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The toned legs of Violet bounced up and down repetitively as she sat on edge, ready to pounce at any living thing that moved. She was antsy, hyperaware of everything going on around her. Voices in the hallway, every breath the Winter Soldier took, every tick the clock on the wall behind her took, the beads of sweat that built behind her ears. The two of Hydra's best assassins sat at a table, an array of weapons spread out in front of them, as the Winter Soldier confided in his partner whilst they waited. It had been twenty minutes since the ambush began and they still weren't in the action. She was desperate to sink her claws into some flesh and feel warm blood spurt over her face. Oh, how she was desperate. She kept still enough, however, for her to be able to listen to her partner. Somehow, miraculously, even after his memories had been wiped, he had asked his friend to try and pull some memories. He knew she would after what she saw yesterday. It was painful for the pair of them, but it worked.

"Well, Bucky," She tasted his name on her tongue, unsure of what to think of it. She preferred his code name. "Whatever memories I managed to recover from you can't stop you from completing the mission. We need to eliminate the captain and his little spider bitch." Violet spat as she sharpened the blades on her trademark swords.

"Agents. Are you ready?" In the distraction of speaking to the Soldier, Violet's ears hadn't picked up the dull footsteps of one of Hydra's bitches. In her surprise and with her assassin reflexes, a knife pierced his jugular. The man spluttered on his words as he drowned in his own blood, but neither assassin cared. The pair stood up and began to equip themselves with weapons as the man died a slow death on the floor just feet behind them. Once ready, they made their out of the cold conference room they were in and crossed over to the air pad of the Triskelion, where they were kept whilst Hydra infiltrated Shield.

The Winter Soldier emerged from the room first. Grenades were shot at all the air crafts whilst Violet threw blades at anyone who tried to stop them. A group of Shield's men wearing boiler suits got a little too close for comfort, but - unluckily for them - Violet moved with such fluidity and precision it allowed the blade of her sword to slice their limbs clean off, hand there wasn't so much as a kink in her path as the pair made their way to one of the aircrafts Bucky hadn't destroyed. The Soldier killed the pilot and threw him out so they both could get in. The Quinjet lifted from the ground and took off in pursuit of a Helicarrier.

"I assume Pierce is taking care of Romanoff." Violet stated, not really expecting an answer. Bucky just nodded. Within seconds he had landed the jet on the carrier and they had hopped out. No time was wasted as the Soldier instantly caught sight of the Captain. He dove immediately and kicked the blond man overboard. His Winged friend tried to save him, but Violet's telekinetic waves stopped him. She threw him back and trapped him, suspended in mid-air. The Winged man drew out two pistols and tried shooting at the assassins, but the soldier grabbed the girl and pulled her out of the way. They rolled behind a large white pillar for protection, but Violet struggled out of the grip the Metal armed man had on her; she wanted action, she was thirsty for it. The Falcon flew past them again in another attempt to save the captain; but this time the soldier threw a grappling hook. The wire wrapped around a red and alloy wing and the bird man was yanked back. A perfect opportunity, Violet slapped the Soldier in a silent plea and the Soldier, knowing exactly what she thought, lifted her with his metal arm. Then she was flying. He threw her into the air towards the Falcon. She channelled all the strength in her into a front flip before she drew out her katana and slammed the blade down onto a mechanical wing, slicing it off. The two fell onto the ground. Bucky ran towards them whilst the Falcon made a move to attack Violet, but before he could make contact with her, the Winter Soldier kicked him off the helicarrier.

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