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    VICTORIA DIDN'T KNOW WHERE SHE WAS. She wasn't in the cell where she fell asleep, that was for sure. As she walked across the dewy grass, the morning mist began to fade and clear away, allowing her to see what was on the ground.

    Oh, how she wished she couldn't.

    Bodies littered the ground in front of, and all around, her. Bodies slaughtered and slashed, bullet holes piercing them in random places- lethal places. Bodies that were freshly killed and bodies that were months and years old, decayed and rotten, mould and maggots and flies surrounding them. Bodies half eaten by bugs. The stench hit her next; Victoria doubled over, throwing up all of her stomach's contents. The smell of years worth of dead bodies roasting in the sun. Victoria didn't know where she was, or why she was here. She would much rather be in her cell again.

    One of the bodies caught her eye; a red head, female- she could recognise Natasha Romanoff from a mile away. And once Victoria recognised one body, she could recognise them all. They were the people she had murdered over the years, and people she was supposed to or wanted to. She saw Steve, Sam, Alex Pierce and even her own brother. She wondered why she was here. Why her mind was showing her this. Slowly walking through the sea of bodies, Victoria came across her own.

    Her body was ice cold, and it sent shivers down her spine as she knelt next to it. Her skin was next to white, and her usually purple veins were now black. As were her eyes, her haunting eyes that will probably be engraved in the back of Victoria's mind for the rest of her life. The body's hands were tied in front of her in a chain, and her feet were handcuffed. Victoria couldn't tell how the body died.

    When she looked up, she saw a young girl standing in front of her, around twenty feet away. She had buzzed hair and wore a white hospital gown. She beckoned Victoria closer, and so Victoria walked towards her. Victoria could never reach the young girl as she walked further away, but she continued to follow her nevertheless; right up until they reached the edge of the land. Victoria  could smell the ocean, hear it crashing against the rocks that she couldn't see. The little girl turned to face Victoria, and Vic gasped. It was her, as she suspected. 

    "Its all your fault. You did this. Everyone you love will die because of you. You killed us." She said in English, her Russian accent heavy. Victoria opened her mouth to question younger her, but before she could say anything, the girl leaned back and fell over the edge of the cliff. Victoria ran towards her, but as she dove towards the edge and looked over, all she could see was the cold, purple sea. Victoria screamed in anger, looking up towards the sky. 

     VICTORIA WOKE UP, STILL SCREAMING. The door to the room of cells opened, and her brother walked in, confused by the sound. Victoria stopped. Someone began clapping- sarcastically, of course- as Tony walked to the centre of the room and slowly spun around, looking at everyone in their individual cells. Upon seeing Victoria, Tony frowned. She was sat in the corner of her cell, a chain clamped around her neck, wrists and ankles like some kind of animal. She had her head buried in-between her legs and her breathing was heavy. 

    "The futurist, gentlemen! The futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether your like it or not." Clint Barton called out, sat next to his bed rather than on it.

    "Give me a break, Barton. I have no idea they'll put you in here, come on." Victoria looked up at her brother's words. Anger consumed her, of course he knew. She was even angrier at the fact that they'd probably execute her here, too. Not even somewhere dignified. Nobody would know she'd die here. They'd dump her body in the sea. She regretted handing herself in.

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