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Ronnie POV
After Jerome and little Ronnie got out of school, me and Unique walked to the McDonald's down the block, I was about to cross the street until I felt I tug on my jacket. I looked down and little Ronnie had his hand up, I grabbed it and we both walked across the street. Now I got a son, my instincts need to be better.

Nobody POV
All the Mathis men and boys arrived to the McDonald's, Ronnie and Unique walked up to the counter and ordered their food and went to sit in a booth and waited for their food. Ronnie sitting in the booth across his son, his position is like if he was in front of the jury and anything he said will be held against him, no smile or anything. Little Ronnie looks at his dad, but gave an awkward look and did a side smile.

Ronnie Jr: So you my uncle and Jerome my big cousin.

Unique: Yep, sure is. You know we know your other uncles Terrance and Jamal.

Ronnie Jr: Yeah my grandma told me. But I have a real question.

Ronnie: What is it?

Ronnie Jr: Where do babies come from?

Ronnie just stared at his son while Unique snickered.

Jerome: I asked that question too. My mommy says that God blessed her with me and that daddy came with the deal. Whatever that means.

Ronnie Jr: That doesn't sound right.

Ronnie: What are they teaching you kids in school?

Ronnie Jr: Mainly reading, how to tell time and color for me.

Jerome: Yeah Kindergarten was amazing, plus nap time. I'm in 1st grade and all I do is add and subtract.

Ronnie Jr: Then I need a time machine to go back when I finish Kindergarten.

Unique: Well they teaching yall right to have these types of conversation.

Ronnie Jr: Do you know where babies come from?

Unique: Yeah, trust me when you find out, you wish you never knew.

Ronnie Jr: Well how did I get here?

Unique laughs as Ronnie just continues to sit there uncomfortable. Ronnie knew he had to answer the question somehow.

Ronnie: I planted a seed in your mom, like for the garden you plant the seed, water it, give it sun light and the flower grows.

Ronnie Jr: So you treated my mommy like a flower?

Unique: (under his breath) Nah he treated her like a woman.

Ronnie looked at Unique.

Unique: (clears throat) Sorry.

Unique sees their order and grabs both trays and sat back down with his family.

Unique: So Ronnie Jr., excited to see your dad?

Ronnie Jr: Yeah but I'm confused.

Ronnie: Why you confused?

Ronnie Jr: Mommy showed me the pictures, you didn't have hair on your face.

Ronnie: I grew it out, when you become a man, yours will too.

Ronnie: And you're very tall, I knew you were taller than me, but you're very tall. You too uncle.

Unique: Well our dad was very tall.

Ronnie Jr: I have another grandpa?

Ronnie: Nah, he is gone.

Ronnie Jr: Where did he go?

Ronnie: (clears throat) to Heaven.

Ronnie Jr: What's Heaven?

Ronnie stops eating his food and looks at him.

Ronnie: Your mom didn't tell you about Heaven?

Ronnie Jr: Mommy only said it's a place where people who love us are.

Ronnie: She's right, but they are also called Angels.

Ronnie Jr: Dead people become Angels?

Ronnie: Yes, they are Angels, they are people of God. God is a man who made everything happen, start to finish.

Ronnie Jr: He even made me?

Unique starts laughing

Ronnie: He did, the process of you, yes.

Ronnie Jr: Oh ok. Daddy?

Ronnie: Yes?

Ronnie Jr: Did you love my mommy?

Ronnie just shifted himself, while Unique was looking at him, waiting for an answer and Jerome is in his own world with his chicken nuggets.

Ronnie: Yes.

Ronnie Jr: Are you going to love her again?

Unique took a sip of his pop, so did Ronnie.

Ronnie: Your mommy gave me you and for that I will always love her.

Ronnie Jr smiled and went back to eating his food.

Ronnie POV

After all this, I don't know how to feel about Yn. Yn kept my son from me, for 5 years and now I'm moving in with her. I don't know how I feel about Yn, but I know a conversation is needed.

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