Seven. Slippery Slope

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Elounor Calder POV

I pulled into my drive, I saw Lou's car already parked. He has my house key so he's probably already inside. I walked up to my door and using my key to open it I walked in.

"Lou!" I bellowed. Taking off my shoes "Lewis!" I smirked "I'm home!"

"El - what a pleasant surprise" Lou was now in front of me eating ....

"Is that my ice-cream! It's mine!" I immediately fought for it. Lou finally gave in by giving me a spoonful. "Actually there's more in the freezer, I'll just take that. Seriously you have to by me more" I whined. I walked to my kitchen which has black tiles, white work tops adorned with red appliances. I took out a 'Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough'. I sat next to Lou in my sitting room. "So what's the reason I had to leave Harry" I threatened him "it better be good!"

He raised his eyebrows in suspicion, "we'll address Harry later, I have a girlfriend." He smiled innocently. what.

"You ... how, I didn't know you liked someone?" I stuttered confused. He was happy knowing he had got the baffled expression he had hoped for.

"Well we met in the park."

"You don't go to parks I had to drag you out of bed to attend a wedding and you wouldn't because it was an 'outdoorsy' wedding" I corrected him.

"Her names Molly, she's not real". He's making no sense. "Management rang me."

"Okay?" I wanted him to get to the damn point.

"They were like do you want a girlfriend I was like, well yeah, El is busy kissing Harry so I need someone too" he smirked cockily at me.

I frowned "I didn't kiss Harry." He didn't need to know that right now. He was not convinced by my remark.

"What did you do? Harry rarely invites people to his house - did you see his bedroom?" he teased.

"Yes ... " I told him. "He may have kissed me in his room" I blushed, admitting it. This was Lou I tell him everything, most things anyway.

His eyes widened "Oh.My.GOD" he squealed like a 14 year old girl. He now fully faced me as I was now his priority. "Tell me more, than what happened ? Is he a good kisser? Don't answer that, but tell me do you like him? Answer me!"

"Nothing more happened because you rang" I then proceeded to tell Lou everything that happened tonight ignoring how nervous I was.

"So do you like him?" I want to be honest when Lou asked me, but I can't.

"He's cool" I shrugged it off, trying to down play how I really felt about him.

"I'm actually surprised, my best friends dating.You two can't break up since technically you work together." He chuckled.

A pang of guilt rushes through me thinking about Zayn leaving and how I couldn't tell Lou, how will he feel when he finds out I knew. "I am going to warn you he is paranoid about things so it takes him forever to trust people - just like you." he continued to explain "you know the trust part, not the paranoia".

"Great to know" I wasn't paying attention to the end part as I was too busy feeling guilty. We need to change the topic. "So the girlfriend?"

Lou proceeded to tell me it was mostly to stop people from thinking about 'Larry' since they've both not been dating for a while. The girl was called Molly a 'normal' girl which every girl could relate to, he could've turned it down but doing little stunts like these meant the boys would potentially get less hassle. I did feel sorry for the boys sometimes they could never fully be themselves around people. Those people were missing out - I knew because of Lou's amazing personality and even because of Harry now.

Of course Lou spent the night at mine as always but of course separate rooms. I like sleeping alone because I always have. I like cuddling as much as the next girl but the thought of sharing my twin bed isn't a good idea to me.

**Next Morning**

I mostly spent the morning cleaning, having breakfast and doing some yoga. it was now 12 pm and Lou was not awake. I heard Lou go in the upstairs bathroom he has his own toothbrush and everything I got it for seeing he always stayed around. I even have a toothbrush and a face wash at Lou's house for when I stay.


I got a text! I hope it's Harry. Is it a good time to text him, is he supposed to text me how do I decipher what to do or say?

Unknown - Hey its Zayn :) 

I was slightly disappointed but I still replied.

El - Hey, thanks I saved your number x 

I always put 'x's

Z.M.- No problem. I was hoping for some help if that's okay ? :)

El - Sure ! X

Z.M. - Simon mentioned your friends with Will.I.Am ? 

Oh God, if he asks for me to help set up his solo career what should I say? He does realize it might upset Lou?

El - Yeah we're good friends 

I kept it blunt, God I think I am sweating. I don't want to get too involved but it it my job to help himif he needs or asks for it.

Z.M. I was hoping you could set a meeting for him and me after I leave, just to help me find my style if it's not too much trouble ? :) 

Why is he so nice I cursed to myself. Well it was for after he left so maybe Lou wouldn't mind?

El - Shouldn't be a problem, leave it with me :) 

It was nice to see he was comfortable enough to reach out for my help - another sign of a good manger I thought. Me and Zayn exchanged our good byes and I started to think.

Should I tell Lou? It'll ruin his last month and a half with him. Lou deserves to know, I would expect him to tell me. Anyway Zayn is telling the boys in another few weeks or so according to Simon. Simon sticks by his word, It's Zayn place to tell them and I think he should tell them not me. I am helping Zayn so it involves me too. He'd feel hurt if he knew I went behind his back to help Zayn. Yeah I'm going to Lou. I have too.

"Morning" Lou groaned.

"Morning I'll make you pancakes I know you love them." I started to pour the batter into my fry pan. "Ummm Lou, I have some news"


IMPORTANT EVERYONE MUST READ THIS - So this is the new rule I've decided I will update once a minimum (like I do now) however I write like 2 - 3 chapters a day so I am very ahead ! SO EVERY COMMENT/VOTE WILL MEAN AN EXTRA CHAPTER TO BE PUBLISHED AS SOON AS I GET THE NOTIFICATION FOR YOUR COMMENT/VOTE -The perks of unemployment ha!

Surprisingly Louis was supposed to find out much later with all the other boys but I thought it'd ruin their friendship hindering my plot slightly. Would've that been good ? Maybe but I think it'll make a bigger impact on Harry if Louis already knew coz El told him.

El's been the co-manager for like 3 days all this has already happened I feel like it was a lot! no?

Sooo Comment what you think I really want to know!

Next update is tomorrow!! Eeeek

Seeeyaaa ! Xxx

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