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Noah did not wake that night, not even his grumbling stomach woke him up. The following morning, he climbed slowly out of his bed and held Eddie to his chest. He padded to his bedroom door and opened it slowly, before listening closely to the sounds coming from the main living space. Noah heard his mother's tea kettle whistle, and then it being pulled quickly from the burner in hopes it wouldn't wake him up. He could hear as Elliot cleared his throat, then the sound of him moving down to where Noah's room was. Elliot stopped short and smiled at him.

"Hey, kid. I was just about to check on you," Elliot smiled. Noah took a shaky breath before opening the door completely. He hesitantly reached a small hand out to Elliot, which Elliot took into his larger hand.

"Is everything okay?" Noah asked. Elliot squatted down to Noah's height before nodding slowly.

"You are okay and so is your mom... Are you hungry?"

Noah nervously looked at Elliot, before nodding quietly as his stomach grumbled loudly. Elliot kissed Noah's forehead then stood at full height. They walked down the hall together, Olivia waiting for them to come down the hall and to where she could see them.

"Good morning, sweet boy. I heard you are hungry? How about pancakes?" Olivia asked, a large smile on her exhausted face.

"C-can Elliot make pancakes? I-i want to snuggle with you, Mom..." Noah trailed off shyly. Olivia quickly walked to her son before wrapping her arms tightly around his body.

"I'll do anything for you, baby. C'mon, let's snuggle on the couch while Elliot waits on us hand and foot," Olivia chuckled softly, as she looked down at her son. Noah gave her a small smile, before reaching his arms up to his mother.

Olivia hadn't lifted her son up in a long time, but she didn't think twice. She carried him to the couch and sat down with him, her arms wrapped tightly around his body and her lips pressing kisses to his short hair.


Elliot took great care of Noah and Olivia that morning. He made them breakfast and then cleaned up. After breakfast, he went and changed the sheets on Noah's bed and then on Olivia's bed.

"Hello?" Elliot asked, as he did laundry in the basement of Olivia's apartment building. He turned his phone on speaker, as he poured more detergent into the washer.

"Dad, it's me," Eli spoke. Elliot took a shaky breath, realizing that he hadn't been a great father to his children recently. When Noah went missing, Elliot threw himself into taking care of Olivia until her son had been located.

"Hey, kid. How are you?" Elliot asked.

"You found Noah, right? The reports on the news said you did, but-"

"Noah is safe and sound in Manhattan. I'm taking care of him and Liv, and I'm sorry for not telling you directly."

"Dad, it's okay... Um, are you sure he's okay?" Eli breathed, his voice shaking softly. Elliot frowned deeply as he closed the lid then turned on the washer.

"Do you want to see for yourself?" Elliot mused. Eli didn't answer for several long moments, and Elliot was worried that the call had dropped or his youngest had hung up on him.

"Is Liv okay with that? I let her son get kidnapped-"

"It wasn't your fault, and I'll explain exactly what happened when you get here. See if Kathleen can drive you."

"I'm so sorry, Dad," Eli whimpered. Elliot knew his son was crying, and he hated that.

"I know, Eli. But it wasn't your fault. I love you, kid. I'll see you soon."


Olivia was a little hesitant about having Eli coming over, but she didn't show it. She didn't want to overwhelm her son, but she knew Eli needed them too. He felt guilty still, even if everyone told him it wasn't his fault.

Elliot opened the apartment door and led his son into the room. Noah was in his bedroom getting changed, so Olivia saw Eli first. The teenager looked just as exhausted as everyone else, and his hands were shaking by his side.

"Hey, Eli," Olivia smiled softly.

"Hi," Eli replied with a weak wave.

"Um, Noah is getting dressed. I just wanted to tell you what I told you before... it wasn't your fault that Noah got taken. His grandmother and her boyfriend took him, and there is nothing you could have done. Sheila was a very determined woman, and she wouldn't let anyone try to get in her way. I'm just thankful you didn't get hurt," Olivia spoke. Elliot smiled at his girlfriend, and that smile grew when she padded across the carpet and pulled Eli into a tight hug.

"I really needed a mom hug... I promise to do a better job protecting my little brother from now on," Eli mumbled into Olivia's shoulder. Her eyes went wide, but she didn't get to respond because Noah was joining them in the living room.

"Eli!" Noah cried.

"Hey, Noah! I'm so sorry, buddy. It happened so fast and I didn't really realize what happened until things were too late. I prayed for your safe return every second you were gone, and I'm so glad you are back home!" Eli exclaimed, after he pulled away from Olivia and dropped to his knees in front of Noah.

Eli would pretty much do anything for Noah, so they spent the day playing video games and eating way too much junk food. They crashed on the floor of Noah's room after Noah pulled out all of his trading cards and showed Eli every single one of them.

"Did you hear what Eli called Noah?" Olivia asked as she and Elliot watched the boys sleep.

"No, I didn't. What did he say?" Elliot questioned, his hand resting on Olivia's ass.

"He called Noah his little brother," Olivia whispered. Elliot looked at her and saw the tears that welled in her eyes.

"I guess we really are family now, huh?" Elliot breathed. Olivia looked at him and smiled softly.

"Yeah, I guess we are... We can all work together to help Noah get better."

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