
Being around Maeve's family is exactly how I remember it. Everyone's having fun simply visiting each other, and there's rarely a dull moment. They have too many fun people around for there not to be constant conversation and laughter.

I especially like seeing how relaxed Maeve is tonight. When she's around her family, she lets loose a lot, and is fully herself. I love seeing Maeve show her true colors, because her personality is just as attractive as her looks. I'd say more, but I think they're even. She really is gorgeous, but she's got a beautiful soul too.

I'm having a great time tonight. Maeve and her family have made me feel no less than welcome here, and the atmosphere is very relaxed at Milo's house. Everyone is in a good mood, and happy to see each other. From what Maeve has told me, this is the usual dynamic. Her family truly loves being around each other.

Time easily flows by, so it's pretty late by the time I'm heading out to my truck. I made myself stop after two beers (and it's been a few hours), so I'm perfect to drive home. Maeve walks me out to the truck, holding my hand along the way.

"Thanks for coming over," she says. "I had a lot of fun with you."

I turn to smile at her as we reach the door to my truck. "Thanks for having me, Peach."

She smiles. "You know you're always welcome to hang out with us. The more the merrier. And I'll make it a point to invite Paisley and Zack next time."

"Sounds good," I say, leaning down to kiss Maeve's cheek. "I'll see you soon, yeah? Still good for Thursday at seven?"

"Perfect," Maeve says. "I'll be ready then."

"And what if I wanna see you before then?"

"Then you better come to my store anytime between lunch and eight. I'm usually there til close most days. Sometimes, I stay later. You're always welcome to come hang out. Other than that, you can call me anytime and I'd gladly come see you."

"Okay," I say. "You can expect a call, or a store visit. Because I definitely can't wait until Thursday to see you again."

Maeve smiles up at me. "I wouldn't mind that at all."

"What can I say? We're just making up for lost time."

"Exactly," Maeve says. "In whatever means necessary."

"Okay, I should really go home now," I say. "It's getting late."

"Okay," Maeve says. "Text me when you get home?"

"Of course," I say. "See you very soon, Peach."

Maeve wraps her arms around my neck in a hug, and I tighten my arms around her as well. Then I kiss the top of her head.

"Have a good rest of your night," she says. "Drive safe."

"I will. I hope you have a fun rest of the night. Don't go too crazy."

"Goodnight," Maeve whispers. I leave a small, chaste kiss on her lips.

"Goodnight, Peach," I say. Maeve sees me off as I get in the car, and I wait u til she's safely in the house again before I drive away. Traffic isn't too bad on my way home, so I make it to my apartment in half an hour.

I make sure to text Maeve as soon as I'm home, and I fall asleep pretty quickly once I've climbed into bed.


My promise I kept, that I wanted to see Maeve again before our actual date on Thursday. So, I text her on Tuesday to see if she's eaten dinner yet. I live close to the area where her bookstore is, and she told me she's still there right now.

Dalton: have you had dinner yet?

Maeve: not yet. Some stock came today, so I've been dealing with inventory.

Dalton: I'll bring dinner to you if you tell me what sounds good.

Maeve: nothing specific. You can choose.

Dalton: anything that fills your stomach, Peach.

Maeve: okay. Um, how about subs?

Dalton: okay. Send me your usual order, and I'll pick them up. Preference for where they're from?

Maeve: Jack's Deli on Washington and East 2nd. Best subs on this side of the city!

Dalton: coming right up! See you very soon, pretty girl.

Maeve: I could so smooch you right now.

Dalton: save it for when I bring the sandwiches over ;)

Once I found Jack's deli, I picked up our sandwiches, along with some soda, chips and cookies. Maybe we can have an impromptu picnic or something. Maeve did tell me earlier that it's a slow evening at the store.

"I brought the goods," I tell Maeve, as soon as I find her at the counter. There's nobody here except her, and she's just writing down something from the computer. Her hair is in a cute ponytail, and there's music playing over the loudspeakers.

Maeve smiles at me. "Lifesaver."

"Don't mention it," I say. "I wanted to see you anyway, and I was hungry. I figured you'd be too, since you're working so hard."

Maeve smiles again. "Just finishing inventory stuff. Organizing the book donation boxes."

"Ooh. What are those?"

"People can buy books, and then give them to the donation boxes. I usually take them to local children's shelters, women's shelters, and homeless shelters. They need books too."

"That's really sweet, Maeve," I say.

She shrugs. "I have a big passion for literacy."

"Well, do you need any assistance while you finish closing up?"

"No, I'm about done," she says, moving to the front door to lock it. "Although, we can stay here as long as we want."

"Can I have a tour?"

"Of course," Maeve says. "After we eat?"

"Yes, I won't keep you from your dinner," I say. We take the food to the table by the front door and turn the surface into an impromptu picnic.

"Wow, this is nice," Maeve says. "Thank you."

"Anytime, Peach," I say. "How was your day?"

"It was good. Ran some usual errands for the store. Got groceries for my parents, and my brother came to the store for my lunch break between his classes."

"Fun," I say.

"How was your day, Mr. Handsome?"

I smile. "It was good. I just worked from home, so I got to relax. Now I'm here, so my day is even better."

Maeve takes a bite of her sandwich. "Ugh, this is exactly what I needed tonight. Thank you."

"I'm just happy to see you, Maeve."

We sit and eat, talking about how the rest of our weekends went, and about our upcoming dinner date on Thursday.

Maeve smiles as she takes the last bite of her sandwich. Once she finishes it, she smiles at me.

"Are you sure this doesn't count as our official first date? We sat here alone, eating a great dinner, and enjoying each other's company. This has to count for something, right?"

"Okay," I say. "I agree. But we're still on for Thursday, right?"

"Of course," Maeve says. "Our second date."

I smile. "Damn right."

"Okay," Maeve says. Standing up. "Time for a grand tour."

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