
Ireland is amazing. Dalton and I are having a great time, and his friends are a great group to travel with. One thing I really appreciate is that Dalton is close enough with his sister that they have the same friend group. I think it makes sense because his best friend is married to her, but it's still heartwarming. 

I love my siblings to death, but I'm glad I have some separate friends from them. 

On our way to the airport, I'm expecting us to go to the same terminal and gate as his friends to fly home. However, Dalton surprises me with something else.

"We're actually taking a little detour, Peach," he tells me, "To Italy."

"Really?" I ask, smiling. "You did all this?"

Dalton smiles too. "It's just for a couple days. I wanted us to have a little excursion."

"Ugh. You're the best," I say. "I really wasn't looking forward to a nine hour flight."

"It'll be three hours," Dalton says. "We'll be staying at my family's place. I figured we'll just have a fun day tomorrow, maybe get a little dressed up for dinner."

I lean my head on his shoulder as we're reaching our terminal. "I love you. so much"

"I love you too, baby," he says. "To the moon and back."


We go for dinner as soon as we land in Italy, because it's evening and we are hungry from flying. I try my best not to inhale my food, which is why I'm glad the pasta is filling. My stomach is already becoming happier with each bite.

"I can't believe we're here," I say.

Dalton smiles his cute, sheepish smile that melts my heart. "You've been saying we should come back. So, I figured we would while we're traveling anyway."

"This is such a nice surprise. You really have no idea."

"I'm glad you're enjoying this."

"Through our whole relationship, you've always found the best ways to surprise me. I feel like you always take my feelings into consideration, and that's something I adore. In my last relationship, surprises weren't always something to be excited about. Now, I know I'm with someone who always has my best interest in mind. I know you'll keep me safe."

"When it comes to you, Maeve, the two biggest things I want are for you to be safe, and for you to be happy."

"That goes for you too, honey," I say. 

The two of us enjoy the rest of our dinner before heading back to his family's home. It's such a nice property to have, especially since his grandparents let us stay here for free when we visit. Dalton has a great family, which is why he's such a gem of a person. They raised him to be gentle, and kind, and helpful. Thoughtful too. I'm so lucky that the two of us found each other in this life. 

I'm so fortunate to have someone who wakes up everyday and chooses me. 

We have a slow morning when we wake up, but Dalton volunteers (as usual) to go pick us up some coffee. I decide to get up and start getting ready for the day, putting some makeup on and pinning my hair up in a cute ponytail. I wrap a piece of my hair around the hair tie to hide it, and then I curl my ponytail. 

Dalton comes into the bathroom to find me, smiling at me as soon as we make eye contact in the mirror. 

"Your coffee is on the counter in the kitchen, love," he says, moving to kiss my cheek.

"Thanks, babe," I say.

"So, how would you like to have a date-day?"

I smile. "A date-day?"

"Yeah. Like a date that lasts all day. We can explore the city a little, maybe see some cool sights. Eat a refreshing lunch and a nice dinner. Maybe we can even go on a little cruise on the riviera."

"That sounds wonderful, hon."

"Perfect," Dalton says. "I laid a little something out on our bed for you to wear. It's a dress I think will look beautiful on you."

I smile as I finish my hair. Dalton has picked outfits out for me before, but all of these surprises have me a little suspicious. First our detour to Italy, and now Dalton planning out our whole weekend. 

I wonder if we're about to get engaged. 

Or maybe he's being suspicious on purpose, so I'll think we're getting engaged, but he'll propose sometime else.

Either way, we've talked recently about getting married. I wouldn't mind booking a trip to Vegas if I'm honest, but my parents would both have a stroke if we did that. They want to see their first born get married. I was at my parents' wedding, so they need to be at mine.

Dalton and I walk around the city for a while, until we get hungry and find a place on the water for lunch. After finding some cool stores to shop around at, we take our stuff back to the house before going back out. 

I guess Dalton found out about a band playing in the street, so we head over to find them. 

When we can't find them, Dalton suddenly gets an idea. He smiles real big before taking my hand in his. "Come on. I know where to go."

I can't help but laugh at my confusion. What is Dalton up to? Am I getting proposed to tonight?

The sun is nearly setting as Dalton pulls me into what seems to be an abandoned building, and up the stairs onto a beautiful rooftop garden that I never would've known about. There's flowers everywhere, a small string orchestra, and the most beautiful abundance of stringed lights.

Dalton leads me to a spot a little bit away from the musicians, and he smiles.

"Maeve," he says. "You are such a light in this world. There's not many people who can be so kind, so loving, so resilient, and also a badass at the same time. You impress me daily with your intelligence, and you inspire me every day to be a better, and kinder person. Our relationship has been such a joy in my life. From our first real date, to our first trip together. From meeting each other's families and then each becoming a part of them. I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much until we got together. You have sincerely taught me what it means to be loved unconditionally, and that is something I'm forever grateful for."

"I love you so much," I say, almost in a whisper, because his speech is making me tear up.

"We have the most special relationship I've ever known, which is why it's time for it to last forever."

Dalton pulls a box from his pocket, getting down on his knee and smiling up at me.

"Maeve Olivia Dolan, will you marry me?"

I smile, a tear running down my face. "Yes, of course," I say. 

Dalton puts the ring on my finger before standing up to hug me. "I love you so much, baby," he says.

"I'm going to marry the hell out of you."

He laughs as we pull slightly away from our hug, then wiping my tears away with his thumbs. 

"I love you," I tell him.

Finally, Dalton kisses me. "I can't wait for your last name to be the same as mine."

"Maeve Savara has a great ring to it," I say. 

As the photographer comes out of her hiding place to take some great engagement photos of us, Dalton smiles at me. "You know I'm referring to you as my wife when people ask about you now. Now that we're engaged, you're my wife."

"Okay, my husband," I say. "Also, do you think it's unfair that women wear engagement rings and men usually don't? Do you want me to get you a ring?"

"Up to you, love," Dalton says. "We're practically married anyway."

I smile. My fiancé might just be the coolest and most understanding person in my life.

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