
It's very true that I miss Maeve a lot right now. She's halfway across the world, and all I can think about is looking up the quickest flight to New Amsterdam.

Maren has been killing it at the Olympics. She's already won a couple of medals, and the television network has even showed the Dolan family during a couple of their broadcasts. I was happy to see Maeve on the screen. Even as casually as she was dressed, she still looked like a supermodel.

She's so damn gorgeous.

I was being honest when I told Maeve I wasn't seeing anyone else. I haven't seen another woman since the minute Maeve and I started talking again. I didn't want to, and I still don't want to. Maeve is the only person I could imagine even wanting to want.

She's amazing. Kind, intelligent beyond words, she's nurturing, and tender, yet one of the most fun people on the planet. Maeve is beautiful, and I adore her beyond measure.

Since we're auditing at work this week (basically when the top bosses come to our office for a week to make sure everything is being done the way they expect us to be doing our work), we've been working extra hours this week.

I'm glad that we're getting overtime though, because my vacation from work usually follows the audit. I always take the next week off to destress and relax for a bit.

However, I'm taking the week after that off, since that's when Maeve will be home from the Olympics.

We have been texting a lot while she's been gone, mostly telling each other how excited we are to see each other again.

In the meantime, Zack is hanging out with me while Paisley is at a girl's night with her friends. Our buddy Nate is coming over as well, since his girlfriend Riley went with Paisley tonight.

"Can I tell you guys something?" Nate says.

"Anything," Zack agrees.

"I think Quinn has feelings for me. But you can't tell her I brought it up."

"I feel like this isn't new information," Zack says.

Nate sighs. "Do you guys know what it would do to Riley if she found out? Quinn's her best friend."

"That's tough," I say. "Are you positive?"

"Quinn pretty much said it herself. Riley and I were hanging out at the bar with her, and when Riley went to the bathroom Quinn was eluding to her feelings for someone in our friend group whose name starts with N."

"Geez," Zack says. "So specific."

"I just don't know what to do," Nate says. "Riley loves Quinn. They're the best of friends, but obviously I can't be friends with Quinn anymore if this is true."

"Jesus," Zack says. "I'm sorry you got put in such an impossible position."

"Riley would be devastated if she knew Quinn was hitting on me," Nate says. "But if I can't be friends with her anymore, I don't know how their friendship will remain the same either."

"I would be honest with Riley about the situation. Tell her what happened, and tell her that you're always going to be honest about what's going on," I say, offering my advice.

"Chances are that Riley will find out anyway sooner or later, so she might as well hear it from you."

Nate nods. "You're right. I should just tell her the truth. She can help me decide what to do."

After a long talk with Zack and I, Nate ends up leaving to go have dinner with Riley. I know he feels terrible about the situation, even though it's not his fault.

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