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THE BUILDING WAS EMPTY. But that was what Victoria and Steve expected after the Avengers cleared it out last week. In fact, they had expected it to have been destroyed; yet to their somewhat gratefulness, it was simply abandoned. Victoria took the lead, walking through the long, cold, hallways like she knew where she was going- she didn't actually know. She had been imprisoned the entire time she was in the Sokovian location. But it was the only location she actually knew, so it was easier to go there and get it over with.

"Okay guys, you have ten minutes. Ultron knows we're in Sokovia by now." Tony's voice came through their comms.

"Got it." Victoria said, to both Tony and Steve, as she found a room with a large glass tank in. At the back of the tank was a panel and numerous holes; where the rays came out. Victoria sucked in a breath.

"You don't have to do this." Steve's voice was sympathetic to her anxiousness as he put his hand on her shoulder. She nodded, determination in her features, as she stepped away from him whilst stripping off her weapons.

"Yes. I do." She began to pull her clothes off, her flesh illuminated by dull violet veins, causing Steve to look away awkwardly, trying not to be caught as he snuck glimpses of her toned body. She threw her top on the floor and kicked off her boots before tugging off her pants, leaving her in her underwear. She laughed at Steve's rosed cheeks. Shaking her head, she walked over to a desk of computer screens and began tapping at buttons and settings, trying to figure out how to get it to work. After pressing a few things and a few green lights flashed up, she stepped away with a nod, figuring that she had sorted it. Her dull purple eyes met Steve's and she smiled nervously, to which he returned.

Victoria walked over the damp stone floor to the white tiled floor of the glass box. Sliding open the door, she stepped into it and shut it behind her. Steve was at the computers, nervous about pressing the button. Her entire aura and vibe coming into this building was unsettling; and if Victoria couldn't cope in this situation (a woman who was trained to cope in every situation) then Steve only hoped he'd make it out unscathed.

"I'm ready." She said, clenching and unclenching her fists. Steve hit the button and for a few moments, nothing happened.

The first flicker of movement was so brief and small that even Steve, super soldier serum and all, could only just make it out. After the first flicker, Victoria let out a groan and placed her hands against the door to support herself. As the system warmed up, Victoria's groans became more frequent as flashes of light flickered from the back panel. Steve could see as the colour in her veins began to pulse brighter.

Steve could see why they called her Ultraviolet. Victorias eyes shot open; a bright,piercing, neon amethyst colour that contrasted starkly against her tanned skin tone. Her veins were singing a royal purple- the colour of religion. Victoria was sweating, beads of liquid dripped down and soaked her skin as she enervated herself; her groans were becoming louder and it wasn't long before she would push herself too far. A bloodcurdling wail akin to the earthquaking outcry of a banshee ripped through Victoria's throat; Steve's senses were momentarily numbed as Victoria kept screaming in pain; not stopping to even cough up the blood that was caused by her vocals tearing the inside of her throat.

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