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    "How about this, you give me the file and I let you walk away, and we can forget about this- or, I can defeat you again, I mean, I'll be alone and without Bucky but I think I could take you." She shrugged nonchalantly, knowing she'd be able to take them.

    "Bucky?" Captain America asked, taking a step forwards with hands held up, showing he meant no harm. "You just called him Bucky."

    Violets eyes shifted between Steve and the file, obviously uncomfortable. "That's his name, is it not?"

    "But how do you know?"

    "Because I read his file and told him that was his name, duh."

    "How about- how about we all go upstairs and have a coffee and chat about you knowing Natasha and Bucky and, you know, being my sister." Tony said, his body angling itself so it was diagonal facing towards her.

    "Nice try, but I came for the file." Victoria smiled. As her finger was about to squeeze the trigger of her pistol, Tony stuck his hand out and the hand of one of his Iron Man suits came flying out of nowhere, attaching itself to him. He let out a blast and she ducked, just avoiding it. Natashas leg swooped around to kick her in the head, connecting leather boot with brown hair. Steve took his chance to tackle her to the ground. She kicked him off of her, and he landed a few feet away on his feet. She instantly jumps up and faces off with the four again.

    "You know, I'm going easy on you, right? I could easily kill you. Watch as the air thins and your cheeks hollow out as your body is deprived of oxygen. I could kill everybody in this damn building- oh wait, I already did. I could kill everyone in this city, in the world. You're underestimating my power. I could go to your friend in Asgard and destroy his realm. Its called cosmokinesis for a reason- I control the galaxy-"

    "You talk too much." Steve quipped, throwing his shield at her. It hit her abdomen, sending her flying through the wall and into the next room. The wall crumbled around Victorias slumped body, dry wall and glass coating her body. She lets out a cough and lifts her head up, a smile on her face as blood drips from her nose, mouth and cut on her forehead. She picks up the shield that was next to her and stands up, Tony fully equipped in his Mark 43 suit, Natasha and Maria pointing guns at her and Steve advancing towards her again. She jumps up into a low crouch and balances the shield in between her hands. When Steve stops in front of her, her leg swoops out as she spins, knocking him onto his back. With the shield, she smacks him around the head with it, causing him to spit out blood and Maria and Natasha to fire at her.

    Victoria deflects their bullets with the shield and grabs Steve's collar. The room is filled with an ultraviolet light as Ultraviolet falls back into the portal she made appear behind her. Natasha, Maria and Tony stand there for a few seconds after to process what had just happened.

    "She could be anywhere, she could have left the country or even the planet, and she's with Steve. We've fucked up." Tony huffed, walking to assess the damage.

    "She won't be, not without the file. She's HYDRA, she won't leave anywhere without completing the mission." Natasha said.

    "So she's still in the building?" Maria asked.

    "Yes. Are there any other copies of the file on her?" Natasha said, picking up the file that Victoria was ordered to retrieve.

    "No, I had JARVIS wipe the system of any information regarding her, so she could be the best hacker in the world and she'd never find it." Tony said, picking up a smashed plant pot that once held a cactus that Pepper got for him because "he's a prick". He dropped the broken pottery, and turned around to the other two women. "Better get a search on then. Can you call in Clint? And that chick, the one with the black hair who stole his bow that time-"

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