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I'm usually very social at parties, and my friends had to drag me to this one. They think I should have fun and forget about Carter, but the alcohol in my bloodstream is making me think about him even more.

How could he break up with me two weeks before Prom?? After a year of dating. He is such an asshole for this. Now I'm sitting on the stairs by myself and wishing I could be at home with my mom, eating ice cream and watching The Notebook.

I have my mother's emotional heart, and the stubbornness of my father.

I'm staring out the window when Dalton Savara comes to sit with me on the stairs. He's always been one of my acquaintances. He's a very nice guy. I'm good friends with his sister, Paisley. Dalton is one of the seniors that plays football, and he's going to Georgia on scholarship for English. He's extremely smart, and has always made me laugh with his humor.

"Hey, Maeve," he says. "Are you doing okay? What's wrong?"

"Carter broke up with me," I say. "We dated for a whole year, and he breaks up with me right before Prom! Who does that?"

"Carter's not worth it," Dalton says. "You deserve so much better than him. I know he's smart, but I also know you're smarter. Anyone who doesn't see how incredible you are isn't worth your time and energy."

"How do you not have a girlfriend. You're so sweet," I say.

Dalton smiles. "That's besides the point," he says. "Are you hungry? I'm completely sober tonight. We could go get burgers or something."

I smile. "I don't have to be home until one-thirty. Maybe it'll help sober me up before I have to face my parents watching a movie together. They're so adorable and in love that it's sometimes vomit-inducing. I love them, but they make out way too much."

This time Dalton smiles. "Come on. Let's go tell your friends that I'm taking you home."


Dalton was a saint that night. As we sat at the local burger place, he let me pour my heart out. He listened so intently, and he tried his best to cheer me up by buying my dinner. We had so much fun just hanging out at the restaurant together that it felt like one of those moments in the movies when you find out who your true friends are.

We had always been in the same friend group, but this was the first time I really realized how much Dalton had been there for me.

Once he drove me home, I made him promise to let me know when he made it home safely. I knew he had to go pick up his sister Paisley, so he still had a little bit of the night left.

I couldn't help but smile when I received that first message.

Dalton: Just made it home with Pais. She can be a handful sometimes, but she's fast asleep now.

Maeve: Don't discredit her, she's fun. Also, thanks again for dinner. You made me feel a lot better.

Dalton: Anytime, Maeve. I'm really glad we got to hang out.

Maeve: I hope you know I meant what I said about hanging out again. Don't let me down, Savara.

Dalton: I'd never pass that up. Busy tomorrow? There's a bonfire at Zack's if you're down. I could pick you up early and we could drive around.

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