Nice to meet you

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Ronnie POV
What the fuck? What does he mean my son? I don't have any fucking kids.

Ronnie: I don't have a son.

Unique: You do have a son Ronnie. 

Ronnie: (smacks teeth) How do you know?

Unique: I seen a picture of him, he looks just like you, he got your name too. Yn is his mother.

I looked at Nique, he was dead ass serious, I sat down in a chair. Yn? When we broke up, she moved back to Chicago, why the fuck she kept it from me?

Unique POV
I know Yn will be pissed once she finds out I told Ronnie. I turned around and Pernessa was just standing there with her arms crossed.

Pernessa: Ronnie, you didn't know?

Ronnie: No, she didn't even tell me. How the fuck did this happen?

Unique: Is that a trick question?

Ronnie puts his hands on his head. Pernessa and I sat down at the table with him.

Pernessa: Wait, her last name Smith right?

Unique: Yeah.

Pernessa: But she young. How old was she when they messed around?

Unique: She a couple of years younger than me.

Pernessa: Ronnie you messed with a teenager?

Ronnie: Look it fucking happened years ago. This ain't none of your business anyway.

Unique: But you telling Pernessa all the shit I was doing wasn't your business.

Ronnie got up and I got up too.

Ronnie: I ain't got time for stupid shit Nique.

Unique: Ain't nobody playing. Yn got a place and your son, you got a home.

Ronnie face had softened, Pernessa seen it.

Pernessa: When did you find out?

Unique: When we were gone, took our friend to the hospital, but he the one who told me. I asked, she said yeah and I seen the pictures, I got a few.

I grabbed my wallet from my pocket, took out little Ronnie's school picture, and put it on the table, Pernessa grabbed it.

Pernessa: Wow. He does look like Ronnie and resembles you and Jerome.

Pernessa put it back on the table. Ronnie still turned around.

Unique: Ronnie look at the picture.

Ronnie: (Slams hands on the table) I CAN'T! 

I got frustrated

Unique: I'm going to bed.

Pernessa got up and we both walked past Ronnie and went up the stairs.

Nobody POV
Ronnie looked at the table and saw his son's picture, then sat down and grabbed the picture, looked at his son and saw all the resemblance Unique told him about and he couldn't help himself and did a half smile.

Back with Yn at her apartment

Yn: Then he says that Ronnie is moving in.

Rosie: Yall not getting back together.

Yn: That's what I told him. Ronnie coming back into my life, just imagine that.

Yn mom: (laughs)

Yn: What you laughing at lady?

Yn mom: Well back when you were a teenager, you couldn't wait until Ronnie came over most of the time. Still mad as hell that I had to catch you two in your room.

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