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VICTORIA AND STEVE CLIMBED ONTO THE ROOF OF THE U-GIN GENETIC RESEARCH LAB. Clint flew the Quinjet elsewhere as Steve and Victoria looked over the edge on the opposite side.

    "Two minutes. Stay close. Vic, stay here, keep an eye out." She nodded and watched as he jumped down, out of sight.

    She waited not even two minutes, not really paying attention to Steve, before Natasha and Clint's voices came through the comm in her ear. She jumped to the floor, using her powers to balance her out after the four story drop.

    "There. It's the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver." Clint said, and Victoria looked up to see a blue U-Gin lorry among the cars on the road. Steve shortly joined Victoria, who wrapped an arm around his waist before flying them up onto the looping road.

    "Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." The two could see as the lorry drove on the road beneath them. They ran across the road, using the side barrier as a boost as they launched themselves over the edge and onto the lorry roof. Victoria stuck her landing, having done many before, but Steve rolled and almost fell over the edge. A blast of red energy shot through the door, throwing it open and sending Steve crashing into the side. Victoria ran down to the back and saw as Steve pushed the door back close. Another blast sent the door off its hinges and sent Steve flying in the air, Victoria let out a gasp of surprise and worry. He landed back on the trailing door and she let out a sigh of relief.

    "Well, he's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way." Steve narrated, clinging onto the door, making Victoria roll her eyes.

    "You're not a match for him, Cap." Clints voice came through the comm and Victoria laughed.

    "Thanks, Barton. Lets hope Victoria is." He replied as she jumped down onto the door beside him. They both tried to get into the truck, but Ultron came and blasted them away from approaching any further. Steve landed on another car whilst Victoria balanced herself in mid air, violet waves coming from her hands and hitting the floor. Steve picked himself up and jumped onto a lorry to the side of him, swinging onto Ultron's lorry whilst Victoria flew back onto the roof. They stood next to each other whilst Ultron appeared at the end.

    "You know what's in that cradle?" The AI sent a blast towards Steve, who turned his back and deflected it with his shield. "The power to make real change, and that terrifies you."

    "I wouldn't call it a comfort." Steve said, throwing his shield and sending Ultron flying back slightly. In Victoria's hands, two purple energy balls were ready; she threw them at Ultron as he sent blasts towards the two of them, the two Avengers avoiding them. Ultron came back onto the roof, and as Steve's shield made a return, he kicked it into Ultron.

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