Your Smile

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I just finished putting in the codes for some patients when the head nurse came to me.

Victor: Hey Yn, ready for lunch?

Yn: Yeah, give me a minute to finish up.

I finished the last sheet and I went to the front of the desk.

Yn: Hey Martha, got my stuff?

She handed my jacket and purse.

Yn: Thanks girl.

Martha: Have fun.

I smiled and turned around and seen Victor in the waiting area and I walked up to him.

Yn: Hey ready to go.

Victor smiled and stood up. Victor is so gorgeous and his smile is everything. I was going to put on my coat, but Victor grabbed my coat and wrapped it around me himself and when I got the coat on, he did a little cuddle from behind and I couldn't help but smile.

Nobody POV

Yn and Victor walked out the hospital holding hands, it was bright and sunny, but a little windy (it's fall) and they started to walk and talk, about their family.

Yn: Well I have 3 older brothers and 1 older sister, my parents are divorced.

Victor: Woooow, see I'm the second oldest boy, I have an older brother, 2 little sisters and a little brother. All by my parents, they still happily married.

Yn: (smiles) That's great.

Their friends

Yn: I talk to a lot of people from my block, but my only two friends are Rosie and Yolanda.

Victor: I grew up with my friends, just us 4 men.

Yn: Yeah well most of my childhood friends are back in Chicago.

They got to the restaurant and was sat at their table and talked about their kids.

Yn: Yeah little Ronnie wants to be an artist, he is very good and a perfectionist.

Victor: Well Trey wants to be an astronaut.

They both laughed.

Yn: Well he can be, just continue to be his father.

Victor: And you continue to be Ronnie mother.

Yn: Always.

They both shook hands.

About their exes...

Victor: I was a wild child I can admit, but I did love Raven. Raven was in love with money and I saw her true colors, but I'm glad that I met her, she gave me Trey.

Yn: (smiles) That's very good.

Victor: What about you?

Yn smile turned to a straight face.

Yn: (sighs) Yeah, Ronnie.

Victor: Well, how old were you when you met him?

Yn: I was 15, but we didn't really date until I was 16 going on 17.

Victor: How old was he?

Yn: 24

Victor stayed quiet and just took a sip from his drink.

Victor: I'm sorry.

Yn: What for?

Victor: I didn't know you were assaulted.

Yn: I wasn't (chuckles).

Victor: Wait? So a 24 yr old man wanted you to be with him?

Yn: Yeah, I had it going on.

They both laughed.

Yn: Look I know we weren't supposed to be together, but he was fun, smart and neat until I seen his true colors.

Victor: Well, is he back in your life?

Yn: He will always be in my life. He's my son dad.

Victor: No, I mean is he back in your life, back together with you?

Yn: Oh umm, well we both have been doing our own thing ever since he came out.

Victor: Came out?

Yn: He was in prison.

Victor stopped at mid bite and put his fork down.

Victor: Oh.

Yn: Yeah.

They both were very quiet.

Victor: Well who are we to judge? God loves us all.

Yn: I like that perspective.

Victor: Aren't we great pickers?

Yn: (laughs) We sure are.

Victor: We picked each other.

I just smiled and I was looking around I seen a face that I hate... a face I want to punch.

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