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 After that year, the four of them lived together before Lilith chose to live with Beelzebub instead. When the duo turned Twenty-one, the night before Belphegor had talked to Renzo alone in his room while Reina was bathing. "Renzo, the two of us need to speak it's rather important."

Renzo stopped getting his clothes out for the next day and raised an eyebrow at his father. "Yes?"

"A month ago I had sent a messenger bird to the king of Caelum, he has agreed that it is time for his son and Reina to meet up again. I need you to be the buffer between the two of them. I need you to first gauge the boy before the two meet up once more."

Renzo nodded his head. "When should Rei and I tell that human male that Rei exchanged her demon blood for human blood?"

"Once he choose to stop being a complete dick to her, she does not need anymore heart break. Losing so many family members in so short time, I know she does not see herself worthy enough to rule a kingdom or to be loved. You need to be the one to inform him, she has shut just about everyone else out. We are lucky she trusts us enough to see the emotions she hides from everyone else."

Renzo let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "fuck...Alright dad, I'll keep that in mind. Did you ever find out how old that bastard is?"

"He's three years older than you two, or so Reina stated to me when I had asked her. So he'll be Twenty-four. Not to bad of a gap between the two of them. Though I will say this, if by tonight the two of them aren't on talking terms it has been agreed upon that the peace treaty will commence but the prince will be marrying the other human woman in his life."

"And what of Rei?"

"Well...because of what you've done the dragon prince is still sadly alive. We can reach out to them to see if they are stupid enough to bark orders at us or not if that comes the case, and if it is are you sure you don't want the throne?"

"Nope, I don't feel as if I'm ready father."

"Very well then if that's what you wish. Tomorrow afternoon will be the crowning ceremony for your baby sister."

"As it should be, she deserves it far more than I do."

"I beg to differ but it is your choice to step down or not."

The next day when it was the twin's twenty-first birthday Renzo went to wake up his younger sister. He sneaked into her room and he saw that she was still asleep, so he jumped on her and tickled her. "Wakey-wakey little sis!" 

Reina whined out as she placed her pillow over her head. "Shut it Ren, I dun wanna get up."

"Aww, poor baby sis. c'mon we're turning twenty-one today you know what that means."

"You'll be crowned king, you're the eldest bro. I ain't stupid."

"I don't know about that, you need to get your arse up just to see who dad picks." 

She whined out but got her pillow from her head. "Fine, just this once."

Renzo helped her up and smiled at her. "Don't worry with Auntie Maria and mother gone things have been rather good for you on our birthdays."

"I hate that it took blood shed for things to get that way though." Reina said sadly

Renzo cupped her face in his hands. "Things like that had to happen, our mother and aunt were greedy people. You know that right?"

She let out a sigh but nodded her head. "Yeah...I know."

"Good, now I'll let you get yourself together and I'll see you at the table. Happy birthday sis."

"Happy birthday bro." She said with a smile

Renzo went to leave her room and shut it before Belphegor went up to him. "They are here, I will be talking with his father. You need to talk to him."

Renzo nodded his head and went to the entrance of the manor before he crossed his arms. "Well-well, the heart breaker makes an appearance. Have we learnt our lesson?"

Notctis looked unamused as he saw Renzo. "Still being a taunting little shit I see."

"I only taunt those I know can't handle themselves or for the sake of my baby sister. A lot has changed since you last saw my sister. I need to know before I allow you to see her, will you protect and love her or is this for not?"

"She is a demon girl, I don't know."

Renzo shook his head before he showed his demonic form. "Not anymore, after her and I's birthday more than ten years ago she allowed me to take the demonic blood of our father. She told me there was no need for her to be the demon one of us when she didn't want it to begin with. She is a hundred percent human."

Noctis's eyes widened hearing what he said. "So...if I was to be with Reina she'd live out her years as a human woman then?"

"Yes, that's if you have the heart to do so. But I don't see it happening. You obviously have a lot wrong with your head that you cannot get over even now as an adult."

Noctis averted his eyes as he heard the younger male speak. "I never meant for things to get so bad between her and I...honestly."

"Yet they did, do you have any idea what your actions and words have done to my baby sister? Do you have any idea the amount of sorrow you've incased my younger sister in?" Renzo said seriously

Noctis was silent as he looked down ashamed. Renzo let out a sigh before he rubbed between his eyes. "Listen, you aren't the only male that has been allowed to be here today. There will be one other male that will make themselves known."

"I thought she took care of that male already?" Noctis asked confused as he looked at Renzo 

Renzo let out a dark chuckle "I had gone back in time and fucked with shit, that male is still alive since my aunt had made herself known previous to when she had. The death that had happened with Rei never happened nor did the chaos of your kingdom. The only thing that did was her leaving your kingdom due to your ignorance of what type of life she lives. Now if you do not step it up I can assure you that male will get to her."

"He'll kill her! He's a dragon kin! He'll make damn sure she'll die before she even gets to know that brat!"

Renzo shrugged "Then you need to show her that you love her...follow me to the dining area, you'll be having breakfast with my sister father and I."

"What happened to your mother?"

"Died. she is no more. It's been my father this entire time since we were Eleven." Renzo said with a shrug

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