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"I'll see you after therapy, then it's straight to dance, okay?"

"Okay mom," Noah smiled, taking off into the office.

Olivia watched him get safely inside the building before pulling away from the curb. The October air was crisp as the last of the leaves fell away and snow was beginning to threaten the forecast. Olivia made her way to Central Park for her weekly date with Maureen. The woman had gotten a lot closer as the summer passed and now used this hour for chats and coffee in the park.

"Hey, you're late. Is everything okay?" Maureen asked as Olivia's figure came into view.

"Yes, just traffic from the office to here. Nothing like New York."

"I hear you there. How are things?"

"They're going," Olivia chuckled, "Noah is acclimating back into school and I'm definitely seeing progress in his therapy."

"That's great. Is he still getting nightmares?" Maureen asked as they took off on their usual route.

"Not as often. We're two weeks without one, actually, so knock on wood."

Maureen chuckled, "and you and Dad are still doing good?"

"So far," Olivia blushed. "He's been working a lot lately, but he's making an effort to communicate with me, which is nice."

"Yeah, he hasn't always been good at that."

"You can say that again, but enough about me. How are you and Carl?"

"Well, that's actually what I wanted to talk about."

"Oh, is everything okay?" Olivia questioned, concerned for Maureen and her kids.

"Yeah, nothing major is wrong. It's just," Maureen trailed off, distracting herself with her coffee lid.

"Maureen, talk to me," Olivia coaxed, pointing to an empty bench. "whatever is said here stays here, unless of course there's something bigger happening and your father needs to know."

"I think I'm sick." Maureen blurted.

"Sick how?" Olivia questioned, trying to figure out the severity of the situation.

"At first, I thought I was pregnant. The classic symptoms, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, migraines; but no positive pregnancy test."

"Well, those aren't always accurate tests. Have you spoken to a doctor yet?"

"Not yet, because I got my period, but the symptoms haven't gone away yet, Liv, and I'm scared it could be something more serious."

"Mo, did you Google your symptoms?"

"I know they say not to do that, but yes."

"What did Google have to say?" Olivia questioned, still trying to properly gauge the situation.

"Cancer." Maureen spoke plainly, pulling her eyes from Olivia and to her cup.

Olivia froze. She felt her own chest tighten as she gauged Maureen had scared herself sick over her internet diagnosis.

Olivia took a deep breath and pulled the blonde into a tight hug.

"Maureen," Olivia held the girl at arm's length, "let's not panic until we know things for sure, okay?"

"Okay," Maureen said in a shallow breath.

"I want you to call your doctor and make an appointment to be seen asap. Then I want you to call me and give me the place and time. I'll go with you, okay?"

"Thank you, Liv. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome and if you need anything between now and then, you call."

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