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"Okay, I have an announcement." Althea said from the chair beside me and looked around at our group of friends. Ten pairs of eyes quickly turned to her and she blushed under the pressure. I knew she didn't like being the center of attention like this, so I gave her thigh a quick squeeze of assurance. I went to move my hand from her leg but she wrapped her fingers around mine and a jolt of happiness surged through my body like electricity.

"So, not many of you know, but my family owns a cabin in Aspen and with Thanksgiving break right around the corner, my parents said we could use the cabin and our ski pass for the weekend." Her eyes sparkled as shouts of excitement poured from the group.

"I've already coordinated everything with Gemma and we're all set to leave the day after tomorrow." She dug into her purse and pulled out eleven plane tickets.

I took the one she handed to me and looked it over. "First class? These must've been extremely expensive."

  Althea gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand under the table. "Don't worry about it, my parents chipped in. They know how important you guys are to me."

  I couldn't control my smile. She had done it already? She had had that hard conversation with her parents and they were supportive? They liked the idea of us together?

  "You talked to your parents about me?" I knew she had been scared of their reaction and for them to respond with a weekend getaway to their cabin and first class plane tickets must mean their talk had gone better than expected.

  She gave me a slight smile before turning back to the rest of the group. She had even included Jensen, Lucas, and Justice, even though they weren't technically a part of the gang, as Gemma liked to call us.

"The flight leaves at five-thirty in the morning so we can sleep off the jet lag and relax before hitting the slopes. The cabin has seven bedrooms and a large living room for anyone who doesn't feel comfortable sharing a bed." She directed that last part to the boys who reached across the table to high five each other.

  While the rest of the group continued sharing their excitement, I bent close to her ear. "You didn't have to do all of this, you know. Usually we all spend Thanksgiving with Stella and Kelli, since they live the closest."

  Althea nestled herself closer to me, a look of contentment on her face. "Well, I just want everyone to like me and to make up for the drama I caused over the past two months."

I kissed her temple, a laugh forming in my throat. "They already like you, so you never have to worry about that."


The next morning Bela, Sterling, and I went to the grocery store to pick up a few miscellaneous items on Jensen's long list of snacks. Althea and Gemma had already put together a list of things we would need and also mentioned that the cabin wasn't very far from the town which had a fully functioning grocery store in case we missed something on the list.

"So you and her haven't yet?" Bela wheeled the cart around the corner towards the chip aisle. I grabbed a bag of lime and tajin flavored chips and placed them into the cart, feeling my ears burn.

"No, neither of us want to rush things." I spread my hands out like I was smoothing an invisible blanket. "We want to take things slow and just see where it takes us."

  Bela snorted. "Wow, I have never known Jonesy Claypoole to "take things slow." This is new." Sterling jabbed her elbow into her girlfriend's side with a disapproving look. "OW! I'm just saying, usually she would've secured the bag by now; had Althea screaming all kinds of-"

  A quick look from Sterling ended the rest of Bela's sentence and for that, I was grateful. I knew I would not appreciate whatever words would've come out of her mouth.

"I think it's cute." Sterling was saying, grabbing a bag of Cheetos as we continued down the aisle. "And she's not a bag to be secured, Bela. She is a wonderful person who deserves to be treated with respect."

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