Around the Way

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Nobody POV

In New York city after a long shift at North General Hospital, Yn is heading back home.

What I loved about New York, it was the lights and the busy streets even though the corners were ran by drug dealers, just a busy city. I couldn't wait to get home to my baby, he probably worried about me coming home later than usual. I'm looking out the window and the bus drove pass my old high school.

Announcer: We are now stopping on 10th St

I pulled the line and the bus slows down to a complete stop, I got off the bus and I started to walk down the block, in Brooklyn, never look at people in the eye, just have your eyes on the destination. I got into the building safely, I live in Wood Haven Apts. I have a small apartment for me and my baby right now. I walked up 4 flights of stairs where my apartment was the first door on the right, unlocked my door and got into the apartment.

?: Hey baby

Yn: Hey mama, where is he?

Ym: In the back.


Ronnie: Mommy!

I seen my lovely son come out his room and gave me hug.

Yn: Did you be good for mom?

Ronnie: Yeah, grandma made fried pork chops and mash potatoes with gravy.

Yn: mmm my chunky man, I know it's good.

Ym: Of course, but Yn I need to talk to you after mr here gets back into the bed.

Ronnie: Aww come on grandma.

Ym: No baby, you have school tomorrow.

Yn: Listen to grandma baby.

Ronnie: Ok mommy, can you tuck me in?

Yn: Come on baby.

I went to go put away my coat and my purse, I got comfortable and put on my pajamas and put my hair into a ponytail. I went to Ronnie's room where he's waiting for me, I went over to his bed and laid down with him, kissed his forehead and I laid down with him for 10 minutes until I knew for sure that Ronnie was in deep sleep. I got up and tiptoed out the room and closed his door half way, I went into the front of my apartment and seen my mom in the kitchen putting away the leftover food she made and also washing the dinner dishes.

Ym: Ronnie sleep?

Yn: Yeah mom, he good for the night. But what did you want to tell me, is it bad? Is it Terrence or Jamal?

Ym: No they fine, but it's about Ronnie.

Yn: What about him?

Ym: He's out.

Yn: No he's in the bed sleeping (chuckles).

Ym: No Yn, Ronnie is out of prison.

Yn: (gasps) What?

My heart began to race.


Ronnie: You love me right?

Yn: Yes Ronnie. I want to be with you forever.

Flashback ends.

Ym: He's been out for a minute now.

Yn: What? Mama how do you know?

Ym: I heard it from Rosie, she seen him and Nique at the club and she said he didn't look all the way there, he even yelled at two women.

Yn: Mom, please be careful.

Ym: Yn I'm fine, I'm worried about you and little Ronnie.

Yn: We are fine ma.

Ym: Yn, you have to face him one day.

Yn: (sighs) mama I know.

Ym: Imagine how much all this affected us before and how it can affect us now.

Yn: Mom (sighs) I'm just not ready yet.

Ym: I know baby, but you have to embrace yourself just in case you run into him or Unique.

Yn: I know.

Back with Ronnie who traveled back into the woods

Ronnie POV

I seen Unique and I checked his pulse, he was still breathing, but I know if I leave him here, he will be gone by morning. I grabbed him and put him over shoulder and climbed back up the hill to the car, hurried and open the door shoved him in the back, got in the car and drove off. One thing I always hated about Unique, even when he fucks up, I still can't kill his stupid ass, he the only family I got.

Nobody POV
Ronnie drove back to the city an hour later. Once he got to the apartment building he staying in and he got out of the car, positioned himself in a stance and looked around for any alert neighbors, once he seen nobody to watch him, he quickly open the back of the car door and dragged Unique from the back of the car and put him over his shoulder and kicked both of the back and front car doors shut, Ronnie quickly walked to the back door of the apartment building opened it, rushed down stairs, he then placed Unique on the stairway and went to open his apartment door and walked in, he went inside the apartment and went to the closet by the door and grabbed a box out and put it by his kitchen table and walked out his apartment back to the stairwell where Unique is still laying and dragged Unique back to his apartment by his feet and as soon as Ronnie gets Unique in the apartment, he drops his feet and closes the door behind him. Ronnie takes out the cloth to clean his glasses out of the pocket of his jacket, takes off his glasses, wipes the lenses and puts the glasses back on, he took his coat off and hung it up in the closet and lifts Unique to the kitchen table, he looks through the box he put by the table and took out a nebulizer machine and plugged it up, put in the solution and he had some cut up rope and he tied Unique hands and feet to the legs of the table. Ronnie takes out rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls, opens the alcohol, soak the first cotton ball half way and dabs Unique forehead, Unique flinched a little giving Ronnie a sign that Unique is still alive, Ronnie kept dabbing the cotton ball on the scar of Unique forehead, then he continues dabbing his whole face with more alcohol infused cotton balls, then Ronnie grabs suture thread and a skinny needle.

Ronnie: You're gonna feel this 'Nique.

Ronnie puts the thread through the opening of the needle and starts to stitch Unique.

Unqiue: FUCK! AAAAH!

Ronnie then went to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic bowl that's filled with ice and went back to table with Unique who is still yelling, Ronnie had a long bandana by the chair and grabbed that and went to the table and shoved ice in Unique mouth causing Unique to choke and cough and quickly covered Unique mouth with the bandana wrapping around over his head. Ronnie then continued to stitch Unique face up and Unique kept squirming and choking. 10 minutes go by and Ronnie finished stitching up Unique face and untied his hands and feet and took the bandana off Unique head and Unique lifts up a little bit and his head went over the table and he coughs up the water and the rest of the ice from his mouth, Ronnie just stared at him and turned on the nebulizer machine and handed it to Unique and Unique took it.

Ronnie: I'm going to bed, saving your ass is exhausting.

Ronnie went to his room and went to bed.

AN: What do yall think about Ronnie playing doctor for his brother?

I know this is just fiction, we all know Unique don't make it, but this is more of a Ronnie and Yn story and it's also mine lol, so in my books, Unique is well and alive lmfao, but please comment, again love to hear your perspective and also of Unique name misspelled in some places my phone was acting up and I tried to change as much as I could.

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