imposing at all. If anything you'll save Ma the time of packing all the leftovers into tupperware!"
"Please? I haven't seen him in months"
"Fine but we will not be staying for dessert. You don't need anymore sugar anyways"

Oh lovely mother thank you! I'm so grateful for all the lovely and supportive comments you make about me and my body!!

The driver goes to pick up my dad as me, my mom, and my security team head inside.
"What's with the men in black get up? It's Thanksgiving!"
"Dwayne this is my security team. They always look like that"
"Ah well no threats here, unless you count Aunt Greta's deadly pecan pie!"
I laugh and meet his family while my mom puts on her church face and my security slowly relaxes and nibbles at the pre-dinner snack assortment.

Me and Dwayne have a blast reliving the glory days, talking about all the drama that's been circulating the news about me and Adam, and playing corn hole. Dinner is amazing. No surprise because no one does Thanksgiving better than the South. Everything is so delicious but I try not to eat too much. Dwayne even teaches me how to hog tie after dinner! I get the knot tying bit but the hog wrangling I can't seem to master. By the time dessert comes out my mother is too inthralled in a conversation with Dwayne's Aunts that she doesn't even consider leaving. He was right too, the pecan pie was to die for. We're all talking and laughing the night away when I get a phone call. I excuse myself and answer more chipper than usual because Lord, Dwayne's happiness is infectious.

"Yes this is she? Who's calling?"
"It's Fulton-"
"Hey Fult! What's going on?"
"I just got a call from the hospital"
"What hospital"
"Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago"
"Chicago?" Then it clicked "Oh my gosh what happened?!"
"I- god I wish I wasn't the one to tell you this"
At this point I started to tear up "Fulton what happened to Dean"
"He got hit by a car. He's alive last I heard but he's pretty busted"
"Oh god" I start breathing heavily and shaking. My legs give out right as Dwayne walked into the room. I'm just listening to Fulton relay the information Dean's brother had told him while sobbing in Dwayne's lap.

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