Ch. 13: She Hangs Up. UGHHHHHH

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Pov: Morgan Tibbles July 9th, 1994, Asheville, North Carolina
"Hey Julie thank god. It's been to damn long I've been cooped up in this house with no lights"
"Yea so sorry these past few days have been super stressful. After we won the team went out to a camp site to celebrate and stuff so I had zero signal. Then I had to fly back so no phone there. And THEN the stupid airline lost my luggage so I had to talk to the stupid airline forever. I'm about to go to my celebration party my team is throwing for me"
"Ooh so fun! You deserve it miss Tie Breaker Block"
"Thanks god you would've loved the post game celebration. We had a campfire and we sang songs and laughed and it was awesome. Dean and Fulton at one point stripped and ran into the lake!"
"Oh god that must have been revolting"
"Not really"
"Probably because you were looking only at Fulton"
"Oh shut up"
"How is that by the way now that you're back in Maine?"
"Well we snuggled a bit at the campfire and we exchanged numbers but I haven't had the chance to text him yet. You're the first person I've spoken to since I got back"
"You should text him!"
"Maybe but what's going on between you and Adam hello?"
"Oh that bullshit. Ok so basically I ran out of the lockers when we were still back in Minnesota-"
"That was weeks ago. Why was it released like 2 days ago?"
"Right? Anyways so I ran out and Adam followed me and we talked and whatever. Totally innocent and definitely platonic when some stupid paparazzi guy takes our picture from the bushes!"
"The bushes? That's insane"
"Right! Anyways, so I think nothing of it like maybe it'll end up on a blog or something but whatever. Fast forward to two days ago when my mom bursts into my room and shows me the magazine with our faces on it with the headline: Maple Hart caught with hockey star Adam Banks which is so stupid. I don't even like Adam. Like as a friend definitely he's great but he doesn't do it for me. So my mom starts freaking out and I'm freaking out too because what if Dean saw it-"
"He saw it alright. Almost beat Adam's ass because of it"
"Really?" That's sweet. Right? Anyways it's definitely nice to know he cares
"Yea but thank god Adam convinced him it was fake"
"It is fake"
"Continuing, so we're freaking out and eventually my moms drops a fucking bomb on me saying that she is making me, MAKING ME, fake date Adam for my 'image' and she already talked it out with his parents"
"That's so stupid why would Adam affect your image"
"Because he's a 'standup guy' according to my mother. So like a little while later he calls me and we talk discussing a plan of action because he also gets something out of this fake dating thing"
"What street cred?"
"No. Well yea probably but apparently my dad offered him a recommendation letter to Eden Hall Academy if he goes out with me"
"That's one of the best hockey programs in the country!"
"Exactly. So we discuss like how seeing each other would work, little things to know about each other in case we get asked, how we refer to each other and all that stuff. He had to sign like NDA's and what not"
"Non-disclosure agreement"
"Ah ok"
"And uh yea. He has to show up to at least 3 of my upcoming concerts so that's gonna be super fun"
"Which ones"
"We haven't decided because we don't exactly know his schedule at Eden Hall yet but he's definitely coming to my New Years concert"
"Isn't that the one you invited Dean to?"
"Yea-how do you know that?"
"He showed us the letter"
"Yea he was panicking it was hilarious"
"Panicking how?"
"Like 'what do I do' panicking"
"What do you mean 'what do I do?!'"
"Like he wanted to tell you how he felt and all that mushy crap but he didn't know how"
"How does he feel? Wait what do you mean didn't? Does he now? Is he coming to the concert?! That could ruin everything!"
"Don't you want to see him?"
"Of course I do but Adam's gonna be there. Cameras are gonna be there and if Deans there then he'll either expose that me and Adam are faking or I'll have to reject him OR I get with him but someone catches us and then I'm marked a cheater!"
"Ok calm down. We don't know if Deans gonna show up but he said he was planning to"
"Oh god-"
"Concert's in January. It's July. You've got time to plan this out where no one will know or fake dump Adam or have him fake dump you"
"Yea, you're right. But seriously how does Dean feel about me?"
She laughs and I then hear a voice in the background
"Coming! Ok Morgan I gotta go. Talk later?"
"Wait hold on! How does he feel Jules?!"

And she hangs up. UGHHH

I try Connie next but she doesn't answer. I try Guy but he only has landline. His mom picks up
"Germaine residence who is this?"
"Hi, it's Morgan from Team USA. Is Guy home?"
"Oh are you the famous one? Oh I just love your music it's so fun"
"Oh thank you. Is uh Guy home?"
"Oh yes dear I'll go get him"

Yes! I wait for a couple seconds and then Guy picks up the phone
"Hello?" Oh shit he sounds tired
"Hey Guy it's Morgan listen, how does Dean feel about me?"
"Guy I swear"
"Tell me why" (ain't nothing but a heartache)
"Because he might either ruin my life or make it a million times better now answer the question"
"Is this about the Adam thing?"
"Yes Guy now tell me. Does. Dean. Like. Me"
"I- oh. Ok"
I go to hang up when I faintly hear Guy speak on the phone
"What'd you say?"
"Nevermind I'm going back to bed"
"No Guy what did you say?"
"You'll see"


I try Connie again and she FINALLY picks up
"Oh hey-"
"You should ask him yourself"
"He lives in Chicago and I'm in Asheville"
"Call him"
"I don't have his number"
"Here it's 312-441-5270"
"Ok thank you bye"

I hang up. UGHHHHH

I call the number and it rings for a while until someone with a deep voice answers "Yo"
"Is Dean Portman there?"
"Who's asking?"
"Morgan Tibbles"
"Girl we don't know you"
"Uh Maple Hart is my stage name?"
"Oh so you the hoe on Times"
"Uh, well I guess. Is he home?"
"He ran out like a mad man a couple minutes ago"
"Can you let him know I called?"
"Nah don't be tryna play Dean like that fool. Don't call again"


I finally find a guy I'm actually interested in who isn't some sleaze bag and after 4 different people I STILL can't find out if he likes me or not. I'm so done with all of this. Seriously done.

W/C: 1236
A/n: Ik this is kinda a filler chapter but trust. She tried calling to see if he liked her so she doesn't ruin her life but he was out trying to get a job to save money to see her show to tell her he likes her and they met literally 2 weeks ago. Live laugh love miscommunication am I right? JK this will get fixed eventually but be prepared for a massive time skip. Like after the next chapters we skip all the way to November. Crazy right?

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