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BUILDINGS COLLAPSED ALL AROUND THEM. Before an apartment building fell on a crowd of civilians, purple waves consumed the concrete and were sent flying over the edge of the now floating city. Victoria turned to Steve, a look of horror on her face as Ultron began to make things worse.

"Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." Ultrons voice came through all of the team's comms. Victoria stood at the end of the bridge- the end of the country- next to Steve, watching as they got higher and higher and higher. Steve raised his fist and back handed a robot that came from behind them. Victoria had an epiphany.

"Forcefield." She said. Steve looked at her. She smiled. "Gather a crowd. I could create a forcefield, lower them to the ground in a bubble."

"And if you drop it? Hundreds of people would die. They're safer up here than trying to get them down." He explained. Victoria sighed. "You'd also have to be with the forcefield at all times; you would be putting more people in danger by not protecting the rest of city, and instead protecting a small group of people." Victoria scowled, not understanding what Steve was trying to say. She's supposed to save the people, isn't she? The force field would do that.

Steve was tackled by a robot before she could respond; the two flying into a car abandoned on the bridge.

"Cap, you got incoming." Her brother's voice came through the comm. Victoria laughed as Steve groaned in pain.

"Incoming already came in." He said hoarsely. Victoria pulled him up, the two jumping as the inside of a building exploded. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed," He looked at Victoria. "Walk it off." The two patrolled the area near the bridge; attacking and fending off any robots that came flying up over the side.

"Steve, the end of the bridge is collapsing!" Victoria shouted as she heard a woman's screams. The two avengers ran towards the crumbling end of the city. A red headed woman in a red car was screaming as her car began to fall with the earth. Steve managed to grab the back bumper and attempted to pull it back up to safety. Victoria stepped on the car to get into it and lift the woman out, but her pressure only made it worse. The bumper detached from the car. Victoria, the woman, the car and the car next to them to all plummet towards earth. Steve screamed her name.

Thinking fast, Victoria grabbed the woman and jumped out of the car; she threw a portal in midair below them and allowed them to fall through it. They landed on the bridge, on a supported part, and Victoria set the woman down. A robot came towards them and Victoria was ready to offend, but Steve's shield got there first. Victoria let out the breath she was holding. The magnets on his arm pulled the shield towards Steve, the robot flying with it; the captain grabbed his red white and blue shield and flung the robot over the edge.

Ultraviolence ☢ Steve Rogers  Where stories live. Discover now