Ch. 5: Then Something Weird Happened

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Pov: Morgan July 2nd, 1994, Beverley Hills
"Blue or green?" I talk to myself in the mirror of my hotel room. On the one hand, the blue is a better color on me but on the other hand, the green is a bit of a lighter material and it's like 85° outside, even at 6 pm.

Both are a bit skimpy but I really wanna look better than everyone, especially Portman. I went for the blue because then I won't have to bring a jacket. I put on a nice pair of light blue jeans and my new white shoes.

"Too much blue" I throw off the shirt as I hear a knock on my door. I quickly throw it back on and check the peephole. It's my dad.
"Sweetie I just wanna talk you got very angry last night"
"Because you're selling my house"
"Can you just let me in so we can talk?"

I take off my blue top and put on a black tank top instead. I grab my bag and my pager and open the door.
"Excuse me" I push past my dad
"And where do you think you're going?"
"Team bonding. Bye"
He asks me more questions but I just ignore him until I get to the elevator.
"What has gotten into you?"
"A taste of the real world. And it's better than my world so-" the elevator door opens "see ya"

He doesn't bother getting in but looks at me with the disappointed dad stare we all know and love

I get to the lobby and see my driver. I have him escort me to the car with paparazzi swarming like wasps. "To the dorms please"

After a short 2 minute drive I get out to see Julie waiting for me. We make our pleasantries and go to do our final touches in her room. She shares a dorm with Connie so when I walked in it was the radio playing my music funny enough, Connie pleading with Guy to let her paint his nails, Ken was laying on Julie's bed fiddling with some stuffed animal, and a whole lotta mess on the bathroom counter.

I do my makeup as Julie asks the room what to wear. I style her hair and she offers me a lollipop.
A few moments later, we hear a knock on the door. I go to answer it and it's Portman leaning on the door frame with a toothpick in his mouth, no sleeves in sight, and a look about him that just screams "heartbreaker". Gross.

"Well hello to you too Dean. Julie! Let's get this over with"
Julie and Fulton hug hello as I push past Portman to walk down the hall.
"Dude stop starring and make some conversation please" Fulton not so quietly whispers to Dean. I hear Fulton hit him and Fulton comes up to me with Julie by his side and Portman trailing behind the two.
"So how's your day going" Fulton makes small talk. Bless his heart
"Pretty good except for my parents trying to sell my childhood home"
"Wow that's rough dude I'm sorry"
"Not your fault. Let's just enjoy the wonderful Los Angeles weather and have fun!"

We get to this strip mall and we start wondering around. Portmans just kinda lingering as me, Julie, and Fulton are making great conversation. We end up at a diner where I get a few recognitions. I'm sat next to Julie on the inside of the booth. Across from Portman and diagonal to Fulton. Sounds great right? Wrong.

Julie and Fulton are playing footsies under the table which leaves me with ole Buzzkill ™️ over here.
"Julie. That's my leg not Fultons. Keep it in your pants please. I'm starving and don't wanna loose my appetite" Portman yells at Julie.

The four of us make small talk about the menu when a subtlety plays through Portman's walkman. It's Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses
I start humming along and apparently Portman noticed
"You like Guns N' Roses? Really?"
"Yea who doesn't? Also Welcome to the Jungle is a pretty popular song"
"Yea but I always thought since you were some pop star you'd only like pop music"
"Nope. I'm more of a country fan than anything but rock is definitely my second place. If I'm totally honest, I actually hate pop music"
"No kidding me too"
"You seemed to be raving about my concert to Fulton the other day though. I believe the exact quote was 'finally getting to see your favorite album live' or was that another Dean Portman?"
"My favorite album of yours not of all time"
"Oh so you've listened to my albums enough to have a favorite? Wow I didn't know you were such a Maple Leaf Portman (Maple Leaves are the names of my fans)"
"I'm not. I just meant that-"
"It's ok to be a fan. Believe me I've met my share of fanboys"
"Hey I'm not some fanboy to an average pop princess ok?!"
"Jeez ok. Well if you were than let me know. I get free tickets to stuff. Even Guns N' Roses shows"
"Really? I've never seen them live"
"Oh they're just incredible. Next time I have tickets I'll be sure to have you tag along"
"Yea, no problem"

Love in the Shadows ~ Dean Portman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now