
Maeve and I are still standing in my foyer, alternating between hugging each other, and lots of "I missed you" style kisses.

"Come on," I say, taking her hand in mine. "We can lay on the couch."

"I missed this place. It feels good to be back."

I chuckle as we get comfy together on the couch, Maeve laying down first, with me laying in between her legs.

"God, I missed you," I say, laying a few soft kisses on her neck. "I'm so happy you're here right now."

Maeve giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck. "You smell good," she says. 

"You too," I say. "I showered before you got here, because I was at the gym when you were with Jamison."

"Making sure your muscles look good before I came over?" she asks.

"Just for you, Peach," I say.

Maeve sighs. "I loved The Netherlands. I loved watching my sister reach her biggest goals in her life. I even loved being there and spending time with my family. However, the whole time I was thinking of how much better it could've been if you were there. I never want to spend that much time without you again."

"Aww," I say. "I missed you too, baby. I resorted to third wheeling Zack and my sister. And then I babysat my niece and nephew, while also working from home that day."

"At least you have this week off," Maeve says. "We can spend every second of it together if you'd like."

"Oh, I'd love that. Never question if I want to spend time with you. The answer is always yes."

Maeve giggles. "There's also another thing I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure, baby," I say.

"Before I left, we were talking about us possibly being exclusive. I know we both already have been exclusive, but officially saying that we want to be is another thing."

"Does this mean you want to be exclusive with me?" I ask. "Only I get to take you on dates, and my bed is the only bed you'll sleep in other than your own?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking," Maeve says. "I missed you so much while I was gone, that it made me realize how much I want this. How much I want us to have a future. There's not anyone I can imagine being with other than you."

I kiss her forehead before lowering my lips to hers. It's a long, sweet kiss.

"I want that too," I say. "From the second we ran into each other, I knew I wanted to see what would happen if we started seeing each other. I'm so glad that we're here right now."

Maeve brings her lips to mine, cupping my cheek as our mouths dance together. We make out there for a bit, before Maeve pulls away and smiles at me.

"You're so handsome," she says.

"Thank you, pretty girl," I say. "So, should we celebrate a little tonight?"

"What did you have in mind?" Maeve asks.

"We could go get drinks and dessert or something. Whatever you want."

"Or we could celebrate in your bed for a little while and then go for drinks and dessert."

I kiss her again. "You just read my mind."


"Tonight has been perfect," Maeve says, across the table. She takes a sip of her margarita, and I smile at her.

We've been sitting here at The Cheesecake Factory, dining on appetizers, having some drinks, and of course some cheesecake.

It's been a great night tonight. We've officially become an exclusive couple, we've had a great time eating dinner and having drinks, and the sex in between those events was the cherry on top.

Maeve is so special. Anyone who knows her, adores her. She's got so many incredible attributes, and I have a great feeling that this is it for us.

Everything is just so comfortable and easy with Maeve. She never makes me doubt myself. I've always felt safe enough with her to tell her anything, and I've always been completely myself around her.

It's hard to find someone who will accept every single little thing about you, but Maeve accepts me for the way I am.

I don't know how I couldn't adore every single little thing about Maeve, because she's just so amazing.

Every single little thing about her is something that I truly adore.

I have to say that I really missed sleeping next to Maeve. I missed waking up next to her. I missed the morning sex that comes with waking up with her. I missed watching her walk into my bathroom wearing nothing but one of my T-shirts, and I missed having breakfast with her in the mornings.

Obviously we were only apart for two weeks, but two weeks is like a lifetime in terms of a growing relationship.

The rest of August goes by in a flash, helping Maeve move into her new apartment with Jamison. As promised, I took both of them to IKEA so they could pick out furniture, and we all put it together once we got it upstairs to the apartment.

Jamison insisted on pizza and beer for dinner, since that's what people have when they help each other move into a new place.

So far their apartment is turning out really nice. They have the living room and bedrooms fully set up. Now the girls are just focused on getting their kitchen set up, and their dining area perfected.

Now that it's September, things are starting to pick up at work again. Maeve gets the rush of college students ordering books, and things at my office are getting busier with school season starting to pick up as well.

Even though it's busy, Maeve and I spend a lot of time together. We go out with friends, we stay in some nights. We spend the weekend together, we spend the weekend together with our friends as well.

She even comes to dinner at my parents' house. One of my favorite things was watching her interactions with my nephew and niece, Jack and Lauren.

By mid-October, I know that it's time for me to ask her to be my official girlfriend. I mean, we've been seeing each other for seven months now, and we've been serious for three. It's about time we put a label on this relationship.

We're walking back to my place from the bar, hand in hand, when I stop to smile at Maeve.

"What?" she giggles.

"Maeve, I'm dying for you to be my girlfriend."

"Okay. I'll be your girlfriend."

I smile. I smile big, before pulling her in for a kiss. "Okay, girlfriend."

Maeve pulls me in for a hug. "You make me so happy, Dalton."

"You make me happy too, Peach."

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