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To say I was happy would be a drastic understatement. I had successfully repaired two relationships in under forty-eight hours. My mom was back in my life and Althea was by my side again.
  The snow had picked up again, so Mallory extended an offer to the gang, saying they could stay the night. The twins would be gone for another few days so Stella and Daria took Natalie's room, Bela and Sterling took Natasha's room, while Althea and I were in the guest bedroom. Gemma decided to take the large sofa in the living room with Baxter.
  Mallory was happy for the company and seemed genuinely elated to be back in my life. It was weird, going from not speaking to each other at all to becoming friends so fast. I had always been envious of Stella's relationship with Kelli and now to finally have something similar with Mallory, it felt as if my life was complete.
  Of course, we still had a long way to go before we had the perfect mother/daughter relationship, but we were definitely off to a good start.
  Althea and Gemma quickly found their places in the kitchen and helped with dinner while the rest of the gang watched football with Scott, although I'm pretty sure only Bela and Daria were the only ones actively enjoying the game.
  After dinner and several incredibly embarrassing baby photos of me, it was finally time to call it a night. I was eager to continue what Althea and I had started in the kitchen earlier.
  "Your mom is really nice, I'm glad you guys are on good terms." Althea stripped out of her clothes, leaving on just her bra and panties. I felt saliva pooling in my mouth as my eyes swept across her body.
  I closed the distance between us and slid my hands around her waist. She was warm. Althea Beckett was always warm. Warm to the touch. Warm to the heart. Once you peeled back all of her tough outer layers, you would find out just how much of a ray of sunshine she was.
  She was warmth. Warmth that I craved and so desperately needed in my life. Before her, my life had been an endless cycle of meaningless sex and heart wrenching longing.
  I hadn't realized at the time but what I had been longing for was here in my arms. Althea had stumbled into my life and all of her stubbornness and strong will had been exactly what I needed.
  She had pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged me in ways I never had been before. She brought back the Jonesy that had been in the pictures of Mallory's photo albums. A Jonesy no one had seen in a long time.
  "I love you," I whispered, not realizing that I had been so caught up in my own thoughts to know that she had been mid sentence.
  A smile flickered across her face. "I love you too."
  "No, don't say that." I shook my head. She creased her brows in confusion and I went on. "Don't say "I love you too." You're just repeating what I've already said, you're agreeing with me. Don't say "too," just "I love you."
  Her smile returned, this time larger and she stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Just I love you."
  "Just I love you," I repeated, my smile matching hers. I cupped Althea's face in my hands and pressed my mouth to hers, laughing at the small moan that escaped her lips.
  I ran my hands down the length of her waist and over her ass, tightening my grip around it. She squealed and I felt her mouth curve into a smile. I gently pulled her up into my arms and she automatically wrapped her legs around my waist.
  I walked us over to the bed and gently set her on the edge. Althe hummed and tugged on the front of my shirt, trying to pull me on top of her.
  "No," I whispered against her lips and laughed the disappointment in her groan. I bent down in front of her, on my knees, and placed a kiss just below hers.
  Her skin was smooth and smelt of musky vanilla. I worked my mouth up her leg, planting light yet hungry kisses on her skin. Althea placed her hands behind her and leaned back, moaning with pleasure.
  I gently pried her knees apart and nipped at the soft area on her thighs. She squirmed and let out a small cry as I hooked my arms under her legs and pulled her towards me, placing her knees over my shoulders.
  She slid her thumbs into the top of her panties and tugged them down. I stared in awe as she delicately slipped out of them before returning her legs to my shoulders. She then lowered herself onto the bed, her chest rising and falling with anticipation.
  I kissed her thighs, a kiss for each one before taking her into my mouth. Althea gasped as pleasure rippled through her, her fingers clawing at the sheets.
  "Oh, God," she purred out. The sound mixed with the moans slipping past her lips were like music to my ears. I sucked and licked at the soft skin, my fingers digging into her thighs. Althea wiggled as my tongue flicked across her clit and I pulled her back into place.
  "Jonesy." Her voice was breathy and I felt the slight tug as her fingers wove themselves into my hair. The sound of my name on her tongue erupted a fire in me and I hungrily dove back in, lapping up the arousal that was dripping down her legs.
  Althea's hips bucked and I took that moment to slip a finger inside her. She yelped loudly, her grip in my hair tightening.
  "Do you want to wake the whole house up?" I asked, chasing my finger with my tongue. Her body writhed and squirmed as her walls tightened around my finger.
  She tried giving me an answer but before she could her whole body shook and she arched her back. In all honesty, I didn't care that my mom and step dad were two doors down, or that Sterling and Bela were across the hall.
  She needed this so badly and I needed to give it to her. In the few days we had been apart I had thought about her, I had missed her. I had missed the taste of her on my tongue, the feel of her slick walls tightening and welcoming my fingers as I pumped in and out.
  I sat back on my heels and slid a second finger inside her, coaxing out her orgasm as her body continued shaking and she clawed at the sheets and her sweet moans and small cries filled the room.
  "Come on, baby," I said, spreading her open with my fingers, blowing soft breaths of air onto her pussy. Althea cried out and I laughed. "Everyone definitely heard that."
  "I don't care," she breathed out, her orgasm having come and gone. Her body relaxed but her chest rose and fell rapidly as her fingers still worked the sheets. "God, I missed that." She propped herself up onto her elbows, her knees still over my shoulders. "I missed you."
  I ran a hand across her skin before kissing her thigh. "I missed you," I replied. I had missed her more than she would probably ever know.
  "You know," her voice was sly and she retracted her leg, playfully placing it on my chest. I hadn't bothered putting on a bra this morning and my taut nipples rubbed against her foot. "We have what, three days to make up for." She licked her lips at the sight of my hard nipples before raising her gaze back up to mine.
  I cocked my head at her, a smirk on my face. She wanted more and I liked how desperately she wanted it. In one fluid motion, I stood up and swiftly pushed her back onto the bed.
  Althea shrieked and laughed, tucking her elbows beneath her. I pulled off my shirt before leaning over her. "Are you going to keep quiet?" My breath was hot by her ear and she shivered with excitement.
  She turned her face up to me, her dark eyes bright and hungry as she pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth and I sucked in a breath.
  "Do you want me to?"
  I dropped my head down to hers, our mouths millimeters apart and our breaths mingling together. "Not at all," I replied before capturing her mouth with my own.

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