
This month has been really busy, but in a good way. We celebrated my sister's 17th birthday, and today is of course, Thanksgiving.

This is the first 'family' holiday that Dalton and I are ever spending together. Of course there was Halloween (we dressed up as Danny and Sandy from Grease), but this truly is a step. Bringing a new partner to thanksgiving.

Dalton has met a lot of my family members before, and has even attended a few Sunday dinners at this point. My family loves him, and I can tell that Dalton is enjoying being around them more than Landon ever did the entire time I was with him.

I hate to compare Dalton to my old relationships, but he's already been one of the best things that's ever happened to me. He's supportive, and thoughtful, and generous. He's kind, and compassionate, and we have so much fun together. Dalton really has become a partner-in-crime to me, which is exactly how the dynamic between a couple should be.

Tonight after dinner is over, Dalton and I are heading to the airport. We're going down to Georgia for the Georgia-Bama football game, which is one of the biggest college football events of the year. Since Dalton went to Georgia, this game is really important to him. He was able to score tickets through a friend, so we're going.

And I'm getting to meet some of his family this weekend as well. His grandparents live down there, along with some of his cousins, aunts and uncles. Plus his college friends. This weekend is going to be really fun.

"I can't wait for you to meet everyone," Dalton says, later, when we're sitting in the airport bar. We got through security really quickly, so we have some time to kill before we board in two hours.

"Me too," I say. "Especially your grandparents."

"They're gonna love you, Maeve," Dalton says. "And you're going to love the bars in Athens."

"It's going to be so much fun," I say. "I've only ever been to college football games at Northwestern and Michigan."

"Sanford Stadium is the best."

"It's cute seeing how excited you are," I say, stirring my drink with my straw. "Like a kid on Christmas."

"Georgia-Alabama is my Christmas," Dalton says. "By the way, my grandparents want to give us Christmas gifts when we get there."

"Really? How sweet of them."

"They're so excited that I'm bringing someone home to them. I told them all about you, so they're excited to finally meet you."

"Awww how sweet," I say. "This time of year is always better when you have someone."

"I agree," Dalton says. "Especially now that I get to spoil you for Christmas and your birthday."

"You don't have to spoil me," I say.

"Exactly," Dalton says, reaching over to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. "But I want to, so I'm going to."

"You are something else, Savara."

He smiles. "I can't help it. You're just so perfect."

The flight itself isn't long at all. Once we get to the hotel and settled, it's only nine p.m. when we head over to Dalton's grandparents' house. Dalton rented a car for the weekend, so we just drive over there.

I'm met with a lot of warm hugs when we arrive, and Dalton's grandma immediately offers us dinner. We fill up our plates and sit at the dinner table while his grandparents ask me questions about myself.

They're very kind so far, which I can definitely see where Dalton gets his hospitality from. Both of his parents are extremely kind and generous as well, so he must come from a long line of very good people.

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