Eight. Revelations and Invitations

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Elounor Calder POV

I had finally finished rambling about; Zayn leaving, me helping him and how I couldn't tell Lou. To be honest he's taking it very well. 

"So, yeah I'm sorry if I upset you, but if you don't want me to, I won't help him" I assured Lou. 'Him' being Zayn.

He sighed heavily he hadn't said anything I was expecting shouting, tears or something. I went toward Lou hugging him. It made me upset seeing him so quite. "I can't believe it's all over" he whispered. The selfish part of me was glad he wasn't upset by me.

"Lou - it'll be fine nothings is over. You can carry on as a four-piece. We already talked about it remember?" I reminisced our dinner - when I saw the worry die down to happiness as me and Lou hanged out, but now it had stayed and morphed into sadness. I am terrible at comforting people and it was definitely showing right now. "You're dream won't end." I got teary-eyed. "Okay look, - " I need to take control I thought to myself, "it's Zayn's loss ! He's leaving but One Direction will continue to be the best boy band, while he's looking for adventure, he just left the biggest treasure - your friendship Lou." He smiled apprenticing my kind words. I really do mean them.

"You should turn that in to a song" he teased. It was nice seeing him collecting his thoughts again.

"Let's have loft party" I told. We hadn't had one in a year or so.

"Really, yeah , that's a good idea," he was seemingly getting better by this blow. He always does this he'll let him self feel better only to feel guilty later which practically cripples him later on.

"Yes we'll do it tomorrow night?"

"Why not tonight?" He asked me

"Just to give us some space it's more fun if I haven't seen you in a while so just be here by 8 pm tomorrow."

"Okay I'll leave now then I really want some space to clear my head anyway." He wasn't annoyed or anything, that's good, surely? "I'll get the alcohol for tomorrow, you get the food!" Usually we don't have alcohol so I guess this was his way of asking. He was upset. I'm not going to stop him from doing anything he wants.

"Sure! Drive safe Lou!" My thoughts led me to Harry as he had the same to me. It's been less 24 hours, should I text him? Soon as I heard Lou close my door I grabbed my phone not wasting a second. I will live to regret this.

El - Hi Harry :) How are you ??? It took a few minutes for him to reply

H - Nice alliteration haha I'm fine,How's Elegant El :)

El - That was terrible *FacePalm hehe x I'm doing good, last night was lovely by the way 

Should I have mentioned last night ? Was that weird? Harry quickly replied with;

H - Yes, we should deffo do it sometime soooon! x I bite my lip before replying.

El - Well me and Lou are having a loft party at mine I thought you might like to come? It's tomorrow night if you're free?

Did he get this sweaty asking me for dinner? Because I starting to have sweat on my forehead.

H - Whats a loft party ? haha 

I don't believe I didn't bother explaining it.

El - I have a loft with 3 twin size mattresses on the floor and like
2 windows coming out of the window and yeah we just have massive sleep over in thre, lots of food, bit of alcohol and some movies and just chill. It's just me and Lou so it's up to you if you want to come :) 

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