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Elounor POV

"So that's a 'Happy Meal' - with the toy, Vanilla Milkshake and an apple juice. Harry you sure you don't want anything?" I turned to the drivers seat to see Harry nod his head to indicate a yes. "That'll be all please" I spoke into the driveway through machine.

"Sure, that's £5.21 - have a nice day!" The anonymous voice spoke.

"Thank you, you too" I replied as Harry drove further to the next window. Harry waved his tenner for me to give to the employee. "You didn't even order anything it's fine I always pay for McDonalds" I assured him. Clearly he was having none of it.

"It's on me, it's just money" he shrugged.

I paid the man giving Harry change in his little box of change in the car I had earlier noticed. Harry had a lovely black tinted BMW. Honestly I love his car, it's like paradise. The next employee gave the food we exchanged 'thank yous' and 'have a nice day'. "Lou, Lou, LEWIS TOMLINSON - are you asleep back there!" I eagerly awaited Lou to reply.

"Not anymore" he grumbled. Clearly annoyed with the sun.

"Here I got you a Happy meal, the toy and Apple juice" I spoke in my baby voice. It was a long tradition me and Lou shared, weird I know but it's a tradition nonetheless.

"God - fuck you I wanted a proper meal - " Lou shouted at me

"Don't shout at her! Or swear to her for that matter" snarled Harry. I admirred him to standing up for me. I didn't need him to, but it was sort of a nice gesture.

"Harry" I tried to calm him. "It's fine he's just a bit hung over - sorry Lou." I couldn't risk either getting angry and Lou mentioning why he drank so much yesterday night. Both men were quite on the way home. Honestly I had never had Lou snap at me like that so of course it hurt. I hide it well.

"I can drop Louis home" Harry mentioned "to help get over the hangover." I think he was still annoyed at Lou for shouting at me. "Okay Louis?"

Louis didn't say anything I think he fell asleep again. We soon appreached Lou's house and Harry woke him up rather harshly as Lou said his 'goodbyes' I waved back brightly as him "call me when you feel better, or need anything." I am still best friend he just needs to talk to me, he was supposed to me last night but I invited Harry I couldn't help myself. Was it bad I called Harry? Maybe but I like his company.

"The first time we met" I turned to look at Harry who carried on talking "you told me I shouldn't let people speak to me so rudely. Yet Louis just did that to you." Wow it clearly annoyed the hell out of him. I think he might be a bit drunk from last night but he didn't look it.

"Well this is different Lou's just hangover and tired. He's never spoken to me like that before. I appreciate you sticking up for me, but honestly Lou is harmless." He just hummed in response not happy with what I said. "So only nine days till we all go on the tour" I changed the topic.

"Oh you're coming too?" He asked sounding excited

"Well, yeah I am co-manager" I playfully rolled my eyes. The rest of the ride Harry gave me advice on what I'd need since I'd never done this before.

I could now see my house. "Will you be joining us in the US aswell? " Harry asked.

"I should be." I told him. "Well thanks for the lift Harry" I smiled getting out. "Do you wanna come in?" He paused to think.

"To be honest, I would love to but I have plans" he rubbed his neck a sign of nervousness I think.

"No worries I'll see you soon enough, bye!" I waved getting out and getting in to my house.

"Bye El I had fun!" Harry shouted. I smiled waving back.

I walked into my music room - there was a piano and a keyboard there with all my music related stuff.

One wall was purple, another blue, red and pink. Each wall was a different colour as it mostly showed different emotions. It was a nice technique to use for a songwriting.

I started working on some pieces it's been three days I did any work. Now for the rest of the week; I was going to have to make up for it.

**Bzzz Bzzz**

My phone rang and I saw Ed (Sheeran)'s name pop up as he rang me.

"Hi, how was America?" I queried.

"Hey! Yeah it was amazing. I was hoping we could met up I haven't seen you in months now." It was true me and Ed were good friends but barely saw one and another.

"Not today or tomorrow I am very behind on work but on Friday we can get coffee?" I offered.

"Sure sound lovely" I hear him smiling from the other end. We carried on making small chat.

"Oh, by the way Lou's got a fake girlfriend again called Molly" I only told Lou and Ed any form of gossip because they could actually hold on to it. We discussed a few more things till I finally had to cave in. "Sorry Ed but we'll have to talk Friday okay? What about we met at the local Costa on Union Road?"

"Since when do you met in public? I thought you meant coffee at yours or mine?" He chuckled

"Oh, haha well I guess you could come over. There's no point in hiding since I am One Direction new manager" I heard him gasp "So people will recognize me now regardless, so yeah your now cool enough to hang out with me in public" I told him cheekily.

"That's great - I know you've wanted more to do with music so that's nice to see your getting that. Also Starbucks is better than Costa Coffee!" This turned into a 15 minute discussion saying why Starbucks was better.

"Well I hate Starbucks! So we're only going to meet if it's in Costa" We laughed at our silliness and decided on Costa. We said our good-byes and hanged up.

**6 hours**

I had been working for 6 hours and it was now 7:30 pm. God I need to eat. I made my dinner and watched 'The Originals'. Got ready for bed and it was like 10 pm. So I made a list of the things I needed to buy tomorrow according to Harry. I had a nice long bath whilst reading my book. I fell asleep around 11:30 pm


God this was a boring chapter! But I the next chapter will be more interesting :)

yeah I know nothing about card could you tell? hehe

Anyway next update is tomorrow xx (Unless you vote/comment ;) .)


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