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No matter what was happening in his life, Elliot couldn't get Olivia's statement about the baked potato engagement out of his mind. He knew work had been rough lately and Maureen's cancer was taking a toll on everyone that loved her, so he decided to surprise Olivia with something special. Something that would allow her to forget about everything, even if it was only for a moment.

"Woah," Noah whispered, as he and Elliot stood in the kitchen of Olivia's apartment. Elliot had sent Olivia to a spa with Amanda, so he and Noah had the day to themselves.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Elliot questioned, as he looked down at the diamond ring.

He had spent a few weeks going through Pinterest boards and looking through almost every jewelry store in the city before deciding on this ring. Sitting on a silver band was a large round-cut diamond with two small red garnets on either side. Elliot had gone back and forth on exactly what Olivia might want, and he prayed he made the right choice.

"Elliot, my mom is gonna love this! These are my birthstones, right?" Noah asked, his fingers carefully taking the ring from the box to examine it closer.

"Yes, they are. You are the most important person to her, and I thought she'd think it's pretty special," Elliot replied.

"Elliot-" Noah started, but stopped when the ring slipped from his fingers and plummeted to the kitchen floor. Elliot and Noah scrambled to grab it, but pushed it under the fridge.

"Shit," Elliot swore, as he knelt beside the fridge and looked under it.

"I'm so sorry!" Noah exclaimed, as he quickly knelt beside Elliot.

"Noah, it's okay. Uh, go get a flashlight and something with a magnet. Oh! Get tongs as well!" Elliot replied, as he sat up and looked at Olivia's little boy.

"A-are you sure?" Noah asked worriedly.

"It was an accident, kid. We just need to find the ring before your mom gets home. She can't see the ring until tonight."


By the time Olivia got home from the spa, Noah was at the loft with Eli, and the house was lit with only candles. Elliot had spread rose petals on the floor and made Olivia his famous steak. A fancy bottle of champagne was chilling in a bucket on the kitchen table. The moment that Olivia stepped into the apartment, she knew that something was up. Everything felt so intimate.

"Elliot? Noah?" Olivia called, as she reached to flip the overhead light on.

"Babe, go into our bedroom and get changed. I laid out a dress and heels for you. Once you are done, join me out here," Elliot smiled, as he walked from the kitchen. Olivia noticed the new suit that he was wearing, and the way it clung to his muscles.

"What's happening?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Please, follow directions," Elliot replied softly.

"And if I don't?"

"Please, Olivia. Just don't be difficult tonight," Elliot sighed. Olivia gave him a small smile before nodding slowly.

"Okay, I'll try. I can't promise anything, though," Olivia admitted.

Olivia took her time changing into the dress and heels that Elliot had left out for her. She put on her matching bra and pantie set, even if Elliot hadn't insisted on that. As she walked from her bedroom, Elliot was just sitting two covered plates on the kitchen table.

"Okay, how do I look?" Olivia asked.

"Absolutely-" Elliot started, but stopped when his phone rang. He had set his phone to do not disturb, and his only exception was Eli for the night. Eli promised to not call unless it was an emergency, so Elliot rushed to grab his phone and answer it.

"Dad!" Eli yelled the moment his father accepted the call.

"Eli? What's wrong? Is it Noah?" Elliot asked.

"No! It's Mo!"


The candles were blown out in a rush as Elliot and Olivia hurried to leave the apartment. Olivia contacted Eli on the drive and got the exact hospital that Maureen had been taken to by ambulance. The drive seemed to never end, as they tried to reach the girl that meant the absolute world to both of them.

"Dad!" Kathleen cried as she rushed to meet her father at the doors of the emergency room.

"What happened? Where is Mo?" Elliot asked as he grabbed Kathleen by her arms. Kathleen was crying as Elliot tried to get her to focus.

"S-she passed out at home and Carl couldn't wake her up! The boys called me sobbing because they were so scared!" Kathleen sobbed.

"Katie, everything will be okay. Who has the twins?" Elliot whispered.

"Uh... I think their neighbor has them. Dad-"

"Okay, take me to Carl. We will get this all ironed out," Elliot replied.

They walked away from the doors and into the waiting room. Olivia was sitting by Carl, her hand holding his. They were talking quietly about what was happening, as Lizzie came over and handed Carl a paper cup of coffee.

Carl explained the situation to Elliot to the best of his ability. Maureen had been exhausted all day, but that had been more common with her chemo. As Carl prepared dinner for this family, the twins went to get Maureen up from her cat nap upstairs. Not long after they went upstairs, they came downstairs screaming that their mommy was on the floor and wasn't moving. Carl ran to check on his wife and was unable to wake her. Her breathing was shallow, and her forehead was soaked with sweat. Carl called an ambulance and continued trying to wake his wife up, but nothing worked.

"What if something happens? What if Mo..." Elliot trailed off as he and Olivia stood to the side. Olivia rubbed his back gently before placing a light kiss on his temple.

"I know it doesn't seem like Mo is strong right now, but she is. Chemo is taking a lot out of her, but she is a fighter. This hospital is full of doctors who can figure out why she passed out and was unresponsive, and they will save her life. We just need to put our faith in them, okay?" Olivia breathed, but Elliot was having a hard time believing her.

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