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Ultraviolence- a Steve Rogers fanfiction


    ❝STARK! Sit down, I have some news for you

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    ❝STARK! Sit down, I have some news for you." Maria Hill had a fervent look in her eyes, one Tony would almost pin as crazed, as her hands waved frantically to beckon him over to her desk as soon as he entered her office in his tower.

Tony Stark didn't spend much time in his tower these days, ever since the Battle of New York really, but he let Shield conduct their business there as they needed a base in New York and, well, the rent he was being paid by them was enough to make Tony a happy man.

He took a seat at Agent Hill's desk, reaching over the piles and piles of paper strewn about the glass surface to snatch her coffee mug up. He took a large gulp of it and slumped in his chair, his free hand finding his temples to massage his head. It was the early morning, and Tony Stark did not go well with early mornings.

Maria Hill waited for him to finish his drink, fidgeting in her chair as she blew all the calm demeanor she was once known for, away. This news was groundbreaking, and she could not wait for Tony to acclimate himself to the morning. It was barely eight, but she had been up all night once she had finally found the missing piece to her puzzle. Maria huffed, agitated that it was taking him so long. Tony's eyes flickered to her, and upon noticing the tight line her mouth had turned into, he sat the mug back on the desk. Finally, Maria thought as she waited for him to swallow. Now he couldn't spit-take once she told him what she had found.

"I am sorry for calling you in so early, however I believe I've just solved a brilliant, thirty year old puzzle and well, you were the first person I needed to tell." She said to him. Tony's face looked fatigued, and suddenly she wasn't so sure if she wanted to tell him the news.

    "What is it, Agent Hill." He sighed exasperatedly. Tony had been up all night hunched over plans for new suits and technology. The past few years had been awful, and Tony spent nearly every waking moment trying to invent newer and better ways of protecting his near and dear.

Maria eyed him warily, suddenly unsure as to whether she should tell him now. Maybe she should wait until lunch. Or better yet - dinner, when she could get a few drinks down him. Ah, fuck it, she thought. This is life changing. Now or never.

  "I believe I have potentially found your sister?" She ended her statement with a question, suddenly unsure of what she was saying, suddenly certain that she wished she hadn't told Tony. Her excitement over sharing this information with him had instantly turned to regret, and she could feel the heavy sinking feeling in her chest as he looked down.

He looked at all the papers on her desk, missing persons reports, a lot of Hydra symbols, pictures of random body parts. None of it made sense to him. What on earth was Hill on about?  Tony's eyebrows furrowed. Hill was losing her mind. Did she bring him up here to insult him? Hill knew better than anyone that Tony did not talk about his family. Ever.

Ultraviolence ☢ Steve Rogers  Where stories live. Discover now