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"I can't just sit back and let you find him! I need to find my baby!" Olivia sobbed, as she pulled her arm away from Elliot's hand.

"You are going to go out there and make matters worse, Liv! They took him to get back at you, and if you are out there searching... they may just take your life and then take Noah's. So please, sit back down," Elliot ordered. He forced Olivia down onto the sofa in her office, before turning and walking out.

Olivia stood and quickly slipped out of the side door to her office before running to the stairs.

In a flash, she was standing with her gun aimed at the chest of a man that resembled him. The crazy look in his eyes and the scar wrapping from his left eyebrow down to his left cheekbone. He was holding Noah tightly against his body, a sick smile spread on his lips.

"I have your boy," He taunted, as he kept his arms wrapped around Noah's neck and head. Noah was staring at Olivia numbly, and she could see herself in his lifeless eyes.

"You won't get away with this," Olivia replied bravely, her words shaking as they left her lips.

"I always get away with it, Olivia. I'll kill him, you'll shoot me, and then you'll be suffering while I'm in hell," He grinned, his teeth turning into fangs. Olivia drew in a sharp breath and quickly lifted her gun and pressed it against her temple.

"I won't give you the thrill of killing my child," Olivia spoke bravely. She ran her finger over the trigger of her service weapon as Noah blinked and looked at her.

"Bye, Mommy."

Olivia shot up in bed, her body covered in sweat and her heart pounding in her chest. Elliot sat up beside her and watched as Olivia gripped onto the front of her t-shirt, her breathing coming in gasps.

"Liv, it's okay. You are okay," Elliot breathed, as he moved to sit in front of her. He grabbed Olivia's hands and squeezed them as he took slow and even breaths.

"E-el," Olivia panted.

"It's okay, baby. Breathe with me. Deep and even breaths," Elliot encouraged. Olivia followed his breathing, before eventually calming down.

Her mind was still full of the pain from her nightmare, but as the seconds passed she started to forget exactly what had happened.

"Thank you," Olivia whispered.

"Bad dream?" Elliot questioned, as he reached out and caressed Olivia's flushed cheeks. She leaned into his hands and nodded slowly.

"Horrible dream... uh, I'm going to take a shower and get ready for work," Olivia breathed.


"I'm okay. Just go back to bed," Olivia replied.

She glanced at her alarm clock and frowned when she saw it was only three in the morning, yet she still gathered her items and went into the bathroom to shower.

As she was letting the hot water run over her body, the curtain opened and Elliot stepped in. He placed his hands against her wet hips and tugged her flush against his body.

"Tell me about it," Elliot encouraged as he reached behind Olivia and grabbed the bar of soap she hadn't touched yet.

"I don't remember what happened. It's gone now," Olivia breathed. She closed her eyes and felt as Elliot ran the soap up both of her arms before doing her chest. He took extra care when moving over each breast, his lips pressing gentle kisses to her elegant neck.

"Don't lie to me, Olivia. Tell me what it was about," Elliot replied. He leaned down and washed her legs, before standing up slowly. Olivia's eyes were open at this point, and hot tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Please don't judge me," She whispered, as Elliot turned her around.

"I could never judge you, Liv. Just tell me."

Olivia started to explain the dream to Elliot as he finished washing her body and then did her hair. He didn't speak, but did kiss her body in between the sobs that left her mouth. As she finished telling him about her nightmare, Elliot turned her to face him once again.

"Lewis is dead. Noah is safely in his bed right now, Eddy tucked under his arm like usual. I even checked on him before I came in here to join you... I know that the kidnapping case really shook you, but no one is going to take our boy. Okay?" Elliot breathed. Olivia nodded slowly, before stepping forward and clinging to Elliot.

Elliot took a slow step back and let the water run over their bodies as he felt Olivia relax in his arms.

"I love you," Olivia mumbled into his shoulder.

"I love you too, Olivia."


Even if she was more relaxed now, Olivia still went into work a little bit before five that morning. Elliot promised to stay at home with Noah and get him and Eli to the mall for the day. Eli had spent the night since he promised to spend all day with Noah, even if it meant doing things he wasn't excited about.

"You are never here before me," Amanda chuckled, as she came into Olivia's office before even making it to her own desk.

"I've been here for over two hours," Olivia replied, as she pushed her glasses onto the top of her head.

"Two hours?! Why?" Amanda questioned. Olivia sighed and leaned back against her chair.

"I had a nightmare about Lewis."

Amanda's expression fell, and she swallowed hard. The entire Lewis situation had been so incredibly scary for the entire NYPD, let alone this crew. Amanda moved to a chair in front of Olivia's desk, before sitting down slowly.

"What about him?" She whispered. Olivia let out a slow breath, as she squeezed the bridge of her nose.

"He kidnapped Noah and was going to break his neck... He said that he'd get away with it... That he'd break my baby's neck, I'd shoot him, and then he'd go to hell instead of prison. So I put the gun to my own head and was prepared to kill myself instead," Olivia explained weakly. She knew that there was more in between the details she shared, but she couldn't explain those very well.

"Liv, I'm so-"

"I think the kidnapping case freaked me out more than I had thought. I've dealt with plenty of them, but this one was different. I got flashbacks from my own kidnapping, and I haven't had those in so long," Olivia breathed.

"Do you want time off? Fin could be the CO and I'm more than willing to help out more. If you-"

"I'm fine, Amanda. Thank you, though. I need to keep pushing forward, or else I'll shut down."


Olivia was exhausted all day, but she tried to hide it. All she wanted to do was work until she forgot about her nightmare, but she'd close her eyes for half a second and it was like the nightmare was fast-forwarding in her mind so she saw it all.

At around noon, Olivia was walking back from the bathroom when Elliot rushed into the squadroom.

"Liv!" He yelled, as he raced past her.

"El, what's wrong?" Olivia questioned. Elliot turned quickly to face her.

"We need to go. All of us," He spoke, as he pointed at her crew.

"Stabler, why are you freaking out?" Fin questioned, not really caring about why Elliot was acting with a strong sense of urgency.

"Eli called me. Someone took Noah," Elliot blurted out.

Olivia gripped on tightly to the closest thing to her, as her head started to spin. She felt as her legs went weak, and Amanda was quickly to her side and was supporting her completely.

"N-noah is gone?" Olivia stuttered.

"Liv-" Elliot started, but he didn't get a chance to finish because Olivia was slipping from Amanda's arms and onto the floor.

Love from Benson and Stabler [ A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now