3. Skype-ing

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Elounor Calder POV

Yesterday was at the last premier Lou had to attend and today was his day off again so naturally I was sitting at home trying to Skype him ... why wasn't he answering? He is online. I started to give up, when Lou's face interrupts my thoughts.

"Looooooooooooooooouis !" I giggled, "you took your time."

"Yeah I left the laptop running," he carried on sarcastically, "and yeah good to see you too El"

"Yeah well it's not like you were trying to ring me sooo ..." he laughed. "How was the last premier last night?" I asked him.

"yeah good, busy, but good."

"Aww that's good." I smiled.

"I need the loo love, one sec hold on." He started to get up as I interrupted him.

"Louis Tomlinson, don't just leave me here Lou !" I screamed at my computer.

"Next time I'll take you with me, but I'll be super quick," he was very smug with his reply as I narrowed my eyes not pleased at his crude remark. He got up to go to the toilet and I decided to wait I was on my phone now going through my Instagram.

I noticed I just needed one more like and I'll get 11, on my most recent picture from my mum's birthday dinner last night. I don't think lou's liked it I'll tell him to when he gets back.

"Hey," a raspy voiced called this clearly was not Louis voice. I looked up to see his beautiful green eyes I'd been thinking about since I met him that day of the premier.

Just play cool - I thought.

"Hi," I waved shyly, "how are you ?" I queried him.

"Good, you?" he seemed hesitant to answer me.

"Yeah good, your movie was great, honestly." I smiled at him. I was already running out of things to say to him.

He chuckled, "thanks, it means a lot - also I never got to thank you."

"Thank me?"

"Yeah when you pulled me away from the paps," he responded. Oh yeah, when I was avoiding eye contact because I knew how good looking you are.

"Oh that! It was nothing. That man should've never spoke to you like that." I shrugged it off.

"Hey man" Lou called catching Harry off guard. "Look at my favorite people getting along."

I laughed, "yeah well you weren't here so I needed an upgrade." I teased Lou.

"Your the one who's asked me to go get dinner with you" He throw back in my face I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Are you coming then? You never got back to me." I got annoyed remembering he said he would tell me days ago. "Harry can come too, if you like" I smiled shyly at him. I hope he says yes.

"No Harry can't come but I will, text me the details - bye." He closed his laptop before I could actually speak up. I was really hoping to see Harry again not like we were going to fall in love with him but it would be nice to see him again.

4 hours later

It was 3 pm I'm supposed to met Lou today for 6. I don't usually make many public appearances with Louis but since I sat with and hugged Louis at the premier. Some people have noticed me. I spoke to Simon a day after the premier about it since I trust his opinion. His advice was to just start making odd appearances here and there, it was inevitable for people to know me from the past few years. I've always put a lot of energy to stay out the limelight, but people very rarely still manage to notice me. I guess it's time fully embrace this life it comes with the job. How bad could it be I argued with myself.

*Bzzz *Bzzz

My phone vibrated and I picked up seeing Simon's name. We usually spoke up to 3 times a week on call and occasional of texts and meals as well.

"Hello, darling." He greeted me with the usual message every time.

"Hey Simon," from experience I know to only ask questions he's asked you at the beginning of the conversation.

"So a certain member of a certain band has told me they want to leave." He spoke bluntly.

"Don't - was it Jesy Nelson?" I hope not she's gotten so much hate for her body and we had spoken about it, she's lovely. I really hope the bullying hasn't stopping her from living her career scratch that, her life. Music is her life as it is mine.

"No." Thank God."Zayn." Shit.

"So are the boys splitting up?" I asked I hoped not as I know the fact Louis loves his job. Speaking of Lou why  didn't he tell me?

"Not if they want too, as far as I've can see they would carry on as a four piece - but I'm naturally worried about them so I want your help to get them in better shape to fill Zayn's place I don't want this to make the band look weak the need to up their work load due to this. On top of that it's bad PR - for a member to leave" Simon continued to explain Zayn's departure and how he wants me to help out.

I've wanted more responsibility for an individual act instead of working as a free lance writer with lots of different people. Simon has just been worried that it would've been too much in the past. However we both agree I am in a much better position to work with and be held responsible for someone else's success. I'm going to work very hard I always knew I would, but since this is for Lou I'll work even harder. 

After a long chat discussing what to do for the next month or so as Zayn will be leaving then. The boys don't know, due to Zayn's plea also it stops any premature conflict - I agree with Simon and Zayn's choice however I feel Lou and the boys should know.

After getting off of the phone I looked the time. Shit it's five already.

I throw on my dress which doesn't need ironing, black tights since November is such a cold month, black heeled ankle boots I was tall anyway but I love heels, maroon cardigan and a black clutch. hair was in a loose side french plait and minimal make up it was only me and Lou.

At the meal

Me and Lou had great time as always - we loved our starters and main meal when our desert was on it's way I finally asked him. "How come you didn't want Harry to join us?" I asked him as I sat across from him from the restaurant.

Lou looked down and he seemed nervous, "Zayn told me he might leave - I told Simon and Simon said Zayn probably won't, but even if he does it'll be fine. We can carry on as a four-piece and be successful. What's your opinion?"

"On what?" don't be it on if Zayn's leaving or not - should I lie to him? Probably Lou is my only best friend.

"Could we be successful without him? You work with bands and performers all the time you have a deeper understanding on things like this than I do. I just didn't want Harry to needlessly worry about this too and I'd rather speak to you alone that's all El."

"I'll make sure you'll be successful regardless" I grinned at him.

"I'm so nervous - this is my life I wouldn't what to do otherwise." looked away from me nervously.

"Lou - I am your new co-manager I'll make this work"

"What?" He made eye contact slightly taken back by y surprises as I know I was smiling.

"Simon feels you've all got room to grow so I should spend a lot more time with all of you professionally to help up your game." I smiled at him, "don't worry Lou you'll be successful. Not because of me or anyone else but because you are talented."

I had Louis grinning ear to ear, "well to celebrate your promotion we need more cheese cake." He signaled our waiter.


This chapter is slightly longer to make up for the previous chapter being slightly shorter hehe x

What do you think ? comment on any ideas on how the story should go coz I'm still lost lol

next update is tomorrow !!

Seeyaa xxx

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