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Elounor Calder POV

I woke up around 10 am. Which for me was late since I usually am awake earlier. I struggled to sleep I kind of wanted Harry next to me, not to cuddle but I liked having him next to me last night. I usually don't like feeling smothered by guys so much so that I can't stand them sharing a bed with me. I had never really gotten serious enough with a boy for it to be a problem. Although one thought it meant I didn't want to be with him.

I got up and quickly did my morning routine of shower, exercise - today was running. I let my hair air dry and got dressed, no makeup I decided not to go shopping today I felt like chilling at home. It was 1 pm by the time I finished. I need wake up earlier.

My phone rang, so I answered "hello."

"Hey, El" Lou's voice broke through. "I got over my hangover - I don't remember much, but Harry says I owe you an apology. He wont tell me what I did was it bad?"

I smiled thinking about Harry making this a big deal "You were a bit mean to me that's all, but you've apologized so no bad feelings." I brushed it off. "Hey I'm seeing Ed tomorrow you wanna join us for coffee at one?" I hope he says yes.

"Yeah, I've missed Ed ! To be honest I need to make a public appearance with Molly today but I can push it tomorrow. If it's cool for her to come?" I didn't know whether I could trust her but I guess I'd just make I didn't say anything she didn't need to know.

"Yeah that's fine Lou. Have you met her yet?"

"Nope I'll see her tomorrow, Simon assures me she's pretty but he said so are you soo ..." Lou was clearly back to normal.

"Yeah well, you'll both be ugly so perfect! No one will take a picture of both you together in risk of breaking their camera" I smugly told him.

"Heey!" He paused before continuing "I am sorry for drinking last night though, I was just stressed. Does Ed know about him leaving?" - He didn't say Zayn's name is that a bad thing? He didn't have to say the name for me to know but still.

"Oh Lou it's fine" I shrugged it off. "No he doesn't only me, you, Zayn and Simon. Also a very select number of people in 'One Direction' productions - we have to keep it that way. Zayn intends to tell everyone by 2015 so it's not too long. We're in late November."

Lou hummed in response. "Well I see you tomorrow at one, where was it again?"

"Costa, the one on Union Road near my house." We exchanged 'goodbye's'. I continued my day of chilling. Although I did manage to re-arrange another one direction song. I'd done like 10 songs so far. With four albums there were like over 30 songs to go. Luckily I didn't have to do all of them by 2015 mid-January. I had to write up the new version just in case the boys ever needed it, it was there for reference.

**Next morning**

I was now sat in Costa at 12:50 pm I was there early. Then I saw Ed walk in and I stood up giving him a massive hug. I swear I saw a flash. Then I saw phones. Of course it's all for Ed. "You get used to it" He told clearly being able to read my confused look. I looked away to look at Ed.

"Sorry, hi how are you?"

"Yeah fine and you?"

"Fine, lets order" I ushered toward the till we made our orders as Ed got a coffee and I got my 'Red Berry Fruit Cooler'. "By the way, Molly is coming you know Lou's girlfriend." He looked confused "So is Lou obviously."

"I though you meant just Molly I was like that's awkward. Although I haven't seen Louis in ages!" He seemed genuinely excited to see Lou. As Ed is forever the gentlemen he paid for my drink - much like how Harry was by paying for me that day too. "Why are you smiling?" Ed snapped my out of my daze. We were given our drinks.

"Nothing, I was just thinking of something." As we sat down in the corner.

"About a boy?" Nothing got past Ed as he gave me his all knowing smirk.

Yes I though. "No."

I was saved as Lou walked towards us with a girl (Molly) and both of them got their drinks. I didn't even notice them come in and order. Me and Ed met Lou and we were introduced to Molly.

"Hi!" she squeaked "Molly" she extended her hand to Ed who she was now sat beside. Lou was sitting next to me with Ed facing me.

"Nice to met you" he shook her hand awkwardly.

"Elounor" I just waved at her. She waved back eagerly.

"Molly!" she said Just in case all of us weren't all sure. No, I need to be less judgmental even though she seems like life's naturally annoying people. I imagined myself in her shoes she's meeting two international musicians she's just nervous.

After a 30 minute life catch up with Ed I realized, Molly was a flirt. It's not a bad thing she was very smooth, I have to say. I felt like learning from her as she flirted between Ed and Lou so effortlessly. "So, Molly what do you do" I smiled very curious she has amazing people skills ... well boy skills I guess.

"I do bit of everything!" she's very enthusiastic which was draining the life out of me. I was feeling physically tired from her positive attitude and happy expression. Since she was so vague in replying I decided not to dig in deeper. "Excuse me I need the ladies." Molly spoke.

"Go on El" Lou looked at me expectantly.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows at Lou .

"Join her that's what girls do." He smirked pissing me off so I hit him on the back of the head. Lou pretended to be hurt. Ed just chuckled.

"Kk well I'll be right back" Molly announced again.

"Okay-kay, I mean okay! Sorry." I muttered. I think she thinks I was making fun of her saying 'kk'. Yeah she just scowled. Well I'm feeling energized again seeing her not smile, that's so weird. As soon as Molly left. Ed was the first to roll his eyes as Lou and me laughed at his reaction. As we sipped our drinks. Meh Molly seemed 'kk'.


Okay so I text 'kk' all the time but I never say it out loud. Just in case you wanted to know :)

What are thinking comment I would love to know!

Vote too x

I really do only Like costa and the 'Red Berry' drink is my fav

Anyway I'll See you tomorrow!

SeeeYaaa Xxx

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