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  I'm pretty sure I should add "asshole" to my resume. I hadn't meant to hurt Althea's feelings but I also didn't want her to get the wrong idea either. I really was trying to stick to my whole swearing off figure skaters thing.

  Living together was uncomfortable to say the least. After the Rink Party, we tried to stay out of each other's way; which was easier said than done, considering we not only shared a dorm room but also the skating rink.

  My teammates couldn't help but tease me about the kiss, even though Bela had warned them not to say anything about it. While I was thankful for her, I didn't want anyone to think that their words had any affect on me or that the kiss meant anything more than what it was. Just a dare.

"They'll find someone new to gossip about, in a week this will be old news." Daria said as we walked to the rink, skates in hand.

"I heard that one of the football guys was caught sexting a Serpent," Bela chimed in from my other side. I'm not entirely sure why she thought that was the kind of information that would make me feel better but I did appreciate her effort.

"Where did you hear that?" Daria questioned, placing an arm in front of me, causing me to walk into her. After a disgruntled look from me, she dropped her arm with a sheepish smile. Bela paused mid putting her mouth guard in her mouth and thought for a moment.

"The grapevine?"

  Daria placed a hand on her hip and scowled. "Stop messing with me, Bela. Where did you hear that?"

"Jeez, Dar; it's almost as if you're the one doing all the sexting." I laughed as the color in her face deepened. The other girl shook her hair, her dark curls bouncing furiously.

"No, I know better than to do that. There's a rule: no fraternizing with the enemy."

  Bela and I shared a look before I cautiously spoke. "You do know that's not an actual thing, right?"

"It's an unspoken rule." She rebutted.

"Okay, well the Giants aren't even our enemy. We play two separate sports...okay." The glare Daria gave me was enough to make me shut my mouth. Clearly this was a very touchy subject for her and no amount of effort would make her change mind. I simply shook my head and laced up my skates.

"Dude, look." Bela tapped my shoulder, motioning with her head to look out the safety glass. I stood up and turned to look out the plexiglas. There on the ice, twirling into the arms of a tall brunette boy was Althea. They moved together, their bodies morphing into one; gliding across the ice in synchronicity.

"I think they're practicing for the auditions." Daria mused.

"Could you imagine doing all of that?" I chewed on my bottom lip as I watched the pair finish their set.

"What auditions?"

"The Nutcracker on Ice; it's very big in the figure skating world or something. Stella was telling me about it, she wants the part of the Sugar Plum Fairy."

  I nodded. Maybe that's why I had never heard about it. I'd never been interested in what happened on the ice rink after my skates left the ice; aside from the casual makeout session with a flirty skater.

"Hey, Jones, you're drooling again." Bela slapped my shoulder and I winced. My muscles still throbbed from the tussle with the Pistons the other day.

"I am not; I have absolutely no interest in what goes on out here after I leave the rink." I muttered, stepping away from the glass. In all honesty, I could watch Althea on the ice all day. The way her body flew across the ice with ease, almost as if it had a mind of its own. The way her long arms and legs never moved an inch from their designated places; she was mesmerizing.

  After a few more minutes, the clock hit three and Althea and her partner came to a halt, sliding up to the glass. They seemed to be laughing about something and for a second, I wished I was the one making her laugh.

Get it together, Jones. No time for these thoughts.

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