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Unique POV

I woke up to the bright ass sun on my face. My face, my back, everything hurts. I'm gonna fucking kill Ronnie.

Nobody POV

Unique lifts himself from the table, turns himself to the side, and stands up. Unique walks into the kitchen, grabs a glass cup from the cabinet, and gets himself some water. Unique heard footsteps behind him and turns around and sees an older man walking with a cane and Ronnie comes in from behind him.

Ronnie: This is Mr. Farley.

Unique: Who is he?

Ronnie: He let me stay here. Mr.Farley, come on, you got to take your pills.

Ronnie went to the cabinet by the sink and grabbed a white prescription bag. Unique just drank his water and watched Ronnie.

Unique: Anything to eat around here?

Ronnie: There's cereal, don't touch my Cheerios.

Unique looked on top of the fridge and saw some Captain Crunch with berries, he grabbed the box and started to make a bowl of cereal.

Ronnie: Here.

Unique turned to Ronnie and saw in his hand 2 capsules.

Unique: I ain't taking that shit after what you did.

Ronnie: Fine, get a headache then.

Unique looked at Ronnie and walked toward him and grabbed the pills.

Ronnie: Better than that shit in the store.

Unique: Because it's from the hospital, they hide all the good shit there.

Ronnie chuckles. Mr.Farley is just sitting at the table eating his Oatmeal.

(Mr.Farley is played by Mr. Denzel Washington)

Mr.Farley: He your friend?

Ronnie: My little brother.

Mr.Farley: Where yall family?

Unique: Lost them a couple of years ago.

Mr.Farley: Where they go?

Unique: They died.

Mr.Farley: mmm, Ronnie, is he staying too?

Ronnie: Just for a couple of days until he heals up.

Mr.Farley: What happened?

Ronnie: Took a beat.

Unique: If I remember, you took it way more than me.

Ronnie: Yet here you are with stitches.

Mr.Farley: HEY!

They both stopped and looked at Mr.Farley.

Mr.Farley: Ain't no arguing here, I like peace. Ronnie and what's your name son?

Unique: Unique Mathis.

Mr.Farley: Alright, while you are here, you need to contribute. Ronnie helps with my medication and he takes me where I need to go during the day. You gonna heal here, you gonna help here, Ronnie you gonna help him too, this apartment needs to be clean 24/7.

Unique: I ain't nobody damn slave.

Mr.Farley gets up with his cane.

Mr.Farley: I didn't say you were, you got tootsie rolls in your ears boy?

Unique: No.

Mr.Farley: No sir.

Unique: Huh?

Mr.Farley: When you address me, you say yes sir, no sir. And I'm Mr.Farley, not bitch, nigga, muthafucka, asshole, or any of what you young men like to call each other. You address me as sir or Mr.Farley and I ain't gonna let you lay in my house, if you want something, you got to give something, you want to heal, I want the help and I may be old, but I'll take my cane and whoop your ass like a piñata. So you gonna heal, when you are done eating breakfast, you clean the kitchen, but if you want out, limp your ass to the emergency room and let them help you, but don't say your black ass came from here.

Unique: Ok... Mr.Farley.

Mr.Farley: Ronnie, I'm ready.

Ronnie gets up and goes to the living room.

Mr.Farley: Whatever issues you two have, fix that shit now. You both grown ass men and yall ain't going to fight and tear up in here, when I come back them dishes better be done and the kitchen floor needs to be swept.

Unique grabs his cereal and sits down at the table.

Mr.Farley: Tonight I'm making dinner.

Unique: OK, sir.

Mr.Farley: mhm.

Mr.Farley walks out and Unique shakes his head and continues to eat his cereal.


I just got to the hospital to start my shift. I went on the elevator and went up to the 5th floor, I work in Urgent Care, I am an assistant nurse, but I also work with the receptionists and help code all the diagnoses for the patients. I went to the office by the desks and punched in my timecard, walked back out, and went down the hall to the employee elevator in the back, not too far and got in that elevator and went down a floor to the locker room for the nurses and doctors and I saw my co-workers Keisha, Renee and my friend Rosie. 

Keisha: Hey Yn.

Yn: Hey (looks at Rosie).

Nobody POV

Yn is looking at Rosie and Rosie looks back at Yn creating a staredown.

Yn: Anything you want to say to me?

Rosie: (sighs) Come with me to the bathroom.

Yn and Rosie walk fast to the bathroom on the left side of the locker room. As soon as Yn and Rosie got to the bathroom, they both immediately checked each stall to make sure no one was in the bathroom.

Rosie: OK, so I'm taking it as if your mom has told you Ronnie is out.

Yn: Mmm, well you're right.

Rosie: Look I'm sorry, but honestly I wanted to make sure it was Ronnie, he had his back turned and I have always seen Nique at the club, I thought it was just one of his friends until I seen Rummell and he said Ronnie got out over a week ago. Ronnie got beef with Raq and he is mad at Nique I guess for being cool with Raq now, but that's all I know.

Yn: You know they all sell, that's probably why, and if Nique is cool with Raq now, then it will cause more drama. Drama I don't fucking need right now.

Rosie: Are you going to tell him?

Yn: Now that I know he ain't serving life, yeah.

Rosie: Yn, you didn't even tell Ronnie or Nique you were pregnant.

Yn: You didn't even tell Nique you were pregnant either.

Rosie: Yeah because after I found out I was pregnant, the doctor said I was pregnant, keyword was. I lost the baby.

Yn: But you could've told him. I felt like shit leaving you behind to deal with it on your own.

Rosie: Yn, you left to get a better education and because the whole city would've been on your ass for being pregnant by Ronnie. 

Yn: Rosie you are my friend, I never want to talk about little Ronnie or Ronnie in general because I know how hurt you were.

Rosie: (sighs) I know, but I got back into church and therapy to help. Besides this is bigger than you and my loss with Nique, what about little Ronnie? RJ always asks about his dad, you give him pictures of Ronnie and his grandma, but we all don't live that damn far apart. What if one day RJ sees him? Or if you accidentally bump into him?

Yn: Those are the questions that I still don't have the answers to.

Rosie: Look, we will figure it out ok, but we have to hurry and come up with something.

Yn: I know.

Rosie hugs Yn and they hug each other for a quick minute and go on about their day.

AN: How was this chapter? If you were in this situation, what would you do?

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