Ch. 19: Proud of Me?

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Pov: Morgan Tibbles, December 11th, 1994, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Hey Adam" I run up and hug my friend.
"Hey..." he turns around to see all the crew members setting up for my concert tonight "uh Babe"
"Oh you don't have to do that here they don't care"
"Thank god" He lets go and shakes out his nerves
"So let me walk you through what's going down tonight"
"Before you do that I have news"
"Oh my god tell me"
"I don't know for certain but I think he likes me back but he did tell me he can't image his life about me so that's a win"
"That is so totally a win hello? Ok but seriously I do need to warn you about the plan tonight"
"Yeah, of course"
"Ok so after my opener goes they'll set up for my set and while they're doing that, they'll play a pre recorded message that's supposed to sound like a voicemail where you'll basically say how much you miss me and can't wait to see me at my show"
"When will we record that?"
"Right after I explain the plan. Anyways, so after that then I'll come on stage and do half my set then I'll say 'I couldn't be here tonight without all the support and love I've gotten from a very special person in my life. This song's for you' then I'll play a love song and during the song I'll pull you out on stage and we will kinda slow dance ish. I haven't planned anything so honestly just kinda hold my waist and we'll sway then turn me once in a while"
"Wow that's something"
"Not done. So I need to prove to the media that we're in love so at the end of the song I will need to kiss you. Like a good one too"
"Oh uh. Wow umm..."
"Oh god. Please tell me this won't be your first kiss"
"Well technically no. Some guy fell on top of me in 4th grade and our lips accidentally touched so I'd consider that my first kiss"
"Adam, as much as I love you I actually think that's the saddest thing I've ever heard"
"As sad as Dean's accident"

"Oh god" I touched my heart suddenly remembering Dean again. He's out of the hospital but he's been trying to sneak out to go to work because he still thinks he has to pay the medical bills.
"Oh I'm sorry that was too far. Oh god"
"No, no. Umm it's fine I just. I really miss him" He hugs me from the side "Ok" I compose myself "Back to the plan. So we can't have your first real kiss in from of thousands so uh..."

I pull Adam into a kiss. Nothing fancy just a long peck of sorts. He actually seems really relaxed so I guess I'm just the best darn kisser ever. I pull away and he just thanks me like a little boy getting yelled at by his mom to thank someone. I laugh and lightly tap his face a couple times and walk away.

Pov: Adam Banks, December 11th, 1994, Minneapolis, Minnesota
The message of mine plays over the speakers and the crowd is loosing it. I can't believe they actually believe this stuff. I look around the backstage area and I see my dad talking to some bimbo, per usual. But then he looks at me and ushers me over. I get bear hugged by him (a first in years) and he tells the woman
"I just never thought my son would be dating a pop star and be an all star hockey player. Gosh I am just so damn proud of this kid" Then just shakes me around a little and lets me go.

Proud of me? My dad is actually proud of me? (cue proud of your boy from Aladdin broadway edition). I rush to find Morgan because she's the only one here I really know. Was he really proud of me or was he trying to look like a good dad to that lady? He does know it's not real dating so maybe he's faking it. But yet again he didn't have to say he was proud of me. He doesn't show it but maybe my dad really is proud of me.

"Morgan you got a second?"
"I'm about to go on what's up?"
"Uh- nevermind I'll tell you later"
"Ok. Remember when I pull you on stage just relax and let me do everything ok?"
"Yup. Break a leg"
"Thanks... How are we doing Minnesota?!"

I look at her walk out on stage and I catch a glimpse of the audience. All the Ducks from Minnesota are here. He's here. Bombay is here.

I can't kiss a woman in front of them. I can't kiss Morgan in front of them that's gross. The kiss felt like I was kissing my cousin it was weird and it made me wanna vomit.

I snap out of the daze when I get pulled out by Morgan. I put on a love-sick smile and look over at where I saw the Ducks. He's not there. Thank god.

Just as she planned it we kinda slow dance on stage as if we're in a high school prom scene and as directed I spin her around once in a while. The song ends and I'm dreading the inevitable when I don't feel anything. I open one of my eyes and see Morgan just kinda staring at me.

"Adam Banks. You have been my rock through everything from hockey to my injury to my tour. I want to live in this moment with you forever. I am so in love with you Adam"

I have genuinely never heard more screaming in my life. She kind of leans the mic towards me and I swallow the spit in my mouth and my pride and smile. I glance into the audience briefly and see him there. For Morgan, I channel my thoughts to her "I have been floating through life just trying to find a soft place to put my feet on the ground. I was getting tossed and turned until I met you. When I first met you, I didn't know it yet but you would become not only my best friend but the only person I can confidently say I've ever truly loved. You're my lifeline and I wouldn't want it any other way"

She's crying. Either I'm Shakespeare or she's a Meryl Streep level actress. Now she kisses me and it still feels weird but the pressure of thousands of eyes on me, especially those of the love of my life and my father, I pretend it's the best kiss of my life. Apparently I pretended a little too much because she lightly pushes me off her and goes back to being a pop star. I get ushered off stage and my dad is giving me "bro talk" about how the kiss was.

I lie obviously and get out of the conversation to watch the rest of Morgan's set and the crowd. He's in the crowd. He's talking to Fulton while Fulton is just patting him on the back.

Is he sad? Why is he sad? Is he in love with her? Or maybe...? No. He's had girlfriends and he just isn't gay. Right? Right. He's not gay. Charlie Conway is not gay.

W/C: 1241

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