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THE ROOM WAS HOT. The air was thick, dense, heavy. It formed a sticky layer of sweaty film on her skin. Her mouth was open and she was panting, a wicked smile on her lips that exposed her teeth splattered with red. She wasn't wearing lipstick.

Once a forest green, the room was now red. It dripped down the walls and dried to the oak floor: it looked like an explosion of Christmas- not that she knew what Christmas was. The scent of iron was that strong she could taste it, the smell of the blood becoming so her that it was basically her natural scent now. Thats how he recognised her. He looked at her, her proud of her artwork. It could be art if they were fake body parts.

The apartment looked like a scene from a slasher film, like Freddy Krueger had terrorised someones dream. Not Freddy, just Hydra. Quiet thuds hit the floor in a steady rhythm, forming a puddle of blood beneath the blade and onto the cream cotton and wool mixed rug. The sound was irritating to him, but satisfying to her. Nothing, however, was quite as satisfying as watching the pulse of their victim slow down as the heart stopped pumping the blood that remained in the body parts that weren't separated from its immediate proximity.

In the distance, sirens sounded. They were a while away and would take up to twenty minutes to arrive. That was plenty of time to leave and complete their next three missions if they wanted to. But they only had one immediate, pressing one left. One that had her itching at the fingertips and was so thought out she could probably complete it in her sleep. She needed her partner though, that's what made it fun.

He motioned her to follow him out of the window, seeing more police cars intercept with the real police cars in a large mess of who was on the right mission or what. If they succeeded, they'd go down in history. They'd be royalty. They'd be heroes.

Down on the busy streets of Washington DC, Nick Fury was racing against the clock. It was time.


ghost readers i see you!! please vote and comment!

(new prologue 14/10/116- editing commences)

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