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They waited. The waiting room dense with emotion. Elliot sat beside Olivia, his head bowed, prayers flowing from his lips into his folded hands. Carl paced from wall to wall, anxiously awaiting news on his wife.

"Stablers?" a doctor questioned.

"That's us," Carl spoke, locking eyes with the doctor. "how is she?"

"She's resting. She was severely dehydrated, and her red blood count was low. We believe her treatment is making her anemic. We've got her on an IV of fluids and a red blood cell transfusion. She is being monitored for possible complications from the transfusion, but the risks are minimal."

"Can we see her?" Carl asked quickly, needing to put eyes on his wife.

"Yes, I can take you back."

"Elliot, did you hear that?" Olivia spoke softly, placing a hand on the base of his still bowed head.

Elliot didn't respond. He continued to mumble the prayer under his breath. Olivia watched him momentarily before looking back at Carl and Maureen's doctor.

"Go on up without us. We'll find you guys in a few minutes."

"Alright," Carl nodded, following the doctor from the waiting room.

Once the coast was clear, Olivia squatted down in front of Elliot. Her hands wrapped around his folded ones.

"Elliot," Olivia whispered, trying to pull his attention back to her.

He continued to mumble the prayer under his breath. Olivia took notice that he looked paler than usual. His breathing was shallow and faster than usual.

"Elliot, hey, I need you to focus on my voice. I need you to come back to me here. You gotta get out of your head, baby," Olivia spoke with urgency, trying to pull Elliot out of his current state.

"I-I-I" his voice stuttered.

"Elliot, breathe baby, breathe."

"M-M-M," he stuttered again.

"Maureen is okay, but I need you to focus on you."

"Liv," he choked out, leaning back in the chair.

"El," Olivia looked at his pale, sweaty face with concern, "I need you to focus on me. I need you to take a slow, deep breath."

"Is everything okay here?" A nurse questioned as she passed the couple in the empty waiting room.

"I think he's in shock," Olivia spoke a bit nervously, as her shaky hands resettled on his chest.

"Let me get you some oxygen."

"Elliot, focus on me, baby," Olivia pleaded.

"Mo, how is Mo?" Elliot questioned.

"She's resting."



Once Elliot was able to use an oxygen mask, his breathing regulated. Eventually, the rosiness returned to his face and his hands no longer shook. Olivia sat beside him and rubbed his back until he was grounded again.

"Are you okay?" Olivia questioned.

"Yeah," Elliot sighed deeply, the tiredness settling into his features, "I just, I can't -"

"You can't what, baby?" Olivia asked.

"Can't lose her. I cannot bury one of my children, Olivia."

"I know, Elliot."

"I won't survive that. I cannot go through that."

"El, I need you to know that we have to take this day by day. We have to take it all in stride. This was scary, but Mo pulled through. She is strong and we have to believe she can beat this. She's gonna beat it. I know she will."

Elliot nodded. He knew Olivia was right. They had to keep Mo's spirits up and remind her she was strong and that she could make it through.

The pair saw Maureen and gave her hugs, kisses, and wishes for rest and recuperation before leaving the hospital. They'd told Carl to call if anything changed and headed home. The candles sat where they'd abruptly been blown out.

"You had something planned," Olivia smiled softly as Elliot helped her out of his coat.

"I did, but we should wait. I don't want the moment to be this."


"I'll do it all again. I really want this to be special."

Olivia nodded and silently retreated to the bedroom to change. Elliot wasn't mad. It wasn't Mo's fault, it was the cancer's fault. He'd wanted tonight to be special for Olivia and himself, and it wasn't gonna be if he tried to save it now.

He put away the candles and put in an order for Chinese food. He placed the cork in the bottle of champagne and cracked them both open a beer before he made his way to change. He knocked lightly on the door before she told him he could come in.

"Hey, I just want to get out of this suit," he sighed, his eyes glued to the floor.

"El, baby, look at me," Olivia said softly from the open closet door.

Elliot looked up. She stood in front of him, swallowed up in one of his old tee shirts. The hem resting halfway down her thighs.

"Do you-" he stared, but she placed a slender finger to his lips.

"Shh, don't talk."

She helped him out of his suit, gently taking each piece of fabric off, making sure it was hung back with care in the closet. He stood there, silently, in his boxers, when she turned around to face him again.

"I love you," she whispered, kissing his jawline.

Her hands began to trail over his chest. She could feel the tension in his shoulders as her hand trailed over his arms.

"Liv," Elliot whispered, his hands finding her waist.

"Shh, let me take care of you."

"Liv, I don't need to be taken care of."

She ignored him as her lips moved down his body. Her fingertips sliding under his boxers, pushing them to the floor. She followed, her knees resting on the floor as she wrapped a hand around his member. He watched her, felt her, as her smooth skin began to rub against his own. Her grip was tight enough to feel his blood rush.

He watched as she looked up through her eyelashes, making eye contact with him as her lips wrapped around his tip. He felt his eyes instinctively shut from the pleasure of her tongue moving around him in slow circles. Her hand continued movement as she took him further into her mouth, sucking and trailing her tongue around him.

He reached and held a fistful of her brown hair in his hand. Not to force her or thrust deeper in, but to stabilize himself. He knew he wasn't going to last long, that he was going to cum soon, but she continued her rhythm.

"Liv," he choked out, trying to be a gentleman as he made eyes at her.

She blinked once, not once faltering her motions. He twitched, releasing himself. She finished before he helped her to her feet.

"You did not have to do that. I know you don't like to."

"El, you're special - you should know that by now," she smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I think you should be rewarded for your efforts," he chuckled, slapping her ass.

"I'm not opposed," she smiled, leading him back to the bed. 

Love from Benson and Stabler [ A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now