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Olivia stood in the doorway of her apartment, Elliot's fingertips digging into her full hips. Olivia had a hand placed against Elliot's chest as they continued to kiss. Just a few minutes ago, Elliot insisted he had to get home, yet here they stood making out once again. It was a little after twelve, and they both had work in the morning, let alone sons to look after.

"Elliot," Olivia moaned into his lips. Elliot hesitantly stopped kissing Olivia and leaned back to look into her deep brown eyes. When he looked into her eyes, he saw someone who was now more than just his former partner and best friend. This woman was his future, and that future seemed so clear.

After Kathy passed, everything was foggy. Waking up every day was a chore, and every breath he took felt like it could be his last. Yet now he felt refreshed and ready for the days to come where he could kiss Olivia and grow as a human with her.

"Is there something in my eye?" Olivia asked, as she blinked several times in a row.

"N-no. I just got caught up in how beautiful your eyes are... how beautiful you are," Elliot breathed. He watched as Olivia's cheeks blushed, so he took his time in kissing both of them and then the tip of her nose. Olivia let out a giggle the moment his lips left her nose, and she rested her forehead against Elliot's shoulder.

"You make me feel like a teenager, El... I don't know why, but you almost make me feel younger and with a lot less baggage," Olivia mumbled.

"God, you are adorable," Elliot smiled, as he wrapped his arms around Olivia's body and gave her a tight squeeze.

They could have stood there until the sun came up, but they stopped when Noah's door opened with a creak.

"That's my cue," Elliot breathed.

"Okay... Goodnight, El," Olivia sighed. She stole a quick kiss from his lips before stepping away as Noah mumbled her name. The door shut as Noah padded away from his room and to where his mother stood as she put the chain in place.

"What are you still doing up?" Noah yawned as he rubbed his eyes with his small fists.

"I was just seeing Elliot out, but I'm heading to bed now. What are you doing up?"

"I'm sore from dance and was going to ask for water and some medicine. May I have some?" Noah asked. Olivia smoothed Noah's hair and nodded.

"Of course, sweet boy. Then I can tuck you back in," Olivia smiled.

Once Noah was in bed, Olivia laid in her own bed and stared at the ceiling. She had images of her night running through her brain, one of her favorite ones being of Elliot kissing her in the exact way she wanted to be kissed.

If tonight was anything like the nights to come, Olivia couldn't wait to experience them.


Elliot became a frequent guest in the Benson apartment. He'd pick up dinner and bring it over for Olivia and Noah, or he'd sit with Olivia at the dance studio and watch Noah practice. Elliot was still following Olivia's cues, so they were moving slowly. Not at snail's speed, but not nearly as fast as some of their other relationships.

"Are you sure that Eli and Bernie won't walk in on us?" Olivia asked, as Elliot sucked on the delicate skin below her earlobe, and his left hand was holding onto Olivia's breast.

"Ma is staying with Kathleen this week, and Eli won't be home for an hour. He's studying for exams," Elliot spoke, before going back to kissing her.

"El..." Olivia moaned breathlessly.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," Elliot grumbled, as he quickly leaned back and grabbed a pillow from behind Olivia.

Olivia was confused as she watched Elliot grow embarrassed. He kept his hands on the pillow, and it took a few moments for Olivia to realize what had happened. She bit her lower lip and couldn't help but feel proud of herself.

"I don't think you need to apologize for what is happening, El. Maybe it's a sign," Olivia admitted, as she unbuttoned the top button on her blouse.

"I promised to go slow, Liv. It's just hard sometimes because I am so attracted to you," Elliot sighed, as he scrubbed a hand down his face.

Olivia looked at him and smiled lovingly. He had done so much for her, and this is the least she could do for him.

"You said Eli would be out for an hour, right?" Olivia asked as she stood.


"Good then," Olivia smiled shyly. She reached a hand out to Elliot, and he looked at it for a moment before grabbing it. He stood and the pillow dropped to the floor. They moved towards Elliot's bedroom as they took the biggest step in their relationship.

They stood in the bedroom that Elliot was supposed to share with Kathy, but neither of them were thinking about her at that moment. The couple was too focused on kissing each other and stripping the layers of clothing from their bodies.

Elliot wrapped his arms around Olivia and slowly lowered her onto the bed, his fingers making her skin tingle as he touched her. Olivia laid back against the pillows as Elliot lowered himself on top of her.

Slowly, he placed light kisses to her collarbone, before making his way to her full breasts. He peppered them with kisses as Olivia closed her eyes and her breathing hitched. Elliot smiled to himself as he kissed his way up from Olivia's chest, to her neck and then jaw. Once his lips captured her lips, the bedroom door swung open without the intruder knocking at all.

"Oh, disgusting!"

Love from Benson and Stabler [ A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now