Ten. Cuties

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Elounor Calder POV

I was very annoyed when it was 10 o'clock at night and Louis had passed out on my coach. How much did he drink? He usually never does that? It's probably because he's convinced that his career is over without Zayn. I honestly wish I was better at admitting how much he meant to me as a friend, when he came in I was taken back slightly by how rough he looked. Me and Harry didn't comment on it, had Harry noticed? I need to assure him I'll help him and make sure his carer never ends. Not that he needs me to do that, he's very talented but just needs a bit more encouragement.

"Are you going to drink?" I heard Harry's voice and it dawned on me. It was just me and him.

"Umm, a little bit not too much" I smiled at him. I rarely drink.

"Same." He smiled proudly. "I don't drink too much either I don't trust drunk me" I chuckled.

"There." I was done baking the cookie's so I placed them in a plate. Harry grabbed the alcohol, him and Lou brought. "Okay, so lets carry this all to the loft" I hope this isn't awkward without Lou, who was just asleep in my living room.

Harry carried the alcohol in his strong arms. I found myself admiring him. He had such a lovely broad chest, small waist, great height, not to mention his hair, eyes and dimples. To think he invited me to dinner, tried teaching me guitar and kissed me almost makes me feel giddy.

Should I try to kiss him? I don't want to come across as thirsty or needy.

**3 hours later of being in the loft**

I had only one beer so I was fine, but Harry had quite a few I could tell since his speech slurred. "I thought I you weren't gonna drink?" I teased him. So far we had been talking and watched two movies; both comedies.

"Well," he put his index finger on his forehead - he was drunk. "I needed it, I feel nervous around you."

"Why do you feel nervous around me Harry?" I asked - is he thinking about kissing me. Stop thinking like that you sound desperate, I internally scolded myself.

"You're very pretty" he smiled turning to face me. We were both lying down on a mattress not using a duvet or anything. I turned to my side as well facing him.

"Thanks, but - "

"I feel like I can talk to you," he interrupted me. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, when I say his serious face.

"That's good, you can you know, talk to me" I said. I'm not too sure what I should say. Should I say I can talk to him out of politeness?

He signed pushing a hair behind my ear. "What do you think about people?" He asked me.

"Well" I sighed. "They let you down, just for you to forgive them, just for them to let you down again. It's a vicious cycle. But I pray that one day I'll find him, the man who makes this messed world a little brighter, funnier and makes me believe in marriage."

"You don't like the idea of marriage?" He asked me. I nodded my head 'no'. "What do you think of love?"

"What do you think of love" I turned the question on him.

"It, it's something where you trust someone like, forever I guess. They're different though" He chuckled "I'm drunk which is sad and it's even more sad because you're trying to have a normal conversation." He laughed very loudly making me laugh to.

"Maybe love's like a journey, you share with someone I guess, so your not alone. Like having a soul mate." I carried on brushing off his comment.

"Who knows that might be how it is for us" he said.

"Us?" I questioned him.

"Well like not with us but like individually, together?" he tried to justify.

"You're too drunk for this conversation." We burst into another fit of laughter. I wonder if Harry sees me as a potential girlfriend? it's much too soon to see me as his girlfriend isn't it?

We just laid there, looking up at the ceiling, next to each other. Having a general conversation about everything and what we thought about it. We must of talked for what like felt like hours till Harry interrupted my thoughts again. "You know, I've not met someone like you before. Well not that I remember of."

"I hope that's a good thing" I chuckled.

"It's a scary thing, I don't usually open up to people. Not anymore, well since we become successful, whatever we said was turned into a news article and people made money off of it, from talking to us. We never knew who to talk to ... well Louis was lucky, he had you" It was moments like this that made me realized how lucky I was, I'm living my dream with barely any hassle.

"You know you can talk to whenever you need me right?" I told him with a honest tone.

"I do," he simply stated.

"Did Louis ever mention me to you?" I asked very curiously looking at him.

"Vaguely, I wish he told me more about you he never mentioned how beautiful you were" he said this looking at the ceiling rolling on to his back, with no hesitance and his tone stated like this was a fact.

"Thank you" I sighed, moving my head toward the ceiling. I never usually never tell people about when I was in school - I didn't have friends I wasn't 'cool' I was too 'fat'. I mean I was fat then I last 5 stones, but you can never be too 'fat' for friends surely. I am happy with how I look and where I am with my carer. I just need to work on my love life. Could Harry fix that? I turned to look at him and noticed he was asleep now. I laughed giving him a blanket. I slept next to him, I didn't cuddle or anything because I didn't want to freak him out or anything. I have to admit.

Tonight was lovely.


Okay so what do you think ? I am trying really hard to portray the characters as real people - is that coming across?

I also think I added too many internal questions for El .

Although this chapter was nice comment what was your favorite part between:

Lou and El origin story (they they met) from chapter 9

Or ....

Harry and El talking in the loft from this chapter .

Unrealted but selena gomezs new song ' good for you ' is addictive and the music video is very hot lol x

Next update is tomorrow!

SeeeYaaa x

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