Ch. 14: "I Know We Couldn't Reveal the Things That We Secretly Feel"

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Pov: Morgan Tibbles July 10th, 1994 Asheville North Carolina

"Good news honey!" My mom walks into my room "Just called the doctor and you should be good to return to your tour next week! As long as you don't get headaches anymore you should be fine"

I nodded. I'm not speaking to her. She turned my friends against me and didn't even tell me! As far as I'm concerned, my mother died a long time ago.

"Still not speaking to me? That's fine, I'll just take away your cellphone"
I take it out from my drawer and toss it to her
"Young lady I do not appreciate this attitude"
I say nothing and just look at her. Her narcissism can't take the silence so she slams my door and finally leaves me alone.

Why can't she just admit she was wrong to do that? I would forgive her. She's my mom. But she hates being wrong more than she ever loved me, even with the fame.

I open my windows a bit to let some well needed light in and take out my song notebooks. Rock, country, and pop.

When I write rock, I'm writing about what my life has been
When I write country, I'm writing about what my life is
When I write pop, I'm writing about what my life should be

I have a lot of feelings right now. Anger for my mother, sorrow for my friends, love for Dean, and confusion for myself.

"Why can't you see you're ripping me apart
Right at the seems of my heart
Selfishness is all you know
Mommy where'd your love go?"

Gross. Tossed

"Fuck you you selfish bitch
I hope they find you in a ditch
Lying face down so I never have to see
That ugly face again, sincerely me"

Grosser. Tossed

Ugh, writing used to be easy. Let's try country maybe that'll be easier.

"Way back in ole Minnesota
I still see your face
Your heart worn on your sleeve and a
Dream to get outta this place"

I can work with that...

"Hard shell with scars all around it
I could feel your pain
I tried and tried to crack it, but
It was all in vain"

"You were a mountain to climb
But damn I will climb it
If it means I will find
What's layin' deep within it"

"I know you couldn't reveal the
Things that you secretly feel but
I hoped your ice shield would melt
'Cause of the warm love I felt"

"On the ice I felt a connection
Was it a dream?
A man like you could look my way
That was what it seemed"

"I was out and you stayed by my side
I looked in your eyes
I don't remember much that night
Except for your smile"

"You were a mountain to climb
But damn I will climb it
If it means I will find
What's layin' deep within it"

"I know you couldn't reveal the
Things that you secretly feel but
I hoped your ice shield would melt
'Cause of the warm love I felt"

"Don't you leave me
I can hardly breathe
If your not near me
Holding me close"

"Don't you lie to me
That you didn't like me
Don't you like me?
I love you too"

"You were a mountain to climb
But damn I will climb it
If it means I will find
What's layin' deep within it"

"I know we couldn't reveal the
Things that we secretly feel but
I felt your 'walls start to fall
From the greatest love of all"

Love in the Shadows ~ Dean Portman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now