
As a best friend does, Jamison makes me fill her in on everything that happened once I went home with Dalton last night. So, we sit and chat while Jamison finishes folding a load of laundry.

"Oh, this is soooo it, Maeve," she says, once I've finished telling her about everything. "Any man that takes you to breakfast after a fun night together is already setting the bar higher than ever."

I smile. "And he paid for my food. Not to mention that he's making me dinner on Thursday. From scratch. He says he makes his pasta homemade. I guess his grandparents taught him how to cook while he was in college. His whole family is Italian."

Jamison smiles. She understands fully, because she's got a lot of Italian heritage too.

"I'll be expecting you to share your leftovers with me, because I need to judge them."

I laugh. I expected nothing less to come from Jamison. I love her dearly, and I'm so lucky to have a friend like her. She'll always be honest with me about the people I bring into my life, and that is what I'm most grateful for.

"Of course," I say.

"Can I just say something?" she asks.

I nod.

"There's a sparkle in your eyes this time. I know it's been a day, but this is the most excited about someone I've ever seen you be. It just makes me happy to see you excited about something again. This is like on the same level as when you found the bookstore."

"I just feel really hopeful. Dalton and I really liked each other before, and it almost feels like we're right back to where we were before."

"I love that," Jamison says. "I was really rooting for you guys in high school, you know."

I laugh. "I know. You were about to make a T-shirt that says "Maeve + Dalton 4evs."

Jamison laughs too. "Maybe I still should make that T-shirt. I'll save it for the wedding."

I shake my head, still smiling. "Okay. I'll take your word for it."

"Is he coming to the party tonight?" Jamison asks. She's of course going to be there, since there's rarely a Dolan party I don't force her to come over for.

"I invited him," I say. "And he said that he's for sure coming, because he missed my family."

Jamison nearly squeals at this revelation. She gets up from her seat on the floor me starts running around her apartment. "Landon could fucking never!" she calls.

I smile again, both for my best friends's disdain for my ex, and for the feeling of having someone in my life that actually appreciates the other people in my life.

I know it's been a long time since Dalton and I have seen each other, but I still enjoy all of the important little things he's shown me already.


By the time Dalton arrives to the party, I'm already kind of tipsy. I got to Milo's a bit early with Jamison, which is code for us pregaming before the actual party started. What can I say? Sabrina was making her famous frozen margs. I couldn't pass them up.

Dalton texts me that he's here, so I go to the front door to greet him. As soon as the door is open, I start giggling.

"Hey, giggles," he says, ruffling my hair as I step outside.

"Hey, you," I say, smiling. "I'm glad you made it."

Dalton pulls me into a hug, and I feel like melting. "Thanks for inviting me."

I smile up at him. "You're always invited here," I say.

He kisses my forehead. "You look pretty, Maeve."

"Thanks, sexy," I say, then giggle. "Sorry, I've had a few drinks already. I'm a little loose-brained."

Dalton smiles. "I can tell, Peach. It's okay." He leans down to whisper in my ear. "I like that you think I'm sexy, because you are the hands-down hottest woman I've ever seen."

I giggle again before becoming brave and pressing my mouth against his. He kisses me back immediately, tightening his grip around my waist.

"We should probably go inside before they send a search party for me," I say, once we've pulled away.

"Sounds good," Dalton says, winking at me. "We can do more later."

Hot. He is so hot.

We walk into the house, hand in hand until he starts greeting everyone. He gives my brother a solid handshake, leading Milo to nod at me, which is his sign of approval.

Dalton says hello to Taytum and Andrew, and we all end up hanging out in the living room. Sabrina and Jamison are currently conspiring by the window, which likely means they just saw Dalton and I making out on the front porch.

I take Dalton to the kitchen, to get us both a drink. I set my other one down somewhere when I answered the door, and someone must've thrown it out. So, I get a new margarita while Dalton grabs a beer.

"I told myself no hard liquor tonight. I gotta drive home later."

"Respect," I say, as I clink my glass to his beer bottle. "I'm staying here, so I can go as crazy as I please. Which reminds me, would you like to see my room?"

Dalton smiles. "I thought you were living at your parents' house."

I shrug. "I am. But Milo told me one of his guest rooms belongs to me whenever I want to stay here, so some of my clothes are in the closet here. And some of my books are in there."

"Okay. Lead the way, Peach. I'd like to take a look at your book collection."

I smile. "It's extremely well curated for my own enjoyment," I say. "So proceed to your own discretion."

Dalton chuckles as we head up the stairs. "You're so adorable, Peach."

I laugh once we step into the guest room, also deemed as "my room". I turn the light on, and Dalton heads straight over to the bookshelf.

"Are any of these current reads?"

"I'm reading Pride and Prejudice for fun, but also Summer Island by Kristin Hannah. I always read summer books when I'm wishing for warmer weather."

"Good choices. Paisley likes Kristin Hannah books too."

I smile. "She's one of my all-time favorite authors."

"It's supposed to warm up a little next weekend," Dalton says. "Perfect for St. Patrick's Day."

"Ooh. One of my favorites," I say.

"Got plans?" Dalton asks.

"Not yet," I say. "Probably going out with friends. Which most likely just means Jamison and Abby. Maybe Jackie if she's not swamped with homework."

"Well, my friends are going on a bar crawl downtown if you guys would like to join us. The more the merrier, and I'd be delighted if you were there."

I smile. "Totally. We were all planning on being downtown anyway. It's perfect."

"Any excuse to hang out with you, I'll gladly make."

I smile. "Touché, Savara. That's why I'm so happy you came over tonight."

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