Ch. 27: That guy=Ducks. . . Ducks=Bad

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Pov: Morgan Tibbles, June 12th, 1995, Asheville, North Carolina

It's just a normal Saturday for me. I have gotten back to speaking terms with my old roller derby team and explained the whole situation. I was basking in the success of my tour. Me and Adam have totally worked out a system for the fake dating thing. And I was writing (horrible) music when I get a call from Connie.

"Hey Connie what's up?"
"Are you going?"
"Going where?"
"Eden Hall?!"
"The letter we got. Eden Hall Academy offered the ducks a hockey scholarship"
"Really? Let me check the mail"

I take my phone and run outside to the mailbox and riffle through the bills and papers and "no letter"
"What? Maybe yours got delayed or something"
"Maybe" Did I wanna go to a prep school for hockey?
"Where is Eden Hall?"
"Minneapolis. It's the best hockey school around. Coach Bombay is an alumni there too!"
"Sounds great. Are you going?"
"Duh. Free scholarship for the best school for hockey? Plus I get to play with all the Ducks"

All the Ducks. That guy=Ducks, That guy=Awkward, Awkward=Bad, Ducks=Bad

"I don't know if I wanna go. I mean I was never too good at hockey to begin with plus he'll be there. And that'll be really-"
"Bad, yea got that. You have to talk to him eventually"
"But it's been months and plus he hasn't tried to call me so he obviously doesn't want to talk" (hehe miscommunication is the best to write and the worst to read. so what happened was)
"I'm sorry girl. That sucks"
"It's fine. I knew this couldn't last forever. I mean he lives across the country and I'm famous so it was truly impossible but it was nice while it lasted. Plus I've been focusing a lot on my music and stuff so I wouldn't even have time for him"
"Totally. What music have you written"

Uhhhhh. So fun fact of the day: I haven't written shit. Like not even bad music. Not even a lyric. Or a note. Nothing.

Every time I wanna write it's always about him and I already have a song out there about him that was released 2 months after we stopped talking so if I write another he'll think I'm insane. Plus I'm over him and if I write about him then I won't have any emotion behind it (sureeeee totally over him. yea I definitely write music about people i'm over. normalist thing in the world)

"I can't show you. Contracts, NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) and all that crap" Nice save Morgan
"Gotcha. But if you were to show me, would there be something in there about a certain someone?"
"Nope. Not a mention"
"Gotcha. Well I gotta return to reality now. Call me if you change your mind about Eden Hall. Bye!"

I'm not lying. There is nothing about him. There's nothing at all. The most recent song I have out is about him so when people think of me they think of that song. Fortunately they don't know about him and they never will. They know about Adam which is nice. Adam is nice. I have to release new music to bury that song. Only issue is I can't write music which is all I'm good for

The tldr; I'm totally screwed but it's fine. I'll write something not about him eventually. Right?

WC: 574

A/n: So thanks for the 1.43k reads. Didn't clock that but i'm honored. Also this book is 2.5 hours to read?! sounds miserable. Thanks for reading and this will go all through out D3 so we have a long way to go. maybe another 5-10 chapters? idk.

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