
On my lunch break, I always try to go home and take Poppy for a walk. I usually have enough time, and then I just eat a quick meal at home before heading back.

It gives me some extra exercise, and some time with my dog. Poppy is our spoiled little dog, and she is well aware. We originally weren't going to allow her on our furniture at home, but now she sleeps in our bed almost every night.

Sometimes, I even have enough time to stop by Maeve's store during the lunch hour. Usually, she lets me bring Poppy. Then Poppy just hangs out in Maeve's office until she comes home from work.

Maeve always calls me on her way home from work, just so I know that she's driving and in case of emergency. If she doesn't make it home after a certain time, I'd know something was wrong. I do the same thing on the days she gets home before me.

I put her on speaker while I'm making dinner, so we can talk and I can multitask.

"Can you give me a massage after dinner?" Maeve asks. "I've been doing inventory stuff all day."

"Any reason to give you a massage is valid," I say.

Maeve giggles on the other end of the phone. "I'm so glad I married someone who loves to give me massages."

"I'm glad I married the hottest woman on the planet, so I can give her massages."

Poppy barks, which makes me smile. She's trying to say hi to me through the phone.

"Hi, Poppy Princess," I say. "I'll see you at home soon."

"We'll probably be there in about ten minutes," Maeve says.

"Okay," I say. "I'll stop distracting your driving then. See you soon."

"I love you," Maeve says.

"I love you too, sweetie."

I put our dinner in the oven right when Maeve walks in with Poppy, which puts a smile on my face.

Poppy beats Maeve to the kitchen to greet me, giving me lots of face kisses as I kneel down to pet her. Poppy is always happy to greet people.

"Hi, Princess," I say, as Poppy starts to calm down a little.

I stand up to give Maeve a hug, and a quick greeting kiss. "Perfect timing. Dinner just went in the oven."

Maeve smiles. "Ooh. Fancy. It smells great in here, babe."

"How was work?"

Maeve sighs, setting her keys on the counter. "It was good. Just busy."

"Well, I'm glad you're home. We can just have dinner and relax together."

She smiles, wrapping her arms around my neck. "My favorite kind of evening."

My hands go to Maeve's waist as I lean to kiss her again. "I missed you today, hun."

Maeve smiles as rests her hand on my cheek, stroking her thumb across my skin. "I missed you too, sweet boy."

"Wanna go cuddle on the couch until dinner is ready?"

"Mmhmm," Maeve says. "Can I change into some comfier clothes first?"

"Of course," I say. "You know you don't have to ask, right?"

Maeve laughs before smacking my ass and then jogging towards the stairs. Then I head to the living room, where Poppy has already claimed her spot on the couch.

She wags her tail once she realizes I'm in the room, so I grab one of her toys and give it to her before sitting down. Poppy then makes herself at home right on my lap, with her chew toy.

"Someone missed me," I say, petting her little head. Poppy gives me puppy dog eyes before returning her attention to her chew toy.

"Poppy, are you stealing my spot?" Maeve asks, walking back into the room. She's got leggings and one of my old sweatshirts on. A typical night outfit for Maeve.

I lay back on the couch. "Come here, Peach," I say, opening my arms. Maeve climbs over me until she can lay her head on my chest, and then Poppy maneuvers herself to fit with us.

As Maeve gets comfy, I run my hands up and down her back.

"Mmm," she says. "I love when you rub my back. It's so soothing."

I kiss the top of her head. "I love taking care of you, Maeve."

Maeve smiles as she leans over me, studying my face. "Do you wanna do face masks tonight?"

I smile. "Face masks?"

"You know. Just a little extra skincare. It will make you glow."

"I can think of other things that will make us glow, Peach."

This time, Maeve laughs. "Oh, stop trying to persuade me with your sexiness. Skincare is fun."

"Okay, we can," I say. "Should we watch a romance movie too?"

Maeve laughs again. "You know me so well, honey."

"You know I'd do anything for you, right?"

"I would too," she says. "I'd swim across the ocean if it meant we could be together."

"You're so sweet," I say. "I think dinners almost done. I should go check on it."

Maeve gets up, so I can get up from the couch, and then we set the table together. Once dinner is out of the oven, we sit down at our kitchen table to eat our meal.

"This is delicious, thank you, honey," Maeve says. "I love getting to eat dinner with you after a long day."

I smile. "You're welcome, Peach. I'm just happy to spend time with you."

"Every single day I'm reminded over and over again, why I fell in love with you."

I wink at my wife. "I'm reminded every time you smile at me."

Maeve laughs. "I love you to the sun and back."

"Why the sun?" I ask.

"Because it's even further than the moon."

I smile. "You're so sweet. I love you all the same."

"So, how was work for you today?"

"It was good. There's an editing job open, and I'm  thinking about going for it."

"Dalton, that's your dream. You should!"

"We wouldn't have to relocate either. The job is right here in Chicago. And I'll make even more than what I'm already making."

"That sounds like a perfect job for you. I'll never forget the letters and poems you've written me. I keep them all in a special shoebox."

"I know. It fell on me the other day, and all of them scattered across the floor. It made me smile that you kept all of them."

Maeve takes my hand in hers. "I cherish every single one. They're so meaningful to me. The fact that you take time out of your day just to write to me. I love them so much."

"I'm glad you appreciate them, Peach."

She leans over the corner of the table to kiss me. "I'm so grateful for our life together."

"Hey, what if we end up writing a book together? You'd write, and I'd edit it. Dream team style."

Now Maeve high-fives me. "Dream team forever."

After dinner is over, Maeve and I tag-team the dishes, and then we settle in the living room for Maeve's impromptu face-mask night. Of course, not without watching How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, and cuddling on the couch with Poppy the Royal Puppy.

These are the exact nights I dreamed of when I was younger, hoping to find someone that would make everything whole. Maeve does much more than just that.

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